Chapter 236 Cultivation may be forced to dominate the world? Dong Zhuo appeared?!!

“Dominate the world!”

“Let us let Liu Zheng, chairman of the Eastern Han Academy, always be the leader of the whole school alliance!”

Cao Cao said!


This style of painting has changed a little quickly!

The historical Liu Wei was very pitiful, he was the only emperor in the Eastern Han Dynasty who was deposed, and the power was not in his own hands, how could Cao Cao really support this waste emperor?

“Cao Cao’s mind is really unfathomable!”

“Of course, he will not expose his ambitions, and a person with integrity like Guan Yu would not be able to do such a thing.”

“Wow, that’s a good excuse!”

“Cao Cao’s city government is indeed terrifying!”

The mixed generation was impressed.

In that tumultuous era, there was no good or bad. Cao Cao’s number one figure is even more worth speculating.


“Cao Cao seems to have focused all his attention on Xiu’s body.”

“Cao Cao, who is worthy of being suspicious, was suspicious of Xiu so quickly.”

“Repaired several times almost exposed the filling, I am worried about him.”

“I don’t know what Cao Cao will do with Xiu later…”

“Xiu was too careless……”

The bastards couldn’t help but worry about the repair.

Xiu had succeeded in arousing Cao Cao’s suspicions.

Cao Cao hadn’t noticed Xiu at all.

The mixed characters know Cao Cao’s psychological activities, and they know exactly what Cao Cao thinks.

Letting Guan Yu stay in the Cao family compound was the first step for Cao Cao to deeply understand Xiu, and it was also the first step to control and win over Xiu, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

If Xiu’s presence made Cao Cao feel threatened, maybe…

According to Cao Cao’s style of ‘Ning Teach Me to Bear the World’, Xiu Ke is dangerous!

Thinking of this, the mixed word generation is very nervous!

Cao Cao’s means……… But notoriously fierce! Guan Yu and Zhang Fei reached a consensus with Cao Cao.

Xiu was sullen and unhappy on the sidelines.

It’s really getting more and more like the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

How long will he have to pretend to be Liu Bei?

This is a dangerous step, in case you take a wrong step……… It may be a thousand pieces of corpse

After reaching a consensus, the three of them stayed in the Cao family compound, and Cao Cao entertained them with a very generous dinner.

“The meal was so sumptuous! Let me eat a ‘pound’! ”

Zhang Fei was extremely satisfied.

Hugh: “? ”

“You’ve eaten more than a pound, haven’t you?”

Guan Yu teased.

“Yes, eight pounds!”

“Uh… You’re taken aback…… Is that how it is used? ”

Hugh asked.

“Yeah, otherwise how do you use it?”

Zhang Fei asked rhetorically.

Oh, yes! How else to use it!

Of course, this is not how it is used! think it’s funny.

Although most of them don’t read very well, they still know what the familiar word ‘surprise’ means and how to use it.

“The cultural level of Silver Time and Space is also too low…”

“Yes, I will memorize the nine-nine multiplication table!”

“If I travel to the silver space, maybe I can get a full score on the exam!”


“Eat a pound.”

“It really surprised me.”


“Big brother and second brother, what kind of person do you think Lao Cao is?”

Zhang Fei asked.

“Seeing that he is so sincere, he should also be a person with dreams.”

Guan Yu said.

Xiu nodded, “In my memory, he is indeed a man with dreams.” ”

“What memory?”

Guan Yu thought he had heard wrongly.

“Second brother, you don’t have to ask more, and I don’t want to explain, so eat more.”

Xiu said very modestly.

Almost had another accident!

Fortunately, Guan Yu was more dead-headed, thinking that the eldest brother’s words had to be listened to, so he did not ask questions, otherwise, he really did not know how to answer.

“Lao Cao seems to dominate the world more than we like.”

Zhang Fei said.

“I don’t care about anything else, I only listen to Big Brother.”

Guan Yu said firmly, “Big brother, you only need one word!” We will surely follow you to dominate the world! ”

“Big brother, as long as you have a word! We will definitely follow you! ”

Zhang Fei also said firmly.

Hugh: “… Dominate the world?! Just kidding, right?! ”

What is he going to do in this world?!

And dominating the world is what Liu Bei should do! He is not Liu Bei!

He’s just a stand-in!

He didn’t want to put himself in a more dangerous situation and dominate the world! He is interested in the world of silver time and space… No interest at all!

He has no interest in dominating the world of which time and space! He just wanted to get out of here quickly and be the leader of his Iron Guard! And Zhang Fei!

Knowing that he was not Liu Bei at all!

Why do you want to say such things with Guan Yu! And the expression is still so firm!

Am I mistaken! Hugh’s heart is roaring!


If he confesses that he does not want to dominate the world, will it destroy the order of silver time and space, leading to the destruction of silver time and space?

“Say it again, say it again.”

Xiu could only continue to move his chopsticks to pick vegetables, “Eat, eat a few more pounds.” ”

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei didn’t feel that there was anything wrong, and really skipped this topic and buried their heads in eating.

Xiu Xiu looked at the two of them and his heart was full of mixed feelings.

[How is one sentence enough…… ]

[I have a thousand words to say… ]

[Cao Cao is now a friend, but he will become an enemy in the future…… [Can I say?] ]

[Oh my God…… ]

[It’s another sleepless night… ]

Xiu is very distressed…

“It’s too hard, it’s too hard.”

“It’s really hard to fix.”

“Hahaha, good sympathy for Xiu, what to do?” But why do I want to laugh so much? ”

“Xiu may be forced to dominate the world, hahaha!”

The are overjoyed.

Hugh’s expression………

It’s so funny!

The next day, Xiu, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and Cao Cao walked on their way to school.

Several people were chatting, when suddenly Jiang Gan ran over in a hurry!

“Not good, not good!”

“Report to the President!”

“Dong Zhuo, the president of Hedong University, sent someone to block the doors of our school! We can’t go to class! ”

“What did he seal?”

Cao Cao asked.

“Use the door!”

Jiang Gan was in a hurry.

“With a door? Oops…… Shouldn’t it be……”

Cao Cao was shocked! A group of people immediately rushed to the Eastern Han Academy!

In front of the gate of the Eastern Han Academy, students and teachers were standing all over again.

Wang Yun looked at these doors, and his head was bigger.

This is the legendary first of the world!

Eight Golden Locks!

“Eight Golden Locks!” This time it’s true, right? ”

“Jiang Gan mentioned Dong Zhuo of Hedong University!”

“According to what Zhao Yun said earlier, Hedong University is very ambitious!”

“Hedong University and Yellow Turban University…… None of them are good things! ”

“Is Dong Zhuo going to play?”

“That Dong Zhuo who deposed the Young Emperor?”

The mixed word generations are very much looking forward to Dong Zhuo’s appearance! Dong Zhuo!

A character who has been evaluated by posterity as extremely violent! There is a rating about him!

It’s all negative! He’s fierce! Many crimes have been committed!

Causing other warlords across the country to launch the Dong Zhuo Crusade! A man who can be crusaded by warlords of all countries!

How fierce it should be! How scary! Dong Zhuo of Silver Time and Space! What would it be like?

What did he want to do when he assigned someone to deploy eight golden locks in front of the gate of the Eastern Han Academy?

Will the first battle of the world be solved? Who will unravel it?

The mystery of everything depends on the progress of the story.

The mixed characters played the spirit of twelve points and stared at the picture! Dong Zhuo………

This very dangerous character……… It’s coming!

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