Chapter 235 Almost Revealed! Cao Cao directly showed the hole card?!!

Cao Cao!

Once again, it has attracted the attention of the word! Initially.

Wang Yun did not believe that the nameless and stateless Guan Yu could do the task of driving Hua Xiong away, but Cao Cao repeatedly assured Wang Yun that Guan Yu was a very special existence, which meant it.

Cao Cao not only knew Guan Yu’s number one figure, but even Guan Yu’s strength and bottom line were clearly molded!

Perhaps from the moment Guan Yu stepped into the Eastern Han Academy, Cao Cao, as the president of the student union, learned about Guan Yu’s strength and past out of duty.


Earlier……… Cao Cao.

Already paying attention to Guan Yu!

He tried his best to persuade Wang Yun to meet Guan Yu, and even persuaded Wang Yun to give up the identity of the leader of the whole school and the principal of the Eastern Han Academy, and personally invited Guan Yu to fight, Wang Yun was finally persuaded, it is conceivable that Cao Cao’s position in Wang Yun’s heart is very important!

From here, we can also analyze a few points: First.

Cao Cao was a person who knew talents, and Wang Yun was also a person who valued talents, otherwise he would not really go to see Guan Yu in person.


Cao Cao’s vision was incomparably long-term.


Cao Cao was so anxious to attract talents, perhaps he had a deeper plan and plan for the fourth.

Cao Cao’s ambitions may have been evident during this period.


For Cao Cao’s words, Wang Yun was convinced, which showed his position in Wang Yun’s heart.

In a word.

Regarding Cao Cao as a person, the more in-depth the analysis of the mixed word generation, the more chills in the back!

It is truly worthy of the first adulterous male in history!

Its guts, temperament, pattern, conversation, ability, mind and city government are very impressive!

Next, it was Guan Yu Wen Wine who cut Hua Xiong!

“We all know the future of the story.”

“Haha, this story my four-year-old sister can recite.”

“It’s so funny, hahahahaha, you see, Guan Yu actually took Hua Xiong’s underwear.”

“Yes, yes, Guan Yu actually took Hua Xiong’s inside… Pants?! ”




The bastards all stood up in shock! Guan Yu took Hua Xiong’s panties?!

Yes?! What do you mean?!

Could it be that Mr. Su is fast-forwarding?

How could the end of the plot be like this? Why would Guan Yu take Hua Xiong’s panties?

Hua Xiong……… Not hacked to death by Guan Yu, it was… Because Guan Yu took his underwear, he was shy to run away?!


How is this different from the book?! What the hell is going on in between?!

Hugh: “??? ”

Just now…… What happened?

“Third brother, I wonder how Guan Yu repelled Hua Xiong.”

Xiu patted Zhang Fei.

“At this time, we are here to do ten VCRs!”

Zhang Fei immediately played a picture out of thin air!

In the picture!

Hua Xiong kept shouting and provoking, and Guan Yu fell from the sky! Face off with Huaxiong!

Hua Xiong used a trick [Hot Wheels]! Guan Yu held out one hand!

Directly snatched Hua Xiong’s underwear!

Hua Xiong: Yeah? How does it feel cool? He looked down!

Look up again at what Guan Yu is holding in his hand!


Hua Xiong screamed and fled!

Guan Yu holding up Hua Xiong’s panties! In an instant, it won the warm applause of all the teachers and students!

Repair: “………”

Mixed: “…”

And…… Such?!

This is also too Nyima outrageous, right?! This is Wen Jiu chopping Huaxiong?! Is this okay?!

“No… But……… Guan Yu’s hand speed is so fast, it is also quite powerful! ”

“Yes… Oh, yes……… To this extent, it is no longer an ordinary person.

“It’s really powerful…”

Although outrageous, the mixed generation had to admit that Guan Yu was able to pull Hua Xiong’s underwear down, which was also very powerful, and ordinary people could not do this.

Xiu, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei were invited by Cao Cao to the Cao family compound.

“Being Guan Yu’s big brother must be a superhero with enough potential.”

Cao Cao brought out snacks and fruit.

“I didn’t have enough to come, I was just a shuttle in………”


Zhang Fei just took a sip of water and squirted out in fright, which also interrupted Xiu’s words.

He guided Xiu to sing, Xiu reacted, and also sang with him, which did not show the stuffing.

“I love to sing this song with my three brothers.”

Xiu Lian said.

“Yes, that’s why we worship!”

Zhang Fei said, “Old Cao, if you also like to sing, you are welcome to come and worship with us and become the fourth elder!” I just missed a little brother. ”

Cao Cao smiled, “I like to sing, but… I’m not used to being a little brother. ”

Zhang Fei also wanted to instigate Cao Cao to be his younger brother, but was interrupted by Guan Yu.

He had to sit down in frustration.

“Especially Guan Yu, he couldn’t think of a kick from you, so he let Zhao Yun back down.”

Cao Cao admired Guan Yu very much.

“It’s a shame to say it, I kicked that kick, but there was an inexplicable sense of fear in my heart, and my intuition told me to stop, otherwise something terrible would happen.”

Guan Yu said.

“Please, we are invincible all over the world!”

Zhang Fei did not agree with Guan Yu’s words.

Guan Yu looked at Zhang Fei seriously: “The world is very big. ”

“Zhao Yun……… I have never seen him fight in school, but there are many legends about him helping the weak and helping the poor, punishing adultery and eliminating evil. ”

Cao Cao said

Xiu nodded, “Yes, yes, he saved Ah Dou at Nagasaka Slope, as if he had entered a state of no human heart…”

Zhang Fei was shocked! A punch hammered on Hugh’s thigh!

Cao Cao was very keen: “What Nagasaka slope saved Ah Dou?” ”

Guan Yu also looked at Xiu with a curious face.

Xiu felt bad!


How did I tell the story of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms!

Seeing that Xiu Xiu was still stunned there, Zhang Fei squeezed his thigh hard!

“Ahhh!! There is a long longboard! Zhao Yun! Standing on top of it shivering! ”

Xiu Lian said.

Zhang Fei also hurriedly followed the costume to sell stupid.

Although Cao Cao was smiling on the surface, his eyes were already looking up and down.

[Liu Bei is a man who pretends to be crazy and stupid, has been hiding his strength, and can also be Guan Yu’s big brother.] ]

[I see…… ]

[In the future, we will dominate the world…… [Definitely not to underestimate him!] [Rather… ]

Cao Cao thought of something and said, “I don’t know if the three of you have found a place to live?” ”

“Are you going to provide food and accommodation for free?” Does it contain water and electricity for us? ”

Zhang Fei asked hurriedly.

Cao Cao smiled and replied, “That’s right. ”

“No kidding.”

“I’m serious, I’m not kidding.”

Cao Cao smiled and said, “The three of you are now studying across districts, very far away, it is more convenient to live in my house, it is relatively close to the school, and you can get up late to go to class.” ”

“Without a reason, how can you live in vain?”

Guan Yu felt very embarrassed.

“If you just want a reason, I sincerely invite you to join me” Cao Cao stood up, “call the world the world!” ”

“Wow! Did Cao Cao directly show the hole card?! ”

“He actually put his ambitions all out??”

“Can Guan Yu promise him?”

“This Cao Cao! Too reckless, right?! ”

The bastards were shocked!

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