Chapter 241: Stop the War with War! Fight from start to finish!!

That ‘Zhang Fei’ fierce god rushed over viciously!

Airplanes! rumble

Zhao Yun punched out in an instant! Next second!

The powerful punch directly knocked down Zhang Fei in front of him!

In front of him, Zhang Fei instantly turned into the guard of Hedong University!

“It’s true…”

Ma Chao, Huang Zhong was stunned.

Just before the crowd could slow down, the wounded door once again ran out of a figure!

Zhao Yun is going to move forward!

“Don’t beat up!”

“I am really Zhang Fei!”

That ‘Zhang Fei’ said hurriedly.

But Zhao Yun hesitated for a moment! Bang!

One punch down!

“Zhang Fei” was instantly bombed to the ground! Zhao Yun saw the situation and was a little stunned.


According to the letter, Zhang Fei, the second one who appeared, would say this sentence! This also led to him not daring to start! The result was run away by this Zhang Fei!

“It’s true!”

Ma Chao was excited!

“That said…”

“I’m going to say next—” He blinked.

“Let’s go first.”

“According to the contents of the letter, I should stay and then meet the real Zhang Fei and break into the level of Ma Chao’s Song together.”

Looked at.

Guan Yu and the others nodded.

If it’s true……

Ma Chao waited in place.


There were countless Zhang Fei coming out from inside.

But also very quickly.

Really Zhang Fei rushed over. The two advance to the next level.

Just like the letter says the level in front of you……… It really is the song of Ma Chao!

Looking at the super fast and completely inaudible, Ma Chao’s song, Zhang Fei, and Ma Chao were all on the verge of collapse! Although the letter has content! The content of the Song of Arima Chao! But the question is

They can’t read faster than the two guys in front of them! Ma Chao and Zhang Fei looked at each other and nodded………


Can only wait for Guan Yu, Zhao Yun, and Huang Zhong to come!

I don’t know how many times they have suffered the torment of Ma Chao’s song, the two have tried countless times!

To the end

I found that even if I read the contents of the letter that Zhang Fei brought over, I couldn’t get the two guys in front of me as fast as I could! Obviously! This level is simply impossible!


Guan Yu, Zhao Yun, and Huang Zhong also rushed over! See what you’re looking for.

The five looked at each other.

Next second! Airplanes! Airplanes! Airplanes! Airplanes! Five people shot in an instant!

Everything in front of you is gone!

The sound in the level is coming! Tell the five that the five people maliciously sabotage the level will be locked up here forever!



“It’s me performing.”

Huang Zhong closed his eyes.

According to the content of the letter, they will not be able to pass the level at all, so they must use the last resort to directly destroy the level! Then there will be voices to stop them from continuing to break the barrier! But in fact, there is still a way out!


As the letter says!

They found the hidden door! Went straight in through the hidden door.

“Second brother.”

Zhang Fei looked at Guan Yu.

“Be careful.”

This is a level.

Finally injured……… It was Guan Yu! Outside the Eastern Han Academy.

Cao Cao, Wang Yun, and Sable Cicada all waited anxiously.

Cao Cao’s eyes stared at the eight-door golden lock array in front of him, and his hands were on his back, as if he was thinking about something.

Letter content……… Is it true? If it’s true then finally.

Five people will definitely be able to break through the eight golden locks! But if it’s true……

Think of this

Cao Cao shuddered! If it’s true! So!

Everything that the five people have done, everything they will do in the future, has been predicted to be impossible!

Absolute……… No way! Just when he thought! Airplanes!

The eight golden locks in front of you! Suddenly and straight away! Disappearing!

With a sound of landing! Seven figures descended from the sky! Cao Cao hurriedly walked up! soon

He saw that Guan Yu’s hand still seemed to be injured.

“Brothers, you…”

Cao Cao looked at the five people.


“It’s true.”

“The content of the letter……

“It’s true.”

Ma Chao looked seriously at Cao Cao and spoke.


It’s true? Cao Cao’s eyes were a little shocked.

“That Guan Yu’s hand…”

He looked at Guan Yu’s hand.

