Chapter 219 A note from the Heavenly Ji Pavilion! Found a way?!!


“Ji Ge?”

In a meeting room. The crowd was stunned.

Golden space-time.

There is a fifth story about “Iron Time and Space – The Ultimate Family” that quickly became hot in the golden time and space! Especially the fifth story, the content and information involved, let countless golden time and space mixed characters feel their own smallness!


The published “Ultimate Class” and “The Ultimate Family” are called the Book of God throughout the Golden Time and Space! The stories recorded in it, the information and content contained in it, all make the mixed characters, and even countless ordinary people, truly realize the world they live in for the first time!

Twelve Spaces! Demon World! The Ultimate Ironman! Flame messenger! Ultimate X Gram Man! Space Observer! Time and space train! The source of good and evil!

The mysterious veil of the entire universe seems to be constantly unveiling, and countless people are waiting for the follow-up story, all looking forward to the duel between these twelve time and space and the devil! After all! They are in the twelve time and space, and once the demon world completely attacks the twelve time and space, evil defeats the good, and everyone will be under the shroud of the demon world!

“Don’t know what’s next…”

“What other stories will there be for the Ultimate Ironfisher?”

“What’s the story of the next act?”

Some people are very curious and more and more interested in the next story!

Especially the pit buried by Su Yu in front of him, the foreshadowing pen laid, instantly made everyone full of curiosity about the story of silver time and space!

“I really don’t want to give up the story of the ultimate family, and I still want to see Brother Xiong, the leader of the Dead Man, Grandpa Xialiu, Xia, Xiayu, and Xiamei.”

“Yes! Summer is finally the ultimate Iron Man now, what will happen to the follow-up story, I don’t know if it will appear yet! ”

“There are also Moxibustion Dance Alliance Lords, Lanling King, Xiu, Demon Slayer Hunters, Moxibustion Lai!”

For the end of this story, everyone is very reluctant.

After all.

The story of iron time and space For the story of the ultimate class of golden time and space, there is blood, youth, warmth, and more inexplicable touch, countless people have been touched by that summer, Ye Siren knelt in front of the Xia Mansion and sang “On the Side of the Water”, and was also moved by watching the Xia family people stand up to save each other, the most touching thing is the time when the male brother disappeared.

One. None of them can be lost.

Once lost.

The whole house seemed to be in a mess.

“I really want to go to the Iron Time and Space to see the Xia Mansion.”

There are mixed words to open their mouths.

“But now the situation in iron space-time…

“It seems to be very dangerous.”

“Brother Xiong —

“It’s fallen into the cracks of time and space.”

There are mouths of concern for the.

“If there had not been the birth of the Ultimate Ironman……”

“The whole of time and space is about to be destroyed.”

“But for the birth of the ultimate Iron Man, the old ancestors of the Freewalker will cut themselves off.”


“Will it develop according to what Mr. Su said?”

Some of the bastards sighed.

“I wish there was a perfect ending.”

“This Freewalker guarded the whole time and space, upheld justice, goodness, and even sacrificed himself for the sake of the whole time and space.”

“I wish I had…”

“There can be other solutions.”

The bastards are very worried about the situation in iron time and space! especially

Solve the situation of iron time and space in front of you! There is only one way! That’s it!

Death of the Elder Priest!

Only the death of the Elder Priest of the Godswalker! to be able to save Iron Time and Space! It’s just that………

After seeing the story of the ultimate family, the all liked that the Freewalker could have a different ending.

Iron Time and Space!

Face the story told by the shadows.

All the Strangers were initially reluctant to believe it, after all, the information involved was too shocking and shocking!

But soon!

The news of the disappearance of the male brother……… And it came out! This time!

The whole Otherworldly Realm is boiling!

Whether it is the White Way Stranger Walker, or the Demonized Stranger, they all have a premonition that the future in the story……… It seems to be really happening!

