Chapter 231 Do you want this blessing to give you or not!!

“Interesting! So much fun! ”

“I never thought the plot would go this way!”

“Hahaha, this protagonist deserves it, what a grievance!”

“The protagonist who doesn’t want to be the protagonist in history!”

“Ding Xiaoyu can come up with such a plan, it is also powerful!”

“Hugh’s expression is going to make me laugh to death!” Hahahahaha! ”

“This one flies too!” He didn’t even suspect such a strange thing! It’s so foolish! ”

The bastards are excited! Who doesn’t love to watch the hilarity?

Anyway, it wasn’t them who were left in the silver space!

They can’t wait to see Xiu Xiu’s ‘adventure’ in Silver Time and Space! Stimulate!

It was so exciting!

I don’t know what the follow-up plot will be! Expect!

I was so much looking forward to it!

Everyone stared at the picture with great interest!

Xiu, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei came to the Eastern Han Academy.

The grand school is an eye-opener for them!

The students wore brand new and neat uniforms, carried school bags, and walked with their heads held high, and the whole school was a vibrant, youthful and energetic scene.

Seeing all this, their mood changed.

The area of this Eastern Han Academy is also too big, you can’t see the edge at a glance, it is magnificent and grand, you can go inside to study, and the sense of mission is definitely very strong!

“Wow! Is this the Eastern Han Academy where the leader of the whole school is located? Sure enough, it was imposing! ”

Guan Yu was so happy!

“Hmm! I really can’t dream that we can go to such a good school! There is also the whole school league here! ”

Zhang Fei is also extremely happy!

Be aware!

They are already twenty-four ‘schools’! I was ready to never go to any school again! Didn’t expect that! The Eastern Han Academy actually accepted them!

I have long heard that the principal of the Eastern Han Academy, Wang Yun, the leader of the All-School League, is a person who cherishes talents, so they dared to try, and did not expect that the admission letter and the school’s uniform would reach their hands so quickly!

“I have a hunch! We will not be fired again! ”

Guan Yu was very confident.

“Then again, we should go to this kind of school!”

Zhang Fei said.

“Big Brother! Don’t say two words? ”

Guan Yu turned his head to look at Xiu with great excitement.

Xiu didn’t know what kind of expression to make.

Should he be happy?

Happy to go to such a good and stylish school?

But he’s been out of high school for so many years, and he really doesn’t want to relive this nightmare!

Not long after he became the wronged boss, he had to be brought to relive the nightmares of many years ago, and he also had to worry about when he would wear a gang, how to save the silver time and space, and so on…

Can he be happy?


Guan Yu turned his head to Zhang Fei with some embarrassment, “Don’t you think the big brother is weird?” ”

“Is there one? Well, you haven’t heard that people will change when they become big brothers. ”

Zhang Fei also laughed twice in embarrassment.

“Never heard of it.”

Guan Yu was very honest.

“Then don’t we also become students of the main school of the whole school?” Let’s go, let’s go to school! ”

Zhang Fei quickly patted Xiu, “Big brother, go, go to school!” ”

Repair: “…”

Although reluctant, Xiu followed them and entered the Eastern Han Academy.

What can I do if I am reluctant again? There is no good way at all!

What better way than him to replace his own doppelgänger Liu Bei and stay in Silver Time and Space to study?

Without! Not at all! Nightmare! It’s finally coming! Repeat school! Repeat the homework! Repeat the college entrance examination!

He’s not going to go back to high school for three years, is he?! Wouldn’t it be three years and three years and three years?!

The ghost knows when that Liu Bei will wake up! What if Liu Bei could never wake up!

“Hahaha, it is really our blessing to be able to study at the Eastern Han Academy!” You say yes or no, big brother? ”

Zhang Fei said to ease the embarrassment.

Good luck! Good luck!

Do you want this blessing?! Yes?!

Do you want to?!

Well, this blessing Zhang Fei really wants to………

Xiu had been mad in his heart countless times, and he didn’t know how to speak, Zhang Fei really wanted to smoke his mouth!

How is it getting more and more embarrassing?!

The three were lucky enough to be assigned to the same class.

Before class, the teacher starts the roll call.

“Xiahou Chun.”


“Xu Huang.”


“Jiang Wei.”


“Sable cicadas.”


“Zhang Liao.”




“Zhao Yun.”

No one responded.

The teacher raised his head: “Zhao Yun? ”

Still no one responded.

Everyone looked at the empty seat in the corner of the classroom…

“Why didn’t Zhao Yun come again?”

The teacher was also very helpless, “Little Joe.” ”


Little Joe raised his hand incredibly cutely.

“Jiang Gan.”

The whole class: “Dry!!! ”

Jiang Gan raised his hand and just wanted to answer ‘to’, but he was stubbornly held back.

He stood up, a little upset: “Hey, classmate! Every time the teacher calls me Jiang Gan, you will talk about it! You guys can’t get tired of playing! ”

The whole class: “It’s not boring to play!!!” ”

Jiang Gan: “…??? ”

“Okay, students are quiet, next, let’s introduce three transfer students.”

“Wow! There was actually Xiahou Chun! ”

“Little Joe is so cute! So lively! ”

“Big Joe? How come there is no Big Joe? ”

“The mink cicadas are so beautiful!” Looks very gentle! ”

“Hahahahaha! Isn’t that Jiang Gan Jin Baosan’s doppelganger? ”

“Yay! Hahaha! ”

“Brother Bao! That’s you! ”

Big Spicy said.

“I didn’t expect you to be Jiang Gan!”

Xiao Spicy said.

“What happened to Jiang Gan?” What happened to Jiang Gan? ”

Jimbo San pinched their ears, “Is it okay to be a well-known person?” What about you? Where are you?

“Treasure three brothers treasure three brothers! I was wrong! ”

“Brother Bao! You spared me! Pain! ”

“Shut up! Look good! ”

Jin Baosan let go of them, “My doppelgänger is also quite handsome!” Skin care as good as I do! Hey hey…”

Big Spicy: “…”

Spicy: “…”

The finally found out.

Silver Time and Space is really similar to the characters of the Three Kingdoms.

But it’s different.

Silver time and space cannot be viewed from the perspective of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

But there is a little bit to learn from.

Novelty! What a novelty!

The characters of the Three Kingdoms have been there, I don’t know if there will be characters in “Journey to the West” in other time and space?

If there really is, then will Sun Wukong really turn over a fight of 108,000 miles?

Is it really possible to eat Tang monk meat without aging? Of course.

All this is just the imagination of the mixed word generation.

If you want to know the story of other time and space, you have to be Mr. Su.

For now, let’s focus on the story of Silver Time and Space first!

I don’t know how miserable Hugh’s high school life will be! Everyone looked at the picture with great anticipation!

The three figures walked into the classroom! The classroom was filled with exclamations!

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