Chapter 240 That Letter… The conspiracy of Hedong University?!!

“So strong… Guan Yu opened his mouth in a deep voice.

“Third brother, did you sense his force index?”

“There is such a light work…”

He was a little surprised!

“No yay!”

“But he flies so fast!”

“All of a sudden, it’s gone!”

“What is this Heavenly Pavilion?

Zhang Fei was a little puzzled.

Just now the man in black came and disappeared quickly! Especially that speed, a few flat disappeared in front of everyone’s sight in an instant! You can’t catch its shadow at all!

Master! Definitely a master!

Just as he was about to burst the formation, the poisonous arrow that suddenly shot out shot through Guan Yu’s elbow!

“Really fake? Second brother, that person wouldn’t be a liar, right? ”

Zhang Fei obviously didn’t believe it.

“There’s no need for him to lie to me.”

Guan Yu frowned.

In a word.

It’s better to be careful.

The two of them returned to the Cao family compound and told the story of the black-robed man and the fact that Guan Yu would be injured.

“I think we can give it a try.”

Cao Cao said.

It’s better to try it than to wait.


What is the origin of the black-robed man?

Who entrusted him to come to the rescue of Liu Bei? Seemingly………

Liu Bei is indeed not a fuel-saving lamp.

Not only are Guan Yu and Zhang Fei his little brothers, he can actually know the tall people who can crack the world’s first formation, this connection is really terrifying!

Liu Bei!

Must be vigilant people!

If the method of breaking the array is true…… That Liu Bei is really scary!

The forces behind him……… How big is it? And!

This letter even predicted Guan Yu’s injury!

And it is clear that at the last moment of breaking the formation, he was shot by a poisonous arrow! Even the place where the injury was written very clearly!

Could it be that the man was not only a master of breaking the line, but also able to foresee the future? Or is it just made up?

But no matter how you look at it, Liu Bei! All are a very scary person! Cao Cao’s eyes were a little confused.

Brother Liu……… Who is sacred?

“For now.”

“The content of this letter……”

“It’s the same way I just learned how to crack it.”

“But as I said, what I know is not the cracking method, the real cracking, in fact, is to find the right direction and enter the breakthrough mode, but the content of the breakthrough is completely unaware.”

“It’s not so much a cracking method……”

“It’s better to say that it is a method of contact, after all, there is no way for the brothers to be able to crack it perfectly, but the content of this letter…”

Cao Cao looked at the contents of the letter with a dignified look.

“The level above.”


“What happened?”

Cao Cao was somewhat suspicious.

After all, the content involved in it is too shocking! Not only there is a way to crack it!

Even what happened…

“Will it be……”

“Is it a conspiracy of Hedong University?”

Ma Chao said.

“No, it won’t!”

“I believe they came to save Big Brother!”

Zhang Fei said.

But anyway.

It is hard not to wonder where this letter came from.

But Zhang Fei………

But he had some belief.

This made Cao Cao look at Zhang Fei with some doubt, was it……… Does Zhang Fei know Liu Bei’s origins? So he knew that the people in the machine cabinet just now were here to help him?

Eastern Han Academy.

Several people gathered in front of the Eight Golden Locks.

Eight doors in front of the golden lock array! It’s already buzzing! Guan yu!

Zhao Yun! Zhang Fei! Ma Chao! Huang Zhong!

The five of them are all well-known and righteous people everywhere! And the Eastern Han Academy is a university-wide league college! Now provoked by Hedong University! If these five tigers will not be able to break the formation, no one in the Eastern Han Academy will be able to break the formation

Dong Zhuo of East University annexed! This thing!

Directly choked the throat lifeblood of the Eastern Han Academy! Wang Yun looked at the Five Tiger Generals with great concern.

Although he was also worried about the school’s reputation, his two students had not come out in for five whole days, and this went in five more people, just in case………

His heart was very uncomfortable.

“You must be careful!”

Wang Yun instructed.

The Five Tigers nodded and came to the front!

“Is the one you took really useful?”

Zhao Yun questioned.

This Zhang Fei actually held the letter, and it was very funny to look at.

“What if that person is just playing us?”

Huang Zhong asked.

“Yeah, in case we get tricked, isn’t that dangerous?”

Ma Chao has the same concern.

“Is there any need not to try it to know?”

Zhang Fei was a little angry, “Otherwise, what else can we do now?” ”

He holds

Naturally, he knew that his big brother had an extraordinary history.

Maybe……… Will it really work at critical moments?

All in all! Take it!

“Third brother, everyone will have concerns, and it is also forgivable, don’t be angry.”

Guan Yu looked at the crowd, “You can help each other, Guan Mou is very moved, and he will remember your kindness in the future, now the only clue is on this letter, we can only believe it.” ”

“Yes, there is no other way to do it now.”

Huang Zhong said.

“Let’s go ahead and talk about it.”

Ma Chao said.

Zhao Yun did not speak, and the first one entered the formation.

The other four also entered the formation together.

The first organ!

“Eight doors to one door.”


“One door breaks five doors.”

“Then we’ll go through different doors and meet each other.”


“There will be Yellow Turban thieves coming to attack us.”

Zhang Fei glanced at the letter and said.

“It’s the same as what the president said.”

“But after passing through the three gates, the four of you will gather, but what comes out of the wounded door is an ambush on our Hedong High School, leaving Ma Chao in the same place… Zhang Fei said a rough idea.


“Then the second brother you get the math problem.”

Zhang Fei said the answer by the way, and there was a mark on it.

“And then…”

“The Song of Ma Chao?”

Zhao Yun looked at Zhang Fei lightly: “Do you think this letter can break the array?” ”

“How could anyone possibly predict everything in it?”


“None of us have made it yet.”

Zhao Yun didn’t believe it at all.

It wasn’t just Zhao Yun who didn’t believe it.

Ma Chao, Huang Zhong, and Guan Yu naturally did not believe it! After all!

You said if you could break the line, forget it!

But even what happens in the future breaks… Did you write them all?

How is this possible! All four of them felt!

This may be the conspiracy of Hedong University! Zhang Fei was very upset.

But there is no way.

“Let’s go.”

He could only say sullenly.

Although he wasn’t quite convinced either……… But………

The eldest brother came from other time and space, and that day the machine cabinet may have come to help the eldest brother, but he could not say.

But……… Is it true? He was also confused.


Everyone walked toward the door that Cao Cao had said.

Guan Yu walked into the shock door.

Soon. Ma Chao rushed over. The two nodded. Keep going. Soon.

Just wear the shock door again.

“Zhao Yun.”

“Huang Zhong.”

Both Guan Yu and Ma Chao saw Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong.


The hearts of the four…… A hint of weirdness emerged. Seemingly, quite normal.

But it’s also not normal.

Four people as the letter says!

Already met! So………

“Hurt the door.”

Guan Yu looked at the injured door.

At this time.

All four of them couldn’t help but feel a little nervous! That’s when it happened!

Zhang Fei came out of the wounded door!

“Third brother!”

Guan Yu is going forward!

But it seems to remember something, and the body is slightly stunned! Soon!

That Zhang Fei actually came directly at them!

Guan Yu, Ma Chao, Zhao Yun, and Huang Zhong’s eyes widened: “……… Van”.

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