Chapter 223 Wrong Timeline! The story of the third act begins!!

Golden space-time.

Infinity audio reverberates above the golden space-time!

Countless mixed word generations, KO list masters seem to have sensed something, all looking up at the sky dome.

“It’s the ultimate Tek.

“That should be the Ultimate Iron Man’s mixed element energy.”

In the church.

The knife looked madly at the heavenly dome, and his eyes were a little surprised.

That mixed element energy.

It was extraordinary!

With Wuji Audio playing in Golden Time and Space, all the mixed word generation, KO list masters know that the battle between good and evil in Iron Time and Space is over! The Ultimate Iron Man has been born and repelled the Flame Messengers, restoring the balance of good and evil in the twelve time and space!

The decline of the twelve time and space goodness, the final appointment has been late!

Countless, the masters of the KO list are overjoyed! Although that story is a story, the twelve time and space, the demon world, the great war of good and evil, are real, they are all in this great war, after knowing the situation in time and space, saying that they are not worried is false! But now the Ultimate Tekman is born! The situation in the twelve time and space is just like Mr. Su said! The horn of attack will be blown against the Demon Realm!

Of course!

This also aroused everyone’s interest in the story of the third act!

Time flows.

Broken intestines people stalls.

It has been a week since the playing of Tekko Wuji.

Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, Rex, and Tian Hongguang were all sitting in front of the stall of the people with broken intestines, which was originally not a big stall, which seemed very crowded at the moment, after all, there were only three people in front of this stall.

“I didn’t expect the story of the ultimate family to end so soon.

“Iron Space-Time is just so cool!”

“It’s beyond our imagination!”

Wang Dadong sighed at the opening.

“It’s interesting.”

Ding Xiaoyu smiled slightly.

“I don’t know how the story of the third act will unfold.

“I don’t know…”

“We still have a chance to play in the future. Rex smiled.

According to the story told by Mr. Su, the story of whether they will appear in the future is not certain.

“Act Three.”

“The story of the third act should have nothing to do with us, right?”

Wang Arthur said, but soon, Wang Dadong, Ding Xiaoyu, Rex, and Tian Hongguang’s eyes instantly looked at him.

Wang Arthur shrugged and said, “Iron space-time can still be blessed with us, and silver space-time can’t still be related to us, right?” ”

He didn’t believe it.

I can also succeed in crow’s mouth.

At this time.

“Not necessarily.

“Things tend to come as expected, five kids.

The Broken Intestines Man smiled mysteriously.

“I don’t know about the five children, what are the next plans?”

Wang Dadong shrugged, “We are waiting for their transmission in the summer, and after the transmission is completed, we plan to travel to time and space.” ”


“I don’t know the exact time yet.

“The days without the combat power index are really boring.” The five of them are simply curious about time and space travel!

I want to see for myself what the iron space-time and other space-time are like, especially after seeing the story of the ultimate family, I am more curious about other time and space! However, at present, the crowd has not yet recovered the combat power index.

“Haven’t you recovered your combat power index?” ”

Tian Hongguang smiled slightly.

“Please, Tian Hongguang, our combat strength index can still be restored, and your combat strength index can only let Xiu regain his way to help you find a way.”

Wang Dadong patted Tian Hongguang’s shoulder.

After all, they all have doppelgangers!

And Tian Hongguang’s doppelganger of iron time and space was a flame messenger! Don’t even think about it!

The only way!

Maybe it was from the other ten time and space that restored order to find Tian Hongguang’s doppelganger!

“Not necessarily. Tian Hongguang smiled.


His body suddenly filled with a fiery red light!

In an instant!

The combat power index is rising rapidly!





The fox rose to 15,000 points!


Wang Dadong’s eyes widened.

Even Rex, Arthur Wang, Ding Xiaoyu, and the Broken Intestines were surprised.


“How did you recover the Combat Power Index?”

Tian Hongguang, how to restore the combat strength index?

Tian Hongguang thought for a moment and said, “I just dreamed of a flame.” ”

“What did he say to me in his dreams…”

“Good acting?”

“When I came along, the combat power index was restored.”

Tian Hongguang’s words were directly in the eyes of Wang Dadong and others!


“Can this still be so?”

“So at that time, the flame messenger was delayed, maybe it was our golden time and space?”

“It couldn’t have been for you alone, could it?”

Wang Dadong was a little shocked.

“Nope. The bowel breaker shook his head.

“It should be Mr. Sue. He seemed to have thought of something.

“Mr. Sue?”

Wang Dadong and the others were slightly stunned!

But that’s it!

I can explain it clearly! Why the Fire Messenger

There is no future prediction of arrival in iron space-time.

“What about you, the one who broke the intestine?”

King Arthur looked at the man with the broken intestine.

