Chapter 221! In the future, there will be the birth of the Fire Messenger?!!

Golden space-time.

Storyteller. Su Yu seemed to have sensed something.


He raised his eyes slightly.

In an instant.

The eyes of the two seemed to pass through countless time and space, looking at each other in that void.

“It’s kind of interesting.”

Su Yu smiled slightly.


His appearance unexpectedly attracted the attention of the Iron Time and Space Flame Messenger.

According to the order of time and space, the rules are that the flame messengers of iron space-time only belong to the iron space-time, and each space-time has the birth of different flame messengers, and the flame messengers are born among the strangers, and in some way become flame messengers.

But just now

The messenger of the flame of iron time and space was actually looking for him through the void.

Kind of interesting.

The fifth day of storytelling.

Iron space-time.

The Strangers are all observing the order of time and space, the change of rules!

Especially the natural disaster that happened, the fire messenger in the dream came, and everyone knew that the future told by the shadow was happening, and chaos had been created! The Flame Messenger is about to descend on Iron Time and Space to eliminate Chaos!

But just the next day.

All the Strangers have found that the natural disasters that have occurred all over the world have disappeared! Reconstruction work is taking place everywhere, calling the day of this sudden disaster around the world a day of disaster.


This natural disaster, the day of the disaster has passed.


All Strangers know that this is the price paid by the Elder Priests of Godwalkers!

Other words………

The Freewalker Elders have made a self-judgment just like the future told by the shadow?


The entire Extraordinary Beings of the Otherworldly Realm were all plunged into a tragic atmosphere, mourning for the Divine Walkers.


It has also been observed by Xenowalkers.

That wisp of flame………

Still penetrating the universe.

Other words! The future that the shadow said! It’s all true!

“Flame messengers…”

“It’s coming!”

Countless Strangers looked up at the Heavenly Dome!

The Heavenly Dome seemed to be filled with a layer of fiery red light, like the morning sun, and as time went on, the fiery red light became more and more terrifying, and the temperature of the iron time and space rose sharply, and both ordinary people and strangers felt the dry heat.

As the fiery red light grew brighter! All Strangers know!

Flame Messengers……… It’s coming! Xia Mansion.

In the summer, Xia Yu, Xia Mei, Xia Liu Gong, Ye Siren, the Master of the Moxibustion Dance League, Xiu Xiu, and the Lanling King all appeared here.

“I’m ready.”

Summer wears the exclusive clothes of the ultimate Tekker and is ready for battle.

So much has happened in those two days!

The end of the Polar Yin Day is not the end of the Iron Time and Space Good and Evil War, on the contrary, it is just the beginning!

A real crisis! A real disaster!

A messenger of fire from the day of the Polar Yin! Of course.

With the restoration of the order of time and space, Summer, the Moxibustion Dance Alliance Lord and others also knew that no matter what, the Freewalker had successfully eliminated the chaos, although they did not know what the price was, but at the moment, the only thing they could do was to face the Flame Messenger!

After the day of the Polar Yin! Magic Road! White Road!

There was a great fusion between the camps of the two different good and evil Xenowalkers, and the Yehenara family began to restrain the demonized Xenopaths, at the same time, the White Dao and the Demon Dao seemed to be signing a contract, it seemed to form a complete law and ordinance for the Xenosphere, in order to control the evil phenomena of the Xeno Realm, such as killing people, seizing the Xenomorphs, and so on.

And the list of the most wicked is in the eyes of all!

There must be countless demonized Stranger Runners and Yehenara old masters! But once the old boss of Yehenara dies! The Demonic Alien Walker will be left uncontrolled and may re-contact the Demon Realm again, which will make Bai Dao more headaches and more troublesome!

After seeing the future, the Moxibustion Dance Alliance Lords also decided to face the Flame Messenger! Of course!

They don’t have the same concept as summer! Summer is to guard the iron space-time!

And the Moxibustion Dance Alliance Lord and others had to take a shot for the sake of the situation in time and space!

“Come on.”

Ye Siren patted Summer’s shoulder.


“Don’t be pushy.”

He was worried.

Although the story of the future has been revealed.


The variables are still there.

No one knows if the Flame Messenger will be merciful to his men, as Mr. Su mentioned in the future.

“Rest assured, Dad.”

