Chapter 229: The System of Terror Power in Silver Time and Space! Mr. Sue… Where did it come from?!!

Zhang Fei looked at these four uninvited guests, and his eyes were very unfriendly.

[At this point, as long as I join hands with my second brother, I am a person who cannot be defeated!] [These few people, don’t pay attention to it at all!]

He is very confident!

He and Guan Yu are simply invincible hands all over the world! It’s majestic! Even if they don’t want Liu Bei, their combat ability will not be reduced! What’s more, Liu Bei was still thinking of escaping at that time, so it can be seen that the force index is not very high, if it were not for the stone, Liu Bei might have fled every day!


Zhang Fei’s mind flashed! Wait a minute………

Wait, wait, wait………

How……… Is there a hint of something wrong? He and Guan Yu……… Teaming up?

But Guan Yu has been………

Zhang Fei suddenly froze, turned his head to look at Guan Yu who had fallen to the ground, and the confidence in his eyes had disappeared.

[But I just knocked my second brother unconscious, and now…… [Only I…… One to four yay……… ]

No, no, no! One to four is so unfair! So………

Zhang Fei quickly squatted down and grabbed Guan Yu’s shoulder: “Second brother and second brother, you wake up second brother… You wake up the second brother……… Second brother!!! ”

Hugh: “? ”

Wang Dadong: “? ”

Arthur King: “? ”

Ding Xiaoyu: “? ”

: “? ”

“This… This one flies…… Poof……”

“Zhang Fei, don’t shake it, Guan Yu’s neck will be broken by you.”

“It’s too, if Guan Yu can’t wake up, it’s Zhang Feihuang!”

“Hahaha, how does this fly look so cute?”

“Zhang Fei’s… Heartache Guan Yu………”

Everyone couldn’t help but be a little amused.

Zhang Fei’s personality is really too pleasing, everyone was still worried about the follow-up plot, but by Zhang Fei’s so engaged, the mood is actually a lot more relaxed.

“I don’t know what kind of follow-up Wang Dadong will lead to when they appear.”

“Yes, doesn’t that mean you can’t casually contact people in silver space-time, and you can’t casually touch things in silver-space-time?”

“Zhang Fei has seen them, and it won’t have any impact on the direction of the Silver Time and Space, right?”

“It seems that from the moment Wang Dadong’s coin fell, the silver space-time has been affected.”

After laughing, the couldn’t help but worry again.

Because Mr. Su said.

The story of silver time and space is headed, but it is connected with gold time and space.

It’s about every one of them.

Zhang Fei of Silver Time and Space saw Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur and Ding Xiaoyu of Golden Time and Space, and saw the cultivation of Iron Time and Space, what kind of move would Zhang Fei make? What will Xiu, Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur and Ding Xiaoyu do? The Story of Silver Time and Space……… Has it changed from the moment the coin drops? Is it precisely because there has been a change that Wang Dadong and others will appear?

Countless questions haunt the minds of the word makers. If you want to solve the mystery, you need to watch the subsequent plot.

The four of them began to use the sound

Wang Dadong: Is this person crazy?

Arthur Wang: Possibly, he’s been shredding his thoughts over there since just now.

Hugh: He also knocked his friend unconscious.

Ding Xiaoyu: Everyone be careful, his combat strength index is broken by 10,000 points!

“What?! The combat power index breaks 10,000 points?! ”

“Isn’t it?! So strong? So scary? ”

“I can’t see it!” This flying actually has a combat strength index of 10,000 points! Isn’t Guan Yu even more terrifying? ”

“Guan Yu alone can fight seven Yellow Turban Thieves, which is more than enough, and the combat strength index is definitely higher than Zhang Fei!”

“The Man of Silver Time and Space… Is the combat power index casually breaking 10,000 points? ”

“Horror… It’s horrible! ”

The word bastards are shocked!

I didn’t expect that the power system of silver time and space was so powerful!

In the golden space-time, the combat power index of [6000] points is already a master!

[6000] points above the combat power index, can be ranked in the top few of the KO list!

Like Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, the combat strength index is as high as [8500] – [10000], it is really a very terrifying existence!

And in Silver Spacetime!

The combat power index seems to be casually breaking 10,000 points! Then there is a rule!

The combat power system of silver time and space is even more powerful! The power is even more terrifying!

Celebrities of the Three Kingdoms! Zhao Yun! Ma Chao! Huang Zhong!

Lü Bu! Dong Zhuo!

Zhou Yu! Cao Cao! Sun quan!

Sun Ce! I wonder if there will be these people in Silver Time and Space?

And the beauty of the Three Kingdoms! Sable cicadas! Big Joe!


Sun Shangxiang!

What is their fate in Silver Time and Space? Is there really a legend so beautiful?

People are more and more curious about the story of Silver Time and Space! Next………

It should be said how Xiu became the protagonist of Silver Time and Space, right? The curiosity of the mixed characters became more and more intense.


How will this crisis be resolved? Airplanes!

Airplanes! Airplanes! Airplanes! Moment!

Wang Dadong! King Arthur! Ding Xiaoyu! Repair! Surrounded Zhang Fei! Zhang Fei felt the breath of danger!

These few people in front of you……… Not simple!

Seeing that Guan Yu was still unconscious, he stood up and looked at the four people.

[Wow, these four people… ]

[Everyone’s force index is as broken as I am!] Zhang Fei was very nervous.

He alone dealt with four people whose strength index had broken 10,000 points……… It’s really hard if he is defeated, what about Guan Yu?

Guan Yu is still in a coma, if Guan Yu wakes up and finds that he has been killed by these four people, will he come to avenge him?

Zhang Fei stared at the four people in front of him and secretly clenched his fists!

“Force Index?!”

“Silver space-time is actually evaluated by the force index?”

“The use of special energy in iron space-time is called the Extraordinary Energy Index, and the use of force in Silver Time and Space is called the Force Index!”

“Do all the people in Silver Time and Space practice martial arts?”

“Wow! It feels so powerful! ”

The bastards are amazed!


Every space-time power system has its own name for space-time.

Golden space-time is the combat power index.

Iron space-time is the energy index.

Silver space-time is the force index.

In the twelve time and space, they only knew the power system of three time and space.

There are nine other time and space, and what the power system is, they don’t know.

And in this vast universe, in addition to the twelve space-times, will there be a thirteen space-times? Fourteenth space-time? Will Mr. Su present the story of these time and space before their eyes?

Thinking of this, the blood of the mixed word generation is boiling! Get one’s dander up!

They are now listening to Mr. Su’s storytelling, while at the same time, people in other time and space are also working on their own stories!

It’s an amazing feeling!

And how will people in silver space-time react when they know that there is a golden space-time and an iron space-time?

Will the story of golden space-time and iron space-time also spread to silver space-time? When they think of this, the mixed word generations all lament the wonder of this world.

And even more amazing.

Or the mysterious storyteller Mr. Su.

He……… From which space-time?

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