Chapter 228 Download Weapons! The shock of the mixed word generation! Can you still play like this?! 【5_5】!!

The bastards are shocked!

Didn’t think about it………

The Story of Silver Time and Space………

It was actually started by Wang Dadong?! What Mr. Su said was indeed correct!

At first they wondered how a coin could push a boulder, but now that they had seen what had happened, they had to get chills down their spines.

What seems to be no threat can cause a series of disasters! Terror!

It’s horrible!

If Wang Dadong and others did not go to the Silver Time and Space, then did Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei succeed in worshipping?

If Wang Dadong and the others had gone ten minutes late, would Liu Bei have escaped the disaster and left safely?

If Wang Dadong did not pull out his mobile phone, would the coin not fall? If Wang Dadong didn’t have coins in his pocket, wouldn’t all this happen?

If……… Too many ifs.

It’s just a pity.

There is no such thing as a thing in this world.

What happened by a coin has already happened.

The Order of Silver Time and Space.


Liu Bei is dead, so how can the story of the Three Kingdoms proceed? There is no Liu Bei’s Three Kingdoms.

Is it still called the Three Kingdoms?

What will Guan Yu and Zhang Fei do?

Xiu, Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur and Ding Xiaoyu, what kind of actions will they make?

Will these moves affect the direction of the story of Silver Time and Space? Countless questions haunt the minds of all the word.

They didn’t dare to blink an eye, staring at the picture in front of them.

Looking at this sudden boulder, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were confused.

What’s going on?

Why was it that Liu Bei was stoned to death after they had just said the oath that ‘they do not want to be born on the same day of the same month of the same year, but only to die on the same day of the same month of the same year’?

What is going to happen to this?

Liu Bei died today……… Are they going to die with them too? Pretty, huh?!

“This… What to do? ”

Zhang Fei panicked, “Just finished swearing, big… Big Brother is……… Just die… This…


“Just… Oath……… Have you finished talking? ”

Guan Yu frowned and asked.

“Hmmm… Say……… Finished speaking……”

Zhang Fei swallowed his throat, “However, we must talk to the eldest brother… Did he die on the same day of the same month of the same year? ”


Although Guan Yu was shocked, he still nodded!

Now that you’ve finished your oath, follow it! Died on the same day of the same month of the same year!

If not.

So what is the meaning of brotherhood? It’s not a child’s play.

In Guan Yu’s concept, what he says is to be done.

Liu Bei is now dead, and he and Zhang Fei, who have said that they only wish to die on the same day of the same month of the same year, will fulfill what they said in their oath.

“Since you have sworn an oath, you must keep your promise!”

Guan Yu’s brow furrowed! Zhang Fei closed his eyes helplessly and sighed.

Although he did not want to accept the facts in front of him, the fact was that Liu Bei was killed by the boulder that suddenly rolled down the mountain, and after the worship was completed, they must also fulfill the oath and die on the same day of the same month and month as Liu Bei.

Even if it is very humiliating, it is still necessary to do it! Zhang Fei’s heart was bitter!

I already knew………

Let’s count the auspicious days before we worship! This is good!

All three of them are going to return to the West today!

“Their brotherhood is really touching!”


“Although Liu Bei’s kind of person is not worth it, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei really value love and righteousness!”

“They won’t really die with Liu Bei, will they?”

“Don’t… Isn’t this the story of the Three Kingdoms? How come Liu Bei is dead, and Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are about to die? ”

The mixed characters felt sorry for Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

Two people with such a heavy heart and righteousness actually wanted to die with Liu Bei’s sinister villain!

Pity! Damn it! Wretched!

The emotions in their hearts were indescribable, admiring Guan Yu and Zhang Fei’s liver and gallbladder and righteousness, but also feeling worthless for the two of them.

Next……… What else will happen? Is Liu Bei really dead? Guan Yu and Zhang Fei………

Will it die too? Everyone stared nervously at the picture.

Guan Yu pressed the instrument in his left hand!



【100%! 】

An orange light flashed in Guan Yu’s hand! A long knife appeared in his hand!

“Second brother! Don’t be impulsive! ”

Zhang Fei quickly went and grabbed the long knife in Guan Yu’s hand, “We swear we died on the same day, not immediately!” ”

“All the same!”

Guan Yu said, he was going to grab the long knife and slash it at his neck!

“Much worse!”

Zhang Fei clutched the long knife deadly, “You see, it’s twelve o’clock in the afternoon, we can wait until twelve o’clock in the evening to die, can’t we?” ”

“You let go!”

“I don’t!”

“Let go!”


“Put! Open! ”

“No! Want! ”

The were shocked!

Their shock was not because Guan Yu was so eager to accompany Liu Bei on the road, but because… Guan Yu’s weapon is meant to be downloadable?!

The thing that Guan Yu was wearing on his hand……… Isn’t it a watch? The technology of silver time and space is so developed, can there be weapons hidden in the watch? Isn’t that easy?

“Wherever we go, we still have to carry our weapons on our backs…

“This is not the most troublesome, the most troublesome is still through the security check, how to pass.”

“How nice it would be if I had that watch too!” This way to climb the mountain can save a lot of effort! ”

“It looks so convenient!”

The mixed characters were all attracted to the high-tech thing on Guan Yu’s wrist! This is the first time they’ve seen the weapon download!

What if there is no electricity in the middle? Weapons download requires network no?

What if the network is not good?

Will it not be downloaded halfway through? Will that weapon only come out in half?

Countless question marks fill the minds of the.

“Did you find out?” The long knife in Guan Yu’s hand was very similar to the Green Dragon Yanyue Sword.

“Yes, I found that too!”

“Isn’t it… Is this really the story of the Three Kingdoms? ”

“That’s a lot of information!”

The mixed characters did not dare to blink their eyes, for fear of missing an important plot.

Although the follow-up can be made up by reading books and TV series, I don’t know how long it will take to wait for books and TV series.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei had been facing each other for so long, and if they didn’t come to stop them personally, Guan Yu would really kill himself!

“Let go!”


Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are still arguing!

Zhang Fei had no choice but to directly stun Guan Yu with his elbow!

When he turned his head and thought about how to deal with this matter, he suddenly saw four figures!

Oops! The comers are not good!

Zhang Fei started to step on the horse! Clench your fists! Soaring Force Index!

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