The idea of several people now is to wait for the time and space transmission to restore the combat strength index and carry out time and space travel.


The man with the broken intestine thought for a moment and said, “I’ll still open my little stall.” ”


“Lately my black dragon brother has gone crazy again.

“I still have to see him.

Ding Xiaoyu was stunned: “Crazy? ”

The Broken Intestine Man nodded, “Yeah, he doesn’t know what’s wrong, he keeps muttering the name of the Crazy Dragon.” ”

Then he said.

“He must find out the truth in the wrong timeline.

“You are not unaware that I died in the wrong timeline.

“My black dragon brother said that the wrong timeline will happen, unless the correct timeline can be found…”

He shook his head somewhat helplessly.

Wang Dadong’s five people all looked solemn.

“Wrong timeline…”

“What the hell is the wrong timeline?”

The five of them were also very confused.

When arranging the gold list according to Mr. Su, as well as the character history, it has been mentioned that the timeline of the golden time and space is wrong, and most importantly! This wrong timeline seems to be the same future as the iron space-time! Even more serious! More horror! All the Xenowalkers are gone!

“So I can only look at him.”

The man with the broken intestine laughed.

“But Wang Dadong’s little friend, your father’s knife has re-emerged from the rivers and lakes, organized new forces and has already looked like it, it is said that it has been docked with the Iron Space-Time and Space Alliance, I don’t know what the situation in the Golden Space-Time will be next.”


“Being able to change this wrong timeline.

The breeze blows.

The crowd spoke freely in front of the booth of the Broken Intestines, and to them, the battlefield of the Demon Realm seemed to be far away from them.

Over time.


In the summer, Lan Ling Wang, Xia Yu, and the Lord of the Dance Alliance in the Iron Time and Space situation, after the energy stabilized, they began to pass on the merits for Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Rex, and Ding Xiaoyu, and Wang Dadong, and finally met with the double body of the Iron Time and Space, facing each other who were very familiar, and everyone laughed one after another!

And at the same time

In the two time and space of gold and iron, the story of the newspaper “The Ultimate Family” was officially published after the completion of five books, and the two time and space of gold and iron were sold hot! Of course, along with the hot sales, there are five copies of “The Ultimate Class”, as well as one “Gold List” and one “Iron List”!

The spread of books quickly became hot in time and space!

And the TV series “The Ultimate Class”, the number of subsequent episodes of “The Ultimate Family” is also broadcast successively, in a short period of time, not only harvested the iron time and space of the extraordinary walkers, but also let countless ordinary people in the iron time and space like these special dramas, and the iron time and space of the Tianji Film and Television Company has received countless reminder letters, want to see the next drama! For the setting in the play, the story plot is very interested!

In the golden space-time!

With the fire of “The Ultimate Family” and “The Ultimate Class”, countless KO list masters of the mixed word generation are waiting for Mr. Su’s third act story! Especially after the finale of “The Ultimate Class” and the ending of “The Ultimate Family” have been played, the mixed generation has fallen into the infinite conception of the plot, the future, and the story, and wants to guess what the next story is!

The stories of the two time and space are spread in each other’s time and space, and there is a great sense of interaction, so that countless mixed word generations, KO list masters, and extraordinary walkers all want to go to their own time and space to see, and at the same time are full of interest in the next story!


It’s almost a month after storytelling.

Silver space-time.

The figures of Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, Rex and Xiu appeared here.

“Is this the time and space where Xiu Xiu is going to play the protagonist next?”

“It looks different from iron space-time and golden space-time.”

Wang Dadong looked to the left and right.

After their combat strength index was restored and the space-time order was restored, they couldn’t wait for Xiu Xiu to take them to the iron space-time, and they had just come from the iron space-time to the silver space-time to see the space-time that happened in the next third act of the story.

Look at the silver space-time in front of you.

They feel

This doesn’t seem to be much different from the iron space-time, the golden space-time, they see?

After an hour.

Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, and Rex returned to the Golden Time and Space with the unconscious ‘Xiu’.

It’s just that.

The looks of several people.

It’s all a bit weird.


Finally a month later! Today!

It’s the day of storytelling! In front of the Storyteller!

Voices! Countless, KO list masters gathered! Even countless ordinary students were affected and couldn’t help but come to listen to books, and the entire storytelling cabinet, the existence of nearly tens of thousands of people, all entered the space in front of the storytelling cabinet!

Even after a month, the discussion of the plot and the discussion of the characters have not stopped!

But more is to want to know! In Act III!

What kind of story will happen! And what a story.

Xiu Xiu, the leader of the chief combat regiment of the Iron Time and Space Iron Guard Army, would become the protagonist!

In full view! The door to the Storyteller is open! Su Yu’s figure slowly appeared bitter!

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