Chapter 232 Mr. Su, can this paragraph not be broadcast?!!

“My surname is Zhang, my name is Fei, my name is Yide, hello everyone.”

Zhang Fei said.

“My surname is Guan, my name is Yu, and my character is long, please give me more advice.”

Guan Yu said.

“My surname is Huyan Jueluo, and my name is Xiu…”

“Cough cough cough!!!”

Zhang Fei quickly reminded!

Xiu a spirit: “Ah, the word Xuande! Number Liu Bei! You can call me Liu Bei! ”

The whole class: “Oh———”

Xiu almost broke out in a cold sweat! Almost revealed! It’s almost over!

Almost a little silver space-time is about to be destroyed because of him! It’s really just a little bit!

It’s horrible!

Fortunately, Zhang Fei reminded him in time, and he himself was clever enough to escape this fate!

Xiu was fiercely relieved.

With the teacher’s permission, the three of them walked to the empty seat below.

As Guan Yu walked towards his empty seat, he saw the mink cicada!

At this glance, Guan Yu’s face was directly red!

Even the neck is red!

The bastards just blew up!

“This is the legendary red-faced Guan Gong?!”

“So Guan Yu’s face is so red?”

“Cow wow! Can a person’s face really be red to this extent? ”

“Hahaha! Guan Yu’s face is really red! ”

“I thought Guan Yu’s blush was because he was born with red skin!” I didn’t expect it to be like this! ”


Guan Yu’s face was always red! Bright red!

To ask why Guan Yu’s face was so red, no one could give an answer.

Now everyone finally knows!

In fact, Guan Yu’s face was not born red! But when you are shy, your face will be extremely red! Redder than the average person blushes!

I see! I see! The answer is this! The bastards have all understood!

“Eh! Check it out! It’s time for class! ”

“Wow! I had a hard time finishing class to listen to a storyteller, and now I want to watch someone else’s class? ”

“Please! Don’t do that, right? I really don’t want to listen to the class! ”

“It’s not interesting, it’s really not interesting!”

“How do I feel like I’m in an open class…”

“Don’t… Mr. Sue, can you skip this paragraph? ”

The bastards are screaming bitterly!

How to listen to a book to find a stimulus, you have to be involved with the class? Wouldn’t that require you to finish a lesson the whole time?

Wouldn’t you?

Wouldn’t it be so mindful?

Just now they were still watching the hilarity of the repair!

How would Xiu feel if he knew that thousands of people were watching him in class?

Obviously, they had just been fortunate in what happened to the cultivator, and now they had to be punished along with the repair!

But they are reluctant to leave! Is this retribution? All want to cry without tears!

Let’s hope this lesson doesn’t take too long! The screen continues!

Class starts!

“Okay, now, let’s start the class.”

The teacher was on the podium, with a serious expression, “This semester’s homework will be very difficult, and the teacher will double down on you strictly.” ”

The students below were all wailing.

Xiu even bit his lip.

[I’m so unlucky to come to a school with so much schoolwork!] That’s it!

His academic career is over!

When he thought of reliving that period of high school, he wanted to just pat his ass and leave!

Get up early and go to class in the dark! Write homework! Endorsement! Remember the words! Remember the formula! Write an essay! Translate the text!

There are also various exams!

Exams! Monthly exams! Midterm exams! Final exams! Take the exam with the classroom! Open-book exam! Mock exam! Quiz the test! College Entrance Examination!

Originally, he still thought that Liu Bei was quite pitiful when he was hit by a stone for no reason, but now it seems that the most pitiful thing is himself! Liu Bei is the one who is not pitiful at all!

This is even more terrifying than the destruction of silver space-time! Never mind!

Or silver time and space or destruction! He didn’t want to care!

He’s going back to Iron Time now! Xiu almost collapsed!

Fortunately, the last sanity pulled him in!