And there are five books about “The Ultimate Family”, “The Ultimate Class”, and the broadcast of two TV series, which have become popular in the Otherworld, after all, according to the first batch of Strangers to Know, they have all dreamed of the content of the dream, and the content of the dream is exactly the same as the content in the book, the newspaper, and the TV!


Many people have found the “Ultimate Family” newspaper, “The Ultimate Class” five books to read, and finally found that the content of the “Ultimate Family” is true! Although there are many changes in the content, according to the previous Stranger Walker, the protagonist of the story already knows everything before the story takes place, and has changed part of his fate!

“This day the Ji Pavilion……”

“Who is sacred?”

“And Mr. Nasu…”

For the Tenki Pavilion.

For Mr. Sue.

All the Xenopaths feel very mysterious and want to find out.

But the only information that can be known!

It is Mr. Nasu who is lecturing in the golden time and space, and the content he tells is the story of what will happen in the future!

Tianji Pavilion seems to be involved with Mr. Su! As for the rest!

No information at all! But

At present, the Strangers are observing the situation of the entire Iron Time and Space and still have great skepticism about the content and story told by Mr. Su!

And at the same time! Iron Time and Space! Tianji Pavilion.

Xiu walked out of the Heavenly Machine Pavilion.

He slowly opened the note in his hand.


When he saw the message on the note, he immediately called the owner of the Moxibustion Dance League.

“Allied Lord……”


“Found a way.”

Xia Mansion.

In the summer, Xia Liu’s grandfather, Xia Yu, Xia Mei, and Ye Siren all sat here.

“Is there really a way?”

Ye Siren frowned bitterly.

“Dad, don’t worry, the cabinet was very mysterious that day.”

“The last time the elder brother ice hoop spell was not the method given by the Heavenly Ji Pavilion.”

Summer said comfortingly.

That being said.

But he didn’t have the bottom!

Under the premise of knowing the future! He already knew………

The only way to solve it!

It was the Elder Priest who helped him become the ultimate Iron Man.


What do you want to do?

Summer only feels very headaches.

He didn’t want the Elder Priests to die! But………

If he doesn’t become the ultimate Iron Man, the whole time and space will be destroyed!

“There must be other ways.”

Summer opening. That’s when it happened.


The doorbell of the Xia Mansion rang.

Natsumi hurriedly got up and went to open the door.


Outside the door. Standing is Xiu.

95 virtual guest houses.

Xiu, summer, Xia Yu’s figure all appeared here. The Lord of the Moxibustion Dance Alliance, the Freewalker is already waiting here.

See Summer, after Xia Yu.

Moxibustion danced slowly, “Summer…”

“Later, my master will use the Nine Turns of Divine Conduct to infuse me and Xia Yu’s in-situ abilities into your body, making you the ultimate Iron Man.”

Summer was slightly stunned: “Huh? ”

He looked at Hugh.

“Repair you don’t mean to…”

“Is there a way?”

Xiu just came to the Xia Mansion and told Xia and Xia Yu that there was already a way to solve the current crisis!

Summer was supposed to be different from the story.

But didn’t think about it!

Even the Freewalker is still going to strike!

“But if the Freewalker seniors intervene……”

Summer looks at the Freewalker.


Moxibustion Dance looked at the summer.

“Trust me.”

His expression was firm.

“I won’t…

“Something happened to my master.”

He spoke.

That being said.

But there was still a hint of nervousness in his eyes, a hint of hesitation.


He also had great doubts about the method described in the note.

Summer seemed to think of something.

“Isn’t it……”



Xiu signaled Summer not to speak, as if he was afraid of something.

Summer though has some concerns.

But now……… The only thing that can be done.

It is to believe in the moxibustion dance alliance in front of you, Xiu.

It’s just that………

Moxibustion Dance Alliance Lord………

Is there really a way to make the Elder Priest not judge himself after helping himself become the ultimate Iron Man?

What exactly is the solution?

[The end ~ Today I am conceiving this ending, it will soon be over, and the story of the final level of the Three Kingdoms will begin~].

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