Chapter 234 Guan Yu Zhao Yun fights! Cao Cao is a terrible person!!

“Dry! What are you doing rolling on the ground? ”

Cao Cao looked at Jiang Gan, who was rolling around, and frowned, “Get up for a meeting!” ”

Jiang Gan waved his hand at Cao Cao in embarrassment: “Immediately and immediately…”

“Well, as the class president and the vice president of the student union, you should set an example for your classmates.”

Cao Cao said.


Jiang Gan immediately saluted.

Looking at his appearance, Cao Cao sighed helplessly and shook his head.

“Attention core cadres! Zu Mao was defeated with just one move, now who dares to fight? ”

Wang Yun said, “As long as you can defeat Hua Xiong, you can make a great contribution!” ”

That’s when it happened!

Pan Feng, who claimed to be a genius fighter, appeared!

The power of his iron cloth shirt is invincible in the world! No one can hurt him!

“I don’t believe you can try!”

Pan Feng said confidently to Wang Yun.

Wang Yun raised his leg and kicked directly in the most dangerous place for men!

Looking at Pan Feng, who was rolling madly on the ground, Jiang Gan quickly patted his ass: “Headmaster, congratulations! That genius fighter Pan Feng’s iron cloth shirt was kicked by you like this! It’s amazing! ”

The word bastards are all shocked! Is this Cao Cao?

The Cao Cao who blackmailed the Son of Heaven to order the princes?

Although Cao Cao had just appeared, he looked like a responsible and excellent cadre, but!

can feel 980! Cao Cao’s own sense of majesty and oppression! Such Cao Cao………

It’s really scary! Cao Cao!

An indispensable character of the Three Kingdoms! He is also the most controversial figure! His personality is the most complicated! The hardest thing to figure out!

Later generations have mixed reviews of him! The phrase ‘Rather teach me to bear the world’! It comes from the mouth of Cao Cao! The existence of Cao Cao!

It also adds a strong color to the story of the Three Kingdoms period!

Although Cao Cao of Silver Time and Space cannot be measured by the image and style in the book, the temperament and aura of the leader he shows are enough to shock everyone!

know! Cao Cao!

A very scary figure!

Repairing to this number of people, it is really unlucky!

If Cao Cao was regarded as an opponent, Xiu probably wouldn’t even have the chance to come back alive!

It is the evaluation of Cao Cao of Silver Time and Space by the mixed word generation! But then again………

“Hahaha! Laugh me to death! ”

“The iron cloth shirt does not cover the most dangerous place!”

“Principal Wang Yun has an apologetic and scared look on his face, so cute!”

“Jiang Gan is like me who was late for class and was caught by the teacher…”

“It’s also like a colleague who is very attentive to slapping the leader’s ass…”

At the thought of Jiang Gan, who sneakily wanted to unknowingly touch the team, the mixed characters felt very funny and very substitutional.

It’s like being late for class and being grabbed by a teacher, being late for work and being grabbed by a leader, and a colleague who frantically pats the leader’s ass.

The role of Jiang Gan also began to please.

Jin Baosan: “I didn’t expect that my doppelgänger was actually the class president and the vice president of the student council!” So powerful, so powerful! ”

Big Spicy: “What does that have to do with you?” ”

Campbell Three: “That’s my doppelganger!” Do you think it has anything to do with me? ”

Spicy: “It’s like… It doesn’t matter? ”

Campbell Three: “You both shut me up!” ”

“I see, let’s leave Zhao Yun alone and let him face Hua Xiong on his own!”

Wang Yun said.

“Zhao Yun will not listen to us, Colonel.”

Cao Cao was very calm.

“Actually, if Zhao Yun doesn’t come forward, he won’t be able to stop Hua Xiong!”

Wang Yun was a little angry, “Otherwise, you are the president of the student council, where do you go?” ”

“Headmaster, I can’t do it yet…”

Cao Cao’s words turned sharply, “But I know there is one person who can.” ”


“Guan Yu.”

“Who is Guan Yu?”

Wang Yun had never heard of this person.

“He’s not who, he’s himself.”

“Don’t be humorous! Has he won any championships, or any first place? ”

“Not at all.”

Cao Cao said.

“It sounds a bit like you had a festival with Guan Yu and you want to send him to his death.”

Cao Cao smiled, “He’s what I’ve seen… The most special people. ”

“How special is it?”

“You’ve seen him.”

Cao Cao said mysteriously.

Wang Yun was helpless: “Okay, go and call him.” ”

“Headmaster, good people are to be invited, let’s go find him.”

Cao Cao said.


Wang Yun was very puzzled, “I am the principal of the main school of the whole school!” ”

“Let’s just take a walk, shall we?”

Cao Cao half-pushed and half-coaxed Wang Yun with him to find Guan Yu.

The other side.

Xiu, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were looking outside, and Cao Cao and Wang Yun came looking for them.

Cao Cao persuaded Wang Yun to let Guan Yu fight.

Guan Yu was also very happy.


He was already a student of the Eastern Han Academy, and it was incumbent upon him to solve the troubles for the Eastern Han Academy.


He made the only request to Wang Yun.

It is that the three of them are never allowed to be expelled.

Wang Yun agreed very happily.

At this moment, Zhao Yun also came over.

“Headmaster, people are coming to me, so I think I’ll face it myself.”

Zhao Yun said.

“I’m sorry, but the principal has already named me to go out and fight.”

Guan Yu said.

“Yes, the conditions are all negotiated, what are you going to interject?”

Zhang Fei said unhappily.

Zhao Yun looked at Guan Yu.

Guan Yu also looked at Zhao Yun.

Between the two of them, a very powerful aura was formed! Everyone can feel the hostility between them!

Wang Yun and Cao Cao felt that it didn’t matter who went to fight Huaxiong, as long as they won the battle, otherwise Huaxiong would have been making trouble here, which would have greatly disturbed the order of the Eastern Han Academy

Zhao Yun saw that Guan Yu was so insistent, so he let Guan Yu kick him, and when the kick was finished, Guan Yu could fight.

“Everyone is also a reason to meet, my second brother’s foot, everyone may be separated forever!”

Zhang Fei looked at the lively expression.

Guan Yu walked over to Zhao Yun! Raised legs! Airplanes!

A very subtle force broke the previous stalemate between the two of them!

“I kicked, now I’m going to play.”

Guan Yu said.

Zhao Yun looked at Guan Yu and did not speak.

“Zhao Yun is tempting!”

“Guan Yu and Zhao Yun… The strength should be comparable! ”

“Master! Both of them are masters! ”

“Guan Yu’s kick!” The power can be said to be very constricted! ”

Zhao Yun must have known Guan Yu’s strength, so he didn’t speak!

“This is a real master’s trick!”

The mixed word generations have given a very high evaluation of Guan Yu’s foot! They can be seen!

This foot of Guan Yu! The power is terrifying!

If only it really kicked Zhao Yun!

Zhao Yun was afraid that he had to exert all his strength to be able to stop it! And!

Guan Yu and Zhao Yun!

They are all sentient beings who keep their promises! Such a person!

Very worthy of admiration and respect!

“Have you ever thought that Guan Yu is a new transfer, how did Cao Cao pay attention to him?”

“Cao Cao is the president of the student union, and he knows Guan Yu, so it shouldn’t be difficult, right?”

“Actually, I think… Cao Cao is a terrible person. ”

“Huh? What happened to Cao Cao? ”

“Can’t you see it?” This Cao Cao……… It’s not easy! ”

The focus of the mixed word generation was once again pulled back to Cao Cao’s body!

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