Chapter 233 Zhao Yun appeared! Treacherous representatives! Cao Cao!!

After class, the three of them leaned into the hallway and chatted.

“I can’t imagine that the big brother is so smart.”

Guan Yu said.

“Yeah, I didn’t know I was so smart.”

Hugh said.

Will memorize the nine-nine multiplication table……… Doesn’t seem to be something to be proud of?


Who called this silver space-time?

“Big brother, it’s okay if you go to lunch, my second brother and I are slowly reducing our need for food.”

Zhang Fei said.

“Oh? Why? ”

Hugh was curious.

“The real master can practice to the end and not eat at all.”

Guan Yu said, “We call, ‘Break the valley!’ ”

“Breaking the valley?”

Xiu Lian thought of something bad, and couldn’t help but cough softly, “Then who has practiced to break the valley?” ”

Guan Yu looked into the distance: “According to legend, only the founder of the Yellow Turban High School, Zhang Jiao, heard that he could live by breathing alone. ”

“Oh, so he’s the first master?”

Hugh was amazed.

This was the first time he had heard of such a strange thing.

“It can be said that the people who fight him are either dead or crippled!”

Zhang Fei said, “The matter about Zhang Jiao has always been very mysterious. ”

Xiu fell into contemplation.

Zhang Jiao, president of Yellow Turban University……… How terrible is it? He never thought about it.

One person.

It is possible to live without eating or drinking, and to be able to sustain life just by breathing.

Zhang Jiao’s martial arts……… Reached a realm that ordinary people can’t reach! No wonder the Yellow Turban College dared to be so rampant!

The headmaster is so strong, can he not be rampant?

After experiencing the first wave of silver time and space education, the mixed word generation did not expect that the second wave of shock would strike again!

And even more violently!

Is there anyone in this world who can sustain life without eating or drinking?

People who have learned martial arts to this realm……… Is it all so scary? They thought.

Guan Yu was already very powerful.

Didn’t expect that! The president of the Yellow Turban College! Horns! Even more terrifying than Guan Yu!

Even more terrifying than everyone in the Golden Space! Knife mad knife ghost!

Killer Organization of people! Is the strength terrifying enough?

Do they dare to say that they don’t have to eat or drink, but can live just by breathing? Don’t you dare?

Tian Xin!

People with the potential of the Million Points Combat Power Index!

Thousands of times stronger than everyone in the Golden Time and Space!

Does she dare to say that she can live without eating or drinking, just by breathing? Don’t you dare?


When the Mixed Word Generation knew that the horns of the Silver Time and Space could be practiced to such an extent, all of them were shocked!

This is simply an invincible existence!

Others encounter a desperate situation, even if the martial arts are strong, they still die without eating and drinking, but Zhang Jiao is different, not only does he not have to eat and drink, but he is also strong in martial arts!

They also said how dare the students of the Yellow Turban High School be so arrogant and bully other schools everywhere, there is such a terrible principal, in exchange for them, they are also arrogant! Whoever changes is arrogant!

If you want to level the Yellow Turban College, I am afraid it is a very difficult thing… The students were eating lunch when an emergency siren suddenly sounded!

“Zhao Yun! Get Me Out! ”

“What a hero and good man hiding in school!”

“Get me out!” Dare to be bold! ”

“Make one.”

“Get me out!”

A figure stands above the flag! The aura is very powerful!

“Zhao Yun!”

“Don’t think that martial arts are the first in the world!”

“That’s because you haven’t touched me yet!”


“Hua Xiong!”

“I practiced a set of explosive punches!”

“No one is invincible so far!”


Hua Xiong directly used a unique trick – Burst Punch!

A palm print went directly to the students of the Eastern Han Academy! Rumble!

The Eastern Han Academy was directly shaken!

The students who ate in the second-floor cafeteria even rolled down! Downstairs is a scream!

The Eastern Han Academy was in chaos! Followed by!

Hua Xiong performed light work!

Jump down from a flag more than ten meters high! Finally landed safely!

In the exclamation of the teachers and students, Hua Xiong directly exploded his shirt as long as he was hugged! It will explode!

“Do you think this is my most powerful martial art?”


