Chapter 220: The Second Mission of the Flame Messenger – Mr. Su?!!

Iron Time and Space!

All the Strangers are talking about the “Ultimate Family” in the newspaper, and after the fifth story of “Iron Time and Space – The Ultimate Family”, the first issue of the fifth paragraph of the story about the Ultimate Family is quickly updated in the newspaper!


The TV series of “The Ultimate Family” is also in the hit!

When the Xenowalkers saw everything in the Xenomorph world unfolded in the Muggle world through the TV series, many people sweated, after all, the future story is still vivid, they do not believe it, but they understand that once the Xenowalker is exposed to the Muggle world and is discovered by the Muggles……… It’s going to happen in that story in the future!

Of course.

Facing the playback of “The Ultimate Family”. The Strangers discovered one thing.

That is

Have to say! It’s really beautiful!

Especially the appearance of the Moxibustion Dance Alliance, Summer and others, it is even more interesting for the Extraordinary Walker!

“If these ordinary people knew…”

“The performances in the TV series are not fake, but real happening, what will happen?”

“It feels pretty interesting.”

“Using the method of shooting TV dramas to tell ordinary people the stories that happened in our iron time and space.”

The Strangers found it interesting.

Bi Jing

Ordinary people who watch the TV series “The Ultimate Class” and “The Ultimate Family” may not think of anything, the strange walkers in the TV series really exist, and the world really has special powers! There really were twelve time and space and the Demon Realm, but the Strangers were well hidden and did not let them perceive it.


It was the third day after storytelling.

This day.

The whole iron space-time is over the sky.

Suddenly found a fierce shock!


Countless Strangers sensed something was wrong and looked up at the Heavenly Dome! Soon!

Everyone heard the Infinity Audio from the Holy Mountain!


“Is it the ultimate Tekken?”

“The Ultimate Tekker……”


Whether it was the demonized Alien Walker or the White Dao’s Extraordinary Walker, all of them looked at the sky above the Heavenly Dome in shock and looked in the direction of the Sacred Mountain of the Extraordinary Walker!

In that direction! Infinity audio! Resounded throughout Iron Time and Space! But soon!


It seems that some kind of terrible shock is happening!

All the Strangers can clearly feel that the rules of heaven and earth, the order, seem to have changed, chaotic.

This moment.

Everyone remembered the story told by the shadow of the dome that day! The Birth of the Ultimate Ironman………

Not recognized by Providence!

“The old Freelanders……

“Did you finally make a decision?”

There are white path strangers with solemn looks.

They already know………

Xia Lanjingde’s contemporary leader, Xia Lanjingde Xiong, was hit by the energy of the Chaos Heaven Demon Vault on the day of the Extreme Yin, and may have entered the gap between time and space, and according to the repair ability of time and space, just as the shadow said, the entire iron time and space will face a crisis.

The only way.

It’s summer to become the ultimate Tek!

There is only one way to become the ultimate Tekk! Freewalker strikes!

But the Freewalker strikes!

Time and space are bound to be chaotic, and order is chaotic! Chaos will occur, and at that time, the Flame Messenger will perform the task of destruction and zeroing!


The old Freewalker self-destructive.

And what happened in front of you!

In the eyes of countless Strangers, it is obvious that the Freewalker has made a choice to sacrifice himself and save the entire Iron Time and Space.

This moment

All the Xenomorphs stared in the direction of the Holy Mountain, their eyes reddened.

Just like the future predicted by the shadow!

Earthquake! Tsunami! Act of God!

The chaos of the entire space-time order has led to countless natural disasters in iron space-time! Meanwhile!

All the Strangers have found that the Powers in them… No longer available!

Just like the future predicted by the shadow…… The same!

Countless disasters have occurred in the world of iron space-time, landslides, tsunamis, droughts and other natural disasters – struck, all the white path strange walkers have disappeared their ability index, and the order of time and space has been chaotic and chaos has begun to appear.


The Strangers were not flustered.


The whole Otherworld.

All pervaded in a tragic atmosphere.

Countless Strangers had heavy faces and seemed to have anticipated something.

From the moment the Ultimate Iron Man was born, they already knew that the Divine Walker, a righteous and kind White Dao Extraordinary Realm Sect Master, had made preparations for sacrifice, and this Extraordinary Sect Master who had made great achievements for the Iron Time and Space and for the White Dao and made countless White Dao Extraordinary Practitioners pursue and push it as the goal was going to cut himself off and fall in this era.

Countless people grew up listening to his legends.

And his sacrifice…

The tears of countless Strangers are undoubtedly tragic.


Storytelling Day 4.

The night after the birth of the Ultimate Ironman.

Countless Strangers suddenly woke up from their dreams! This moment!

Everybody dreamed………

Flames in the sky! And that flame!

Just as the shadow said! Coming through time and space!

All the Strangers were in a cold sweat!

Flame Messengers……… It’s really coming!

Iron Space Union Conference Room.


“I’ll go first”…

The Freewalker looked at the people in front of him and said goodbye to them.


Moxibustion Dance stands up…”

“Iron Time and Space please.”


“At that critical moment, I’ll be back.”

He smiled slightly, but he was very calm.


His figure disappeared into place.

“Allied Lord.”

Summer looked at the Moxibustion Dance Alliance.

“In that note…”

“Is there really a solution to the immediate crisis?”

He looked hesitant.

The current crisis is naturally the chaos that occurs in the iron space-time now, and the only solution, in the future of the story, has been said very clearly, which is also the reason why Summer was very entangled before, he wanted to find other ways, in order to become the ultimate Iron Man, rather than let the Freewalker elders help, once the Freewalker Elders shot, the time and space will be chaotic, and at that moment, the Freewalker will definitely sacrifice himself.


Summer is not acceptable.

Even if you know that time and space are on the verge of extinction!

Even if you know that the only way is for the Freewalker to sacrifice.

But when he knew, he would never do it!

Sacrificing a man to save the whole of time and space, but he can’t do it, anyway, just can’t do it.

If it weren’t for the cultivation, the Master of the Moxibustion Dance Alliance would have come forward to tell him that he would never have chosen to become the ultimate Tekker in this way.

At this time.

Xiu handed the note to Summer.

Summer took the note.

Looking at the above contents, the look was slightly stunned.

The content is very simple, it is ten names – [Su Yu]



Solutions to the crisis. Just looking for Mr. Sue? Golden space-time.

In front of the Storyteller.

The figure of the Freewalker appears here.

Looking at the storytelling cabinet in front of him, the Freewalker looked deeply curious.

Half ring.

He was about to knock on the door. But soon.

The door to the Storyteller opens.

A man with an indifferent look came out and motioned for him to enter.

In the void of space.

That wisp of flame penetrated.

In that flame, there was a figure, and all around him was the origin flame of time and space, as if it could burn everything, destroy everything, and be full of terrifying power.


A pale golden glow appeared around him, and a pair of eyes stared forward silently: “The mission has changed-”


“Two-thirds of the wicked men of iron space-time.”

He muttered to himself.

But the next second.


“Second mission…”

“Mr. Sue?”

His eyes instantly crossed the endless space and arrived at the Golden Time Spacecraft!

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