Summer smiled.

“Grandpa Xialiu.”

“The white path of iron space-time…”

“It will bother you for the time being.”

The Moxibustion Dance Master looked at Grandpa Xia Liu and spoke.

He’s ready.

Even if he knows that the future may be predestined, he must be prepared for everything.

After the instructions.

The Lord of the Moxibustion Dance League, Summer, Lanling King, Xia Yu, Han, Xiu and Dongcheng Wei all traveled to the place where the Flame Messenger came.

Barren mountain clearing. Summer and others were waiting.

It’s just that.

That wisp of flame was gradually approaching, and the entire sky above the Heavenly Dome had been stained with a layer of fiery red light, reflecting on the clouds, just like a great flame burning the entire sky! The air around you is already heating up like a hot summer!

But that flame messenger…

It didn’t come.

In the summer, the Moxibustion Dance Alliance, Lan Ling Wang, and others looked at each other and did not know what was happening.


Golden space-time.

Some kind of weird fluctuation emerges.

In front of the Storyteller.

A figure appeared here.

Dressed in black armor and a white robe underneath, he had a handsome face and was looking at the storyteller in front of him.

It is the Flame Messenger!

At this time.

The door of the Storyteller in front of you.

Open slowly.

Looked at.

He smiled slightly and walked in.


He came to the hall.


Su Yu was sitting there, drinking tea and watching TV.

“Mr. Sue.”

The flame messenger looked at Su Yu.

“Please sit.”

Su Yu motioned for him to sit down.

The two sat in front of the TV.

In the TV

The story of “The Ultimate Family” is playing.

“Beyond the heavens, the rules, the order…”

“I don’t know where it came from.”

“I don’t know my identity.”

“Mr. Su……”

The flame messenger slowly opened his mouth.

“You’re mysterious.”

“I don’t know Mr. Su……”

“Seems to come from a pre-era?”

Su Yu shook the folding fan.


According to some of the contents recorded in the story in the “Complete Record of the Final Series”, the known era is three eras, the first era, which is the era in which the twelve time and space are located today, at the end of the power, the era when the power is the weakest, and the fault is very serious!

The second era is the last era of the present era! That is, the era of twelve time and space and the devil duel, in that era, there are countless high-end combat strength, the upper limit of time and space is not locked at 50,000 points, but has a higher upper limit, breaking 10W points is a very common thing! But when the Twelve Time and Space Walkers duel with the Devil, all the high-end combat forces die on the Demon World battlefield!

Rules, order, and other repressions began to appear in the twelve space-times, so that the upper limit of the Extraordinary Walker was greatly limited!

And the third era.

It was before the second era.

The record of that era is very vague, and it seems that the second era of the Stranger is called a pre-era, and the flame messengers, including the one who sent the flame messengers from the deepest part of the universe, were born in this previous era.

Of course

The immortals of the golden time and space, the good and evil protogens of the iron time and space, the time and space observers, etc., are also from that era.

According to the Three Epochs described in the Ultimate Series, they all have different nicknames.

Today’s times.

It is called the era of the decline of the Otherworld.

The second era is called the Age of Extraordinary Powers.

The Third Era.

It’s called…… Age of the Immortals.

That is to say, in the previous era, the appearance of immortals was very normal, but I don’t know what reason entered the second era, and the end of the second era was that countless strangers died on the battlefield of the Great War of the Demons, thus entering the third era. ”

Su Yu smiled slightly.


“It doesn’t matter.”

“My task…

“I want to know Mr. Su’s purpose.”

The flame messenger opened his mouth very sincerely.

Second task.



Su Yu took a sip of tea.

“This dark world needs a fire.”

“Reflecting the dark road ahead.”

“I just lit the fire so that the Third Age Strangers could see the road ahead.”

“Let them see clearly…”

“The future.”

The Flame Messenger froze slightly, “The future…”

Half ring.

He asked, “What does the future hold?” ”

He also seemed somewhat curious. Su Yu shook the folding fan.


He looked at the flame messenger and smiled slightly, “The future…”

“In the future, the immortals will reappear.”

“The Doomsday Clock of Golden Space-Time.”

“It will ring again.”

“An unrecognized flame messenger will also be born from all time and space.”

Su Yu’s words.

Let the flame messenger stunned.

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