Chapter 238 Repair Wait! How to tell Xiu?!!

“Wang Dadong! We all saw it! It was the coins you dropped that caused all this.

“Haha, the repair is miserable, and I am still trapped in the formation.”

“Is Liu Bei of Silver Time and Space really brought back to Golden Time and Space?”

“Can we also travel in time and space?”

“Pull it down, I think Xiu definitely doesn’t want to have another time.”

The mixed word generation was very excited, and there were many questions to ask Wang Dadong, Ding Xiaoyu and Wang Arthur.


The most important thing now is to help repair.

The ghost knew what Xiu would encounter in the Eight Golden Locks Array, in case his life was in danger?

After all, the picture is out of sync with reality.

The screen just plays the plot that should have happened, but with so many factors intervening, some of the endings will definitely change.

Wang Dadong dialed Xiu’s phone.

But no one answered.

He tried to send a message to Xiu again, but the picture had been staged to the next day’s plot, and Xiu had not returned the message.

“It is possible that it is traveling through time and space, resulting in unstable signals.”

Wang Yabiao said.

“This message may have been sent a long time ago, but you only received it now.”

Ding Xiaoyu was very worried.


Wang Dadong’s heart was very guilty, “I don’t know how Xiu Xiu is now, and I don’t know if he came out.” ”

“In short, let’s take a look at it first, there is no way to do it now, after all, we will not break the line.”

King Arthur said.


Wang Dadong and others decided that when Mr. Su talked about the method of cracking the eight golden lock arrays, he would not listen to the story first, and first convey the cracking method to Xiu.

As for how to convey…

We’ll talk about it later.

After all kinds of misunderstandings, the five people finally assembled! Ma Chao!

Born into a martial arts family!

His grandfather was the founder of the National Martial Arts Archive.

Her mother is the author of best-selling books “Hallipot” and “The Prince of Kung Fu”. So.

Ma Chao received rigorous training from an early age.

Solid Kung Fu!

Moves orthodox! And

He has never lost a battle! But.

No one had ever seen him fight.

He’s very tough to beat.

No one had ever been able to bring him down.

Huang Zhong!

Ma Chao’s friend! The weapon is a bow!

His strongest skill is archery with a crossbow!

And a hundred shots!

On the way to find Ma Chao and Huang Zhong, Zhao Yun thought that Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were bullying Ma Chao, so he wanted to save Ma Chao.

After unraveling the misunderstanding, the five people, known as the Five Tiger Generals, returned to the Eastern Han Academy.

Eight doors in the golden lock array.

Xiu was in the darkness and felt very lonely.

He couldn’t remember how the eight-door golden lock array should be broken.

He had already sent a message to Wang Dadong a long time ago, but it had been seventy-five hours and thirty-one minutes since he had sent the message, and he had not received any reply from Wang Dadong.

It is estimated that because the two people are in different time and space, the signal is not so stable

No one else had seen it either.

Is he going to stay in these eight golden locks for the rest of his life? Again

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were also like him, trapped somewhere in the formation? It’s possible!

Xiu originally wanted to try his luck, but he was afraid of encountering any danger, but instead put the other people who saved him into danger, which was very annoying.

Just when he was in a dilemma, Little Joe actually appeared!

The other side.

“Eight Golden Locks.

“It is a big maze composed of Hugh Gate, Sheng Gate, Wounded Gate, Du Gate, Jing Gate, Death Gate, Shock Gate, and Open Door, and these eight doors are combined.

Cao Cao explained, “Although Zuo Ci is the most powerful great magician, he is childlike and has many terrible organs, all of which are expressed in a senseless way.

“What’s the secret to breaking the formation?”

Zhang Fei asked.

“Please remember the order of each door, don’t get lost in the front and look at your strength.”

Cao Cao said, “The most important thing is… Teamwork, do everything to remember, protect yourself.

After understanding the Eight Golden Lock Array, Guan Yu, Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei, Ma Chao, and Huang Zhong gathered in front of the array!

The news that the Five Tigers were about to unlock the Eight Golden Locks spread all over the world! This day!

All the teachers and students of the Eastern Han Academy gathered in front of the gate to watch! Onlookers were greeted by other students from colleges and universities!

That’s eight golden locks! The world’s first!

The Five Tigers will be famous everywhere! That’s why so many people come to watch! I don’t know what the fate of the Five Tiger Generals will be?

Wang Dadong held his breath!

The bastards also held their breath!

Will the Five Tigers be able to break through smoothly?

Can the method of breaking the array be successfully conveyed to Xiu?

The Five Tigers will enter the Eight Golden Locks Array! This is really a crisis!

A little careless! They will die here!

They always kept in mind Cao Cao’s warning, to unite as one, not to get lost, who is in danger, everyone stretches out their hands to save it, after several twists and turns, several people are also safe.

Soon, it’s the final level! Several people did not think of it!

Poison arrows were suddenly shot from eight doors! Hit this poisonous arrow!

It will be poisoned to death!

In order to save Zhao Yun from danger, Guan Yu blocked the deadly poisonous arrow for Zhao Yun! His left hand was shot straight through by a poisonous arrow!

But fortunately, the Five Tigers broke through the formation and walked out!


The Eight Golden Locks are gone!

The eight-door golden lock array known as the world’s first array! Broken by the Five Tiger Generals!

Hugh and Little Joe are also seeing the light of day!

It’s just that their state is very weak and needs to be cultivated well.

Everyone started cheering!

The Five Tigers will successfully crack the news of the Eight Golden Locks! All at once, it spread all over the world!

Everyone was amazed!

“Wow! It’s not easy! ”

“Yes! Finally broken! ”

“Great! Everyone is all right! ”

“It’s just that Guan Yu was hit by an arrow!”

“The arrow is smeared with poison!”

“Guan Yu won’t die, will he?”

“It’s so heart-wrenching, this heart that has just been put down has come up again.”

The mood of the mixed generation is very large.

Guan Yu’s life!

At death’s door!

Wang Dadong sent a message to Xiu, telling Xiu that the array had been broken, and by the way, ask Xiu about the situation over there.


Hugh still didn’t write back.

“Can’t wait any longer! I’m going to tell Hugh! ”

Wang Dadong got up and was about to leave.

“Hey! Egomania! ”

Wang Arthur quickly grabbed Wang Dadong, “Have you ever thought about how to tell Xiu?” You don’t know where Xiu Xiu is now or what he’s doing, and if you rush over, it will only cause chaos in the order of time and space, and what if Xiu is still in the Eight Golden Locks Array? How are you going to tell him? How are you going to appear in front of Guan Yu? ”

“This” Wang Dadong condensed. These are problems that he has overlooked.

If he appeared in front of anyone in the Silver Time and Space, it would trigger an irreversible and serious consequence.

At that time, it may not only be silver time and space that will be consecrated!


Wang Dadong was very anxious, “What should I do?” ”

“I know a place.”

Ding Xiaoyu slowly spoke, “Tianji Pavilion.” ”

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