Chapter 237 I am trapped in the Eight Golden Locks! Dangerous! Seek help!!

“Under Li Ru! General Convener of Academic Affairs Office of Hedong University! ”

Li Ru stood in front of the gate of the Eastern Han Academy, behind the eight-door golden lock array, “Generally speaking, if there is anything urgent in our school, I will call people to deal with it!” ”

The teachers and students of the Eastern Han Academy were very angry.

Is this kind of thing worth showing off?

“Before, we Huaxiong came here to reason with everyone, but you beat you so much that even your underwear was gone!”

Li Ru continued to shout.

“As far as I know, Hua Xiong has come to provoke, not to be reasonable, right?”

Cao Cao said.

“You Donghan Academy just think that our Hedong College is a good bully, right?”

Li Ru directly ignored Cao Cao’s words.

He did not expect that all the teachers and students of the Eastern Han Academy would actually brush their heads in unison and Li Ru would be shocked by their reaction!

He directly accused Zhao Yun of doing very excessive things to Hedong Fuxiao! And indicated!

As long as they obediently hand over Zhao Yun! Everyone can go to school happily!

Wang Yun called out the gossipy Jiang Gan!

Jiang Gan told the ins and outs of the matter! A week ago.

The Hedong University Self-Defense Force kidnapped primary school students from all over the world and forced them to sign a life and death petition! Fight for Hedong University all your life!

After Zhao Yun knew, he went directly to rescue these primary school students! This also offended Hedong University!

“What you just said… Did it happen on the slope of Nagasaka? ”

Cao Cao asked.

“Ohmygod! President! You are indeed a British name! ”

Jiang Gan said, “Zhao Yun entering Changsakapo to save Ah Dou is like entering a no-man’s land!” President, my admiration for you is like a gushing river flowing endlessly, out of control…

Cao Cao looked at Xiu with great shock, and he was not very confused at all listening to what Jiang Gan was saying.

Why is this Liu Bei the first to foresee what will happen in the future? Zhao Yun Nagasakapo saving Ah Dou is like entering a no-man’s land………

This sentence.

This Liu Beidu said originally.

Is Liu Bei capable of being an uncertain prophet? Still is………

Is he very well informed? Or maybe…

He has always been paying attention to Zhao Yun’s movements? Cao Cao thought quickly.


The answer is not obvious.

He had to watch for a while.

[It seems…… ]

[Really be careful of Liu Bei as a person.] ]

[He seems to have been hiding a great power in his heart…… [He’s going to be a stumbling block for me…… Or a stepping stone? Cao Cao narrowed his eyes dangerously.

“Xiu This was completely suspected by Cao Cao!”

“He’s not going to be exposed, is he?”

“If he is really exposed, then isn’t the order of silver space-time chaotic?”

“Cao Cao’s mind is really meticulous, it’s too scary.”

“Yeah, it’s really tiring to get along with this kind of person, and you have to be careful everywhere.”

“I look at it with trepidation…”

“It’s so exciting…”

The bastards all sweated a little for the repair.

But Xiu didn’t seem to know that Cao Cao was already targeting him, and it was really anxious to see it, and he really wanted to personally go over and tell Xiu to be careful.

“But these eight golden locks… How to break it? ”

“It looks dangerous.”

“Isn’t it just eight doors?” What are the dangers? ”

“The danger is in those eight doors, and if you go through the wrong door, you may never get out.”

“It’s horrible…

“Sure enough, it looks like Dong Zhuo’s handwriting, fierce enough!”

“I don’t know what they’re going to do next…”

Everyone is very much looking forward to the follow-up plot.

Be aware.

These eight golden locks are used to deal with thousands of troops, and each door is extremely dangerous, although you know which door to enter, but never know which door will come out.

Maybe……… It can’t come out with a long way.

If you can’t find a way to break the formation, either hand over Zhao Yun or donate the Eastern Han Academy.

The mixed generation knows that everyone in the Eastern Han Academy will not hand over Zhao Yun.

The only way.

It’s a break!

But these eight golden lock arrays are very dangerous!

I don’t know who will stand up, and I don’t know if this battle can be broken.

Everyone’s face was very solemn.

They are also looking for ways to break the line.

The mixed generation felt the same way, and even regarded the people of the silver time and space as their own.

They didn’t want Dong Zhuo’s ruse to succeed!

Guan Yu asked Wang Yun to break the battle with Xiu and Zhang Fei.

Wang Yun naturally knew the danger of the Eight Golden Locks, and in the face of Guan Yu’s request, it was difficult for him to make up his mind to let his students die.

“Headmaster, no one should dare to break the line now except them.”

Cao Cao persuaded.

First, he wanted to know Liu Bei’s strength.

If Liu Bei could really predict the prophet, then he should know that he was going to break the line today.


No one really dared to stand up and break the line.

Wang Yun had no choice but to answer.

If this array could not be broken, the Eastern Han Academy was afraid that it would be very troublesome.

“Or I’ll break it.”

A tall and majestic figure appeared.

Zhao Yun!

“You came a little earlier, you are counting on the queue!”

Zhang Fei was very upset.

“Third brother, don’t be rude.”

Xiu said, “Let’s let Zhao Yun break the formation first.” ”

“Big Brother…”

Zhang Fei did not understand.

“Third brother, do you really know that I can’t use my power in this time and space… Let Zhao Yun break the formation first, lest I wear help. ”

Xiu whispered.

Guan Yu: “??? ”

Is there anything he can’t listen to?

Why did the two of them whisper?

And after they whispered, Zhang Fei gave the opportunity to Zhao Yun very happily.

Guan Yu said it was strange.

People,” the surname Duan Yi I

In the eyes of everyone expecting!

Zhao Yun! Coming out of the lineup………

Failed to break the line!

Zhao Yun was not convinced and walked in again! A few seconds later, he came out again………

In the face of Zhang Fei’s ridicule, Zhao Yun angrily handed over the task of breaking the formation to Zhang Fei.

“Headmaster! Liu Bei! Guan yu! Zhang Fei! The three of them join forces to break the line! ”

Guan Yu said solemnly to Wang Yun.

Wang Yun also directly agreed.

The three of them entered the eight-door golden lock array!

But, like Zhao Yun, the three of them walked out again! Second time in!

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei walked out again! But!

Only Xiu didn’t come out!

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei hurriedly entered the formation again.

When they came out again, Xiu Ye was still missing! Repair……… Lost in the Eight Golden Locks Array!

This is not a good thing!

“Is it that hard?”

Little Qiao rushed over, “You boys just don’t have a sense of direction!” Do you get lost when you go in? ”

“Little Joe…… No crow’s mouth! ”

Before the mink could finish speaking, Little Joe had already entered the armor.

“Wow! Is the message of repair! ”

Wang Dadong was extremely excited, “Xiu sent me a message!” ”

All the bastards looked at Wang Dadong in an instant!

Wang Dadong… When did you come here?!

He had already returned from the Silver Time and Space to the Golden Time and Space, and had his eyes already settled in the real Liu Bei?!

So fast?! And he said……… Hugh sent him a message?!

The bastards were all scrambling to get over and try to see his phone.

[Repair: I’m trapped in the Eight Golden Locks! Dangerous! Seek help! T^T】

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