“I have more amazing stunts!”

“It is!”


“Rice blossoms!

Only to see a pile of corn appear in Hua Xiong’s hand! The other hand is directly covered! Keep rubbing!


White smoke billowed from his hands! Soon!

The corn kernels become popcorn!

The bastards are stupid!

Although this paragraph looks funny, it is not funny at all!

They are also practitioners of the exercises, and they also know that this Huaxiong’s internal strength should not be underestimated!

Being able to fry corn kernels into popcorn with your bare hands is definitely not something that ordinary people can do!

Of the many mixed generations present, there should only be a few who can do this!

This is a very terrifying internal force!

“Oh my God… The people of Silver Time and Space are really powerful……”

“Is Zhao Yun going to fight Huaxiong so soon?”

“Hua Xiong looks so powerful, can Zhao Yun beat him?”

“Zhao Yun also seems to be a loner, he shouldn’t have any intersection with them, right?”

“What does Zhao Yun look like?” Why hasn’t it appeared yet? ”

“It is estimated that there will be a fight soon, and there is a lively look.”

In addition to Hua Xiong and Zhao Yun, who caused the discussion of the mixed word generation, there is another person who has also become the center of the discussion of the mixed word generation.

That is……… Jiang Gan!

Jiang Gan! It is the doppelgänger of Campbell III in Silver Time and Space!

“Campbell Three, why are your roles similar in every time and space?”

“In the Golden Time and Space, you are Jin Baosan, Iron Time and Space, you are Ren Chenwen, Silver Time and Space, you are Jiang Gan.”

“It really tarnishes my eyes, and no story of time and space will have you in the future, right?”

“Although the personal attack is very bad, but Campbell III… I really don’t want to see you again! ”

Campbell III: “Please! Other time and space have my doppelganger, what does this mean? Mr. Su has already said it! I! Campbell III! But there are people who are involved with the twelve time and space! When Mr. Su was talking about the book, didn’t you listen well? ”

“Now it’s time to ‘click’ you…… Twelve time and space are not related to you, right? ”

“Isn’t that okay?”

“What’s so bad about that? Put Campbell three ‘click’, good for everyone………

“Everyone is a classmate! Not necessarily……… Not necessarily……… Check it out! Check it out! ”

Jin Baosan quickly pointed to the picture, “Zhao Yun! Zhao Yun appeared! ”

A tall figure appeared in the corridor!

All the girls screamed and fell to the ground! Zhao Yun!

Finally here!

The bastards are stunned!

Born eight feet long, thick eyebrows, big eyes, handsome and handsome, white face without beard, eight feet tall, wide face heavy, majestic!

This is Zhao Yun! Handsome! So handsome! The screen continues!

“Eh, where on earth did you provoke him?”

Little Joe asked.

“It must have been sent by the hippopotamus Donggua to make a fool of himself.”

Zhao Yun said.

“Hippopotamus Donggua? What hippopotamus Donggua? ”

Little Joe was curious.

“Hippo Donggua is the Hedong University, their power is growing day by day, and there are rumors in the jianghu that they have always wanted to defeat us and then annex our Eastern Han Academy.”

Zhao Yun said.

“A little hippopotamus winter melon, do you want to annex our Eastern Han Academy?”

Little Joe felt incredible.

“They’re not just a little Hedong college now.”

Zhao Yun said.

Outside, Hua Xiong was still shouting, and even directly flew three times the Sanda champion with one punch, Zu Mao!

The teachers and students of the Eastern Han Academy screamed and screamed! This Huaxiong!

The strength is terrible! Even Zumao! All punched and flew away!

“Zhao Yun!”

“Get me out!”

Hua Xiong shouted! The other side.

When Wang Yun, the principal of the Eastern Han Academy, saw this situation, his heart was extremely anxious.

“If only Cao Cao were there…”

“Headmaster, what’s the matter with me?”

Before Wang Yun’s words were finished, Cao Cao immediately appeared!

“Wow! Cao Cao! Cao Cao appeared! ”

The bastards were excited!

One of the souliest characters in the Three Kingdoms is deleted! Treacherous representatives!

Cao Cao! Appeared!

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