Chapter 239: The Method of Breaking the Array! The message of the black-robed man!!

Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, and Ding Xiaoyu came to the Tianji Pavilion.


Wang Dadong turned his head to look at Arthur Wang.


King Arthur nodded.

Entering the Tianji Pavilion, you can take nothing with you.

But you can’t bring money without it.

King Arthur had some flesh pain.

But fortunately, his family was big and could withstand him, otherwise, he wouldn’t even dare to enter the door of the Heavenly Ji Pavilion.

If answering questions was free, the Tianji Pavilion would have been in the market for a long time, and the threshold would have been trampled on.

The three of them looked at the dark attic, took a deep breath, and stepped inside.

“Welcome to Tianji Pavilion.”

A man dressed in a black antique costume sat in the darkness with an untamed smile.



“Know everything.”

“Everything you want to know…”

“There are answers.”

“Character intelligence.”

“Treasure Intelligence.”

“Even in the past…


“The future…

“The premise is……”

“Ask for money, right?”

Wang Dadong directly slapped a bank card on the table, “How much?” ”


Arthur King’s heart hurt fiercely.

This idiot!

It’s all said on the road!

Don’t show your anxious look!

This will make this ‘money layman’ see through their anxious psychology of wanting to know the answer, so as to slaughter them fiercely!

He’s said it many times! Calm!

Be calm!

As a result, Wang Dadong’s idiot actually slapped the bank card directly on the table! It’s his card in particular!

Ding Xiu looked at the bank card and smiled, “You… What questions to ask? ”

“Eight Golden Locks!” How to break? ”

Wang Dadong asked.

“Yo, the first in the world…”

Ding Xiu held out an index finger, “This number.” ”

“One hundred thousand? OK. ”

King Arthur breathed a sigh of relief.

Only a hundred thousand.


Be aware.

Teacher Tian Xin had been slaughtered by 300,000 people!

“No, no, no…”

Ding Xiu smiled, “This number.” ”

He still put up an index finger.

“The price of this question…… No……… To a million…… Right? ”

King Arthur asked tentatively.

“That’s the first battle under the heavens, it can seal thousands of troops and horses, it can be dangerous inside, and it is not easy to display the solution of each organ.”

Ding Xiu clipped the bank card between his index finger and middle finger and dangled, “What? Is this price a good deal? ”

“Are you sure it’s the solution to every organ?”

Wang Dadong asked.

“Of course.”

“Okay! Swipe it! ”

Wang Dadong said happily.


King Arthur held out half of his hand and paused in mid-air, then clenched his fist and pulled it back.

A million is a million!

In the future, just repair his personal feelings!

After swiping the cards, Ding Xiu gave them a file bag.

“Wow, it’s really thick enough, I guess there are a lot of organs in there!”

Wang Dadong was shocked.

“It’s the first in the world, so complicated.”

Ding Xiaoyu said.

“Let’s go, let’s go to Silver Time and Space to find repair!”

Wang Dadong hurriedly went outside.

“Wait, wait, wait, wait.”

Ding Xiu looked at them, “Don’t you know that traveling through time and space to affect time and space will cause the destruction of the order of time and space, causing problems in time and space?” Who will be in charge at that time? Are you responsible? ”

Wang Dadong: “…”

Arthur King: “…”

Ding Xiaoyu: “…”

The expressions of the three people were somewhat lost.

Can’t go to Silver Time and Space, so who should they give this document to? Obviously, he could be rescued and repaired, but he encountered even greater obstacles. If they affect the order of time and space, I am afraid that the repair will be finished.

What is this to do?

“If you are in a hurry to save people… It’s not impossible. ”

Ding Xiu said.

“Really? Is there any way? ”

Wang Dadong asked anxiously.

“Well… Gotta add money. ”

Wang Dadong: “…”

Arthur King: “…”

Ding Xiaoyu: “…”

“Okay! How much! ”

King Arthur gritted his teeth!

“This number.”

Ding Xiu put up two fingers.

“Two million?! Why don’t you grab it! ”

“Do you see me like this kind of person?”

Ding Xiu said, “One price, 200,000, is very cheap, right?” ”


King Arthur couldn’t get out of this anger.

Compare a million.

Two hundred thousand is really cheap.

“Swipe it! Tell me quickly, how can I send this file to Silver Time and Space? ”

King Arthur said.

Ding Xiu looked at the 200,000 yuan and said with a smile: “You hand over the documents to me, and I will handle this matter for you.” ”

Silver space-time.

Cao Family Compound.

“What to do, what to do……”

Zhang Fei paced back and forth in great anxiety, “Third brother, don’t shake it.” ”

Guan Yu also felt very annoyed.

Xiu and Xiao Qiao had been trapped in the Eight Golden Locks Array for five days, and now they didn’t know what the situation was, if they didn’t encounter danger, it would be best, but…

If they don’t eat or drink for five days, they may have a hard time staying up.

“Second brother, or I will go ahead and rescue Big Brother and Little Joe!”

Zhang Fei really couldn’t wait.

“Third brother, calm down first.”

Guan Yu hurriedly stopped him.

“You go in like this, what if you go missing too?” Are you adding difficulty to us? ”

Zhao Yun said.

“I see you’re in no hurry!”

Zhang Fei glared at Zhao Yun!

“I’m also in a hurry, but the more anxious I am, the more chaotic I become.”

Zhao Yun said lightly.

“Now it is important to save people, the key is to find a way to break the line.”

Ma Chao said.

“President, do you have a clue?”

Huang Zhong looked at Cao Cao.

Cao Cao looked at the intelligence network and shook his head.

Although the Cao family’s intelligence network is the most complete in the world, no one has been able to break the eight-door golden lock array since ancient times, so there is no record, and he even sent his own Cao family army into the formation to search, but none of them could come out.

“Then we can’t wait here, can we?”

Zhang Fei became more and more irritable.

“We’re trying to figure it out.”

Guan Yu said, “Third brother, calm down. Zhang Fei sighed and could only sit on the sofa with one butt.

“Report ——!!”

That’s when it happened!

The guards of the Cao family compound came to report!


Cao Cao was extremely anxious.

“Report! Someone wants to see Guan Yu and Zhang Fei! ”

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei glanced at each other and immediately went to the place where the man was.

When they arrived at the site, they saw only a man dressed in black robes, from top to bottom, covered tightly inside and out.

“May I ask, where are you from?”

Guan Yu asked.

“From Tianji Pavilion.”

The black-robed man answered.

“What is the Tenki Pavilion?” Never heard of it. ”

Zhang Fei was confused, “Second brother, do you know?” ”

Guan Yu shook his head: “I don’t know.” ”

“Then what are you looking for us to do?”

Zhang Fei looked at the black-robed man.

“I have come here to bring you news by a commission.”

After the black-robed man finished speaking, he handed a package to Guan Yu.

After completing the task, the black-robed man disappeared without a trace.

“Wow! Wow, a master! ”

Zhang Fei’s eyes widened!

“This is…”

Guan Yu was shocked!

Inside this package……… It turned out to be the way to crack the eight golden lock arrays! And what will happen in the future!

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