Otherwise, he really had to go to the Golden Time and Space to drag Liu Bei back! Whether Liu Bei is alive or dead must be dragged back!

Why did he have to suffer a high school beating for Liu Bei! And two beatings!

Excessively! It’s too much!

“Okay, now start the most difficult lottery!”

The teacher said.

Underneath was a sigh.

[The first day is going to be drawn, it is really a mess…… [It’s over…… ]

[I’m the leader of the Dongcheng Guard, and I’m going to be ridiculed by my new classmates when I first arrived…… Cultivators want to cry without tears.

He just wanted to ask in the air……… Mr. Sue……… This paragraph……… Can it not be broadcast? The whole space was dead silent.

No one dared to make a sound.


It’s so depressing!

This is torture! The first day of school is to take the test! Who can stand this?

Suffocate! It’s suffocating!

Watching others go to class is like going to class yourself!

For the first time, the mixed generation wanted to complain about why the projection of this space was so big! The sound quality is so good! So much detail! The movement is so smooth!

It makes them all feel like they’re there! Everyone started to get nervous!

“Whoever names them, stand up and answer later!”

The teacher’s eyes scanned the students in the audience with great sharpness, “This test is very difficult, even the teacher may not be able to do it all!” ”

The sound underneath is louder.

Everyone was terrified.

The books were soaked with sweat from the palms of my hands.


Is it finally here?

Finally can’t escape?

It’s familiar……… Dominated fear calls to answer questions!

This unknown fear! This unknown fate! This unknown problem!

And the answer that you can’t think of even if you think of a broken head! This link!

Is it finally coming?

“This test is frightening…”

The teacher paused, “Nine-nine multiplication table!” ”

The students below were a sensation! Xiu was almost scared to death!

A frightening nine-nine multiplication table! It’s really…… Difficult……… Yes?

Well? Nine-nine multiplication table?

Xiu looked at the teacher doubtfully.

Are you sure it’s a nine-nine multiplication table?

“I know, it’s really hard, but we have to overcome the fear in our hearts! Overcome the nine-nine multiplication table! ”

The teacher said.


“I can’t learn it!”

“What I’m most afraid of is the nine-nine multiplication table!”


“Quiet and quiet!”

The teacher named Jiang Gan, “As the head of the class, I will test you first.”


Jiang Gan said immediately!

“Wrong! Copy it a hundred times! Sit down! ”

The teacher said.

“Zhang Liao!”


“Come, May Two…”

“Wrong! Copy it two hundred times! Sit down! ”

“Liu Bei!”

No one returned.

“Liu Bei!”

The teacher looked at Xiu, “Liu Bei! Liu Bei! ”

Seeing that Xiu Xiu did not react, Guan Yu hurriedly threw a paper ball at his back! How can the eldest brother be distracted in class?

Don’t know how important this lesson is? That’s the nine-nine multiplication table!

The hardest nine-nine multiplication table in history!

“Liu Bei!”

The teacher shouted again.

Xiu was startled and quickly stood up: “To! ”

“It doesn’t matter, the teacher just wants to know how well you are.”

The teacher said with a smile.

She thought Hugh was a new classmate, so she was very nervous.

Teacher: “Come, question 1, three seven…”

Hugh: “Twenty-one.” ”

Teacher:”! ”

Classmate: “! ”

Teacher: “Twenty-eight…”

Hugh: “Sixteen years.” ”

Teacher: “!! ”

Classmate: “!! ”

Teacher: “May 2…”

Hugh: “Ten thousand.” ”

Teacher: “!!! ”

Classmate: “!!! ”

Teacher: “Six or seven…”

Teacher: “Eighty-three! ”

Repair: “Twenty-four!” ”

Teacher: “Nine-nine!! ”

Repair: “Eighty-one!” ”

This moment!

The whole class is boiling! Applause thunderous! Golden space-time.

The people below were stunned.


“I want to go to Silver Time and Space to go to school, can I?”

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