Chapter 222 from Mr. Su’s means! The Ultimate Tekker controls a hint of order?!!

Doomsday Clock!

Flame messenger!

When the doomsday clock strikes again……… It is the beginning of the countdown to doom

From that moment on!

The flame will burn the whole time and space, burn everything, destroy everything! All!

Return to zero!

Su Yu’s words made the flame messenger look a little stunned.

Although he is a flame messenger, it does not mean that he can predict the future, be able to see the future.

“The immortals reappear.”

“Flame messengers…”

The Flame Messenger smiled.

Half ring.

He watched “The Ultimate Family” on TV.

“It’s very nice.”

“Am I going to play at the end?”

Su Yu smiled slightly, “There is your role.” ”

“It’s only the final ending.”


“For now.”

“The play isn’t over yet.”

The Flame Messenger looked slightly stunned: “Not finished shooting? ”

Su Yu nodded, “The actor hasn’t appeared yet.” ”


He looked at the Flame Messenger.

The flame messenger suddenly realized, seemed to understand something, after all, the story of the ultimate family, but the real scene shooting, even the name, the power, all the information is all true, only……… Missing him.

Half ring.

He laughed and said, “I can’t act, but there are still people who can replace me.” ”

“It’s not too early.”

“My first task is not yet complete.”

He looked at Su Yu and got up to say goodbye to Su Yu.

“Mr. Sue.”


“See you soon.”


Iron space-time.


“Flame messengers…”

“Not here yet?”

Summer and others feel a little strange.


This Flame Messenger……

It should have appeared a long time ago!

Why hasn’t there been a trace of it until now? The Heavenly Dome seemed to be stained with a layer of fiery red light, but that flame had not yet arrived!

And the entire Iron Time and Space Stranger, whether it was the Demonization Alien Walker or the White Dao Extraordinary Walker, all looked at the Heavenly Dome! But I found that that the flame did not seem to have descended into the iron time and space until now!


Is it Mr. Nasu’s prediction that the future has changed?



Summer seems to sense something! Airplanes!


A shadow intertwined with flames gradually emerged!

With the appearance of that figure! The whole firmament, which seemed to be stained with flames, looked like it was about to collapse at this moment! Countless origin fires filled the body of that figure, as if it were going to burn everything! Destroy everything!

Flame messenger! Appeared! Xia Mansion.

Xia Liu’s grandfather, Ye Siren, and Xia Mei all sat nervously in the living room of the Xia family.


“Hasn’t it appeared yet?”

Grandpa Xia Liu looked a little nervous.

Flame messenger

The biggest crisis at the moment! It’s just that.

Why hasn’t it appeared until now?

Just when Grandpa Xia Liu had some doubts! Suddenly!


A wave emerges from afar! The music played, and the infinite audio came from the distance, and soon it resounded throughout the iron space-time!

“It’s Infinity Audio!”

“There’s war.”

Grandpa Xia Liu stood up instantly!

But this infinitely available audio appears quickly and disappears quickly! It seems that the skull was shattered by some kind of energy in an instant!

But! After disappearing for a moment!

Infinity audio is back again! And this time, far more powerful than before, the majestic mixed element energy erupted from that distance! In an instant, the entire iron space-time seemed to have sensed something, the heavenly dome changed color, the energy of the mixed element flowed and condensed between heaven and earth, and the infinitely audio reverberated with the sound of music over the iron space-time!

This moment!

Countless Strangers looked up at the Heavenly Dome! The Ultimate Ironman and the Flame Messengers………

War has begun!

“There’s war…”

“Summer and the Fire Messengers……”

“There’s war.”

The Strangers muttered to themselves.

Whether it is a white path magician, or a demonized magician, they all have a solemn look

Especially the Demonic Walkers, they all know that Summer is fighting to protect them, or rather, fighting to protect the iron time and space, and protecting them by the way.

Over the Sky Dome!

That layer of fiery red seemed to burn into a sea of fire, and the temperature of the whole heaven and earth suddenly increased! The clear sky had turned gloomy, the thunder was rolling, and the mixed element energy was intertwined above the clouds, as if it was going to fight against the fiery red fire sea sky dome!

Over the Sky Dome!

As if the scene of the day appeared, Summer and the Moxibustion Dance Alliance Lord and others jointly dueled the flame messengers, countless figures seemed to appear in the sky as shadows, and in front of them was a figure burning with flames, trying to destroy everything, those white path strangers, demonic magic walkers stared at the heavens, seeing this scene, the heart could not help but tighten.

