Chapter 230: One Vote for Democracy! Xiu became the protagonist of the Silver Time and Space Story!!

In the picture!

Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu and Xiu have surrounded Zhang Fei! Zhang Fei also plans to fight with them!

Five people face off!

The people who saw the mixed words were very nervous!

If it’s one-on-one, which side wins? Would it be unfair to be four-on-one?

“To…… Is there going to be a fight? ”

“It’s more nervous than going to fight myself!”

“Is Zhang Fei’s weapon also downloaded like Guan Yu?” I remember it was the Eight Snake Spear, right? ”

“They… Wouldn’t you want to kill yourself? ”

“Are they trying to solve the chaos of silver space-time from the root?”

“But… If Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei were all solved, wouldn’t the Three Kingdoms be missing these people? ”

The guessed and guessed, and the guesses became more and more outrageous.


Just when they thought the five were going to fight! The plot has changed dramatically!

Liu Bei actually woke up! Zhang Fei was pleasantly surprised!

Big Brother is awake! The second brother didn’t have to die with the big brother! I don’t have to die with my eldest brother and second brother!

Zhang Fei immediately used force! Knock that boulder away with one punch!

However, Liu Bei’s injuries were too serious, and not long after he woke up, he fainted again.

If he did not rush to treat, Liu Bei would probably die of his injuries!

Wang Dadong confessed to Zhang Fei the reason why the stone would fall, and Zhang Fei thought that Wang Dadong could bravely admit that he was a man, so he would no longer pursue it, anyway, he himself had just planned how to sneak up on these four people.

This is a tie between the five.

The misunderstanding is lifted, but………

Now there is a very difficult problem – Liu Bei.

“Alas, now, my eldest brother Liu Bei has been crushed into serious injuries, and my second brother Guan Yu has been following his eldest brother, and I don’t know what to do.”

Zhang Fei said helplessly.

“Big brother Liu Bei, second brother Guan Yu…”

Wang Dadong said with great surprise, “Then you must be the third brother Zhang Feijiao?” ”

“Eh, you’re awesome! Guess what! ”

Zhang Fei said.

“Your names are the same as those in the Three Kingdoms, can anyone guess that?”

King Arthur said.

“What Three Kingdoms?” Why did everyone guess it? ”

Zhang Fei was puzzled, “It’s just, your face… Why isn’t it so dark? ”

Xiu asked curiously.

“Eh? How do you know my face will turn black? ”

Zhang Fei was a little surprised.

Repair: “…”

Wang Dadong: “…”

Arthur King: “…”

Ding Xiaoyu: “………”

Several people’s eyes were focused on Liu Bei, who was lying on the ground and fainting.

Ding Xiaoyu: Have you discovered that Liu Bei in this time and space is a double body of Xiu?

Wang Dadong: Well, I just found out.

Then, the three of them slowly turned their heads and looked at Xiu.

Xiu Ben was carefully looking at Liu Bei, when suddenly……… Who’s watching him?

Why did he feel so uneasy in his heart? Xiu looked up, almost startled.

This Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur and Ding Xiaoyu……… What is the look? Why do they look at themselves like that?

Being looked at like this, Xiu had the illusion that he was going to be pushed out and slaughtered the next second.

Xiu unnaturally looked away.

But why are those three eyes so hot!

Why did those three people look at him with such hot eyes! Such a terrible eh!

Super scary eh!

Zhang Fei’s eyes moved left and right on their faces.

The expressions of these four people……… How weird?

“I have a plan.”

Ding Xiaoyu opened his mouth.


Several people were staring at him!

“What, say it quickly.”

Wang Dadong put on Gong Xiaoyu’s shoulder.

Repair: “…”

How does he feel………

The acting skills of these two people are so unnatural?

It was as if something had been premeditated and planned to tell him.

“We can take Liu Bei back to Jin Space-Time for treatment, and then let Xiu stay here to pretend to be Liu Bei and maintain space-time order.”

Ding Xiaoyu said.

“Well, this strategy sounds……”

Xiu Gang wanted to agree, but suddenly woke up, “Are you kidding?!” ”

It’s the three of them who want time travel! How could I beg him to take them on a journey through time and space?!

And this basket is also Wang Dadong’s poke, right?! Why can’t he go back?!

What a shame! Can’t play like that!

He really didn’t have any interest in Silver Time and Space!

“Eh! I also think it’s a good idea! ”

Zhang Fei said happily.

“Shakespeare said: Successful liars do not have to lie to survive, because all those who are deceived become his adherents.”

“Eh, why is it that when he says this, there are flashcards next to him?”

Zhang Fei was curious.

Arthur King: “…”

Wang Dadong: “…”

Ding Xiaoyu: “…”

“No matter what, the only question now is that Liu Bei’s combat effectiveness is insufficient [8,000], can he cross the gate of time and space?”

Ding Xiaoyu said.

“What combat power? What kind of space-time gate? ”

Zhang Fei was even more curious.

“Brother, that’s a long story.”

Wang Dadong said.

“Then you can make a long story short!”

Zhang Fei said.

After Wang Dadong’s long story short, Zhang Fei finally understood a rough idea.

The problem now is to repair.

“Xiu, don’t worry, this is a democratic era, it is better for us to vote and decide.”

Wang Dadong said, “Raise your hand if you are in favor of Xiu staying!” ”

He immediately raised his hand! King Arthur raised his hand! Ding Xiaoyu raised his hand! Zhang Fei raised his hand!

Xiu looked at them and was completely speechless! What a democratic era!

This directly redefines ‘democracy’! There is no compulsion at all!

Democracy! Really democratic! There is no way.

Now there is only one way.

Although it is a little ridiculous, it is better than destroying the order of time and space.

Xiu could only do that wronged head.

Who let it be his doppelganger!

And this doppelganger happens to be an important figure of the Three Kingdoms, Liu Bei! Xiu can only change into Liu Bei’s clothes and temporarily play Liu Bei.

Liu Bei was brought back to the Golden Time and Space by Wang Dadong and others.

Guan Yu woke up and was very happy to see that Liu Bei was not dead.

The three of them took the oath again and officially became brothers!

At the end of this scene, the whole space is silent.

This……… All right?

Because of the butterfly effect triggered by Wang Dadong’s coin, Xiu replaced his own doppelgänger and became Liu Bei?

No wonder Xiu is the protagonist of the story of Silver Time and Space! This is how the protagonist came!

“So, the real Liu Bei is in our golden time and space?”

“And this kind of operation?”

“High! It’s really high! ”

“Hahaha, although I am very sad to repair, I don’t know why I want to laugh.”

“Repair this is sold!” It’s miserable! It’s miserable! ”

This protagonist deserves it!

It’s really not against your heart at all, O mountain!

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