“Come on.”

There are strange walkers who open their mouths.

After experiencing the Polar Yin!

After seeing the future told by the shadow and the picture they saw, the entire Otherworld, at this moment, was full of cohesion!

Countless figures stared at the shadow of the Heavenly Dome, cheering for that summer! They are in their hearts.

Unconsciously, it seemed to merge with some kind of will of heaven and earth, and poured into the mixed element energy.

A barren mountain.

Summer plays Tekko Wuji!

Han, Dongcheng Wei, Moxibustion Dance Alliance Lord, Lan Ling Wang, Xia Yu and others were condensing their own power index on the side, and fighting the flame messengers together with the summer!

The flame messenger was surrounded by flames soaring into the sky, but he stood where he was, without any movement!

In front of it was a dazzling energy of the Extraordinary Energy, condensed together to become a mixed element energy, with the Iron Pole Infinite Boom forward! All the energy condensed into a huge sea of dazzling colors, and it roared forward! But those energies didn’t seem to have any lethality at all for the Flame Messenger.

But that’s when it happened.

That mixed element energy!

It seems that some force has been condensed, making the mixed element energy more thick and pure, and after this force emerges, the space around the mixed element energy is like cracking a series of terrifying cracks!


The Flame Messenger looked forward with some surprise.

Half ring.

He smiled slightly, “Interesting…”

“It’s not just the chaotic element of iron space-time.”

“And -” “The power of faith.” ”

“Breaking through the limitations of time and space, condensing into a force with faith, turning it into a force of rules and order.”

He was obviously a little surprised.

Belief is not a simple manifestation of energy, but a manifestation of rules, order, energy is superficial, but rules, order is internal, can reach the surface of energy

Yes, who are already standing on the top of the world, but who can control the order and the rules, is the existence of the Creator!

It’s simple!

Just as when summer and others come to extinction, they will be suppressed, and this suppression comes from the order, from the rules!

Now! Summer body! It actually condensed faith! It’s like… The original prototype of the shrine!

This has been countless years, countless years have not appeared! Right now

It reappeared.

“Mr. Sue…

“Tianji Pavilion.”

The Flame Messenger had the appearance of Su Yu in his mind! Have to say!

This Mr. Su obviously did not shoot, but what he did changed the entire time and space, and even made the power of faith that had not appeared for countless years reappear! And the power of faith naturally has a great relationship with his storytelling, the TV series he has made, and the books he has published!

But I have to say!

Books, TV series, these are the things that can most touch people’s hearts, at a certain point, the touched will be condensed into faith, for the characters to bless the power of faith! And what Summer did, his character, let the Stranger Walker, maybe the White Way, maybe the Magic Way, bless the power of faith on him!

And all this! It’s all from Mr. Nasu!


He sighed softly.


With the explosion of energy in heaven and earth! Countless people have seen it

The fiery red light above the Heavenly Dome……… Gradually dissipate.

The temperature of heaven and earth.

Also gradually back to normal!

Countless Strangers saw this scene and knew that this great battle had already come to an end!

Half ring.

All the Strangers smiled and breathed a sigh of relief.

Some of the Demonic Walkers are shouting with excitement!

Iron Time and Space! The Ultimate Ironman!

Really blocked the Flame Messenger! Of course………

Everybody knows………

All this is nothing but the mercy of the flame messenger.

It’s just that.

Summer, moxibustion dance alliance master them, is it really okay? The Strangers were a little worried.

But. Sixth day of storytelling.

Above the holy mountain.

Infinity audio reverberates through iron space-time!

The door of time and space, which has been blocked for countless days, is open again! The energy of the Infinity Audio passes through the Gate of Time and Space, through the Space-Time Boundary, and heads towards the eleven space-times! In the time and space when the balance of good and evil is out of balance and the decline of good and evil is greatly revealed, at this moment the order of good and evil between heaven and earth begins to be balanced, and the balance begins to be restored again.

Whether it is iron space-time.

Or golden space-time!

All heard the infinite audio reverberating between heaven and earth! From the moment you hear Infinity audio!

Everybody knows………

The situation of good and evil in twelve times and spaces! A reversal has begun! All!

Just like Mr. Su told about the future!


“It’s only Act Two.”

“I don’t know the story of Act III……”

“What will it tell?”

Strangers, the word listened to the Wuji audio, but their minds wanted to see the story of the next act.

This magnificent epic story……… Obviously not finished yet!

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