At this time.

Zhao Yun walked out, his expression a little solemn: “Although we are on guard…”


“Those guys are so mean.”

“I ended up with a sneak attack.”


“Yu helped me block this arrow.”

Zhao Yun felt a little guilty.

Although the five of them have been prepared! But here’s the thing!

That arrow!

There is no way to prevent it! Shoot out from all directions! Even if you can know in advance……… So what? There is simply no way out.

“That is……”

“That letter from Tianji Court.”

Cao Cao looked at the five people in front of him and looked shocked.


That’s when it happened.

“Tianji Pavilion?”

Xiu was a little confused.


Cao Cao, the five of them looked at Xiu in an instant.

“Brother Liu…”

“You know?”

Cao Cao stared at Liu Bei.

Xiu blinked, “…”



Shi Bo. ”

He didn’t know how to answer.

Tianji Pavilion.

Tianji Pavilion.

Mysterious forces all over the two time and space of gold and iron……… How could he not know.

It’s just that

Actually appeared in silver space-time? Meanwhile.

Golden space-time.

Countless are worried about Guan Yu’s injury!

“Oh my God…”

“The whole arm is black.”

“This also looks so terrible, that it can even be a slut?”

“Even if you still make a mistake with your mother?”

The following mixed word generation looks at the picture.

To treat the poison of the arm.

The crowd decided to go to Tiandang Mountain! It’s just that

Guan Yu’s injury seemed to surprise everyone.

The picture shows the story of six people going to Tiandang Mountain.

“Li Shizhen?”

A mixed-up person sees Li Shizhen in the picture…

“Is it Jason’s doppelganger?”


“Isn’t that good?”

The following feel that something is wrong.

Li Shizhen claimed to have a magic elixir that could save Guan Yu, Xiu knew some history, and naturally knew that Li Shizhen was a famous doctor, so he made the Five Tigers believe him, and the result was………

“Poof, hahahahahaha!”

“Li Shizhen!”

“It’s Li Shio!”

“Laugh at me!”

“Cultivation can be so messy!”


The mixed characters saw that in the picture, Li Shizhen, the twin of Jason, the knife scar, was not Li Shizhen, but Li Shizhen! The hour hand of the hand! Guan Yu’s injury was not good, but it was even more serious!

The below laughed when they saw this scene! After all

In the eyes of all!

Xiu is always serious, cold and cold.


How can there be such a mess? The picture continues quickly.

The Five Tigers will come to Tiandang Mountain.


Things didn’t go so well.

“I didn’t think about it…”

“Ma Chao actually has a past, it was because he accidentally injured Bole, causing him to dare not shoot, and no one thought of it……… The divine doctor of Tiandang Mountain turned out to be Bo Le’s mother. ”

The following looked at the story in the picture and were very worried.

The Divine Doctor was going to save Guan Yu!

But after seeing Ma Chao and hearing Ma Chao’s name! Just turn your face in an instant!

It turned out to be because of a past event! To the end.


“Hua Tuo?”

Everyone looked at that picture, the young disciple of the Divine Doctor who looked unreliable at all, and they were all very shocked!

He……… Is it Hua Tuo? At last.

Under Hua Tuo’s hand! Guan yu……… Finally got through the crisis.


“I can breathe a sigh of relief.”

There are mixed words to open their mouths.

“Oh my God…”

“It’s also too exciting!”

“It’s so pretty!”

“It hasn’t been broken at all!”

“This rhythm……”

“Fight from start to finish!”

The mixed word generation is in a good mood!

The Ultimate Three Kingdoms and the Ultimate Family, the Ultimate Class are completely different! The ultimate home is more than a warm everyday!

The ultimate class is more of a youthful blood! The Ultimate Three Kingdoms in front of you!

Blood from start to finish! Fight!

Stop the war!

Successive things, let the look at the time……… They couldn’t help but hold their breath!


At this time. Stage.

Su Yu shook the fan.

“The conspiracy against Guan Yu, or rather, against the Eastern Han Academy, has not stopped.”

“This story……”

“It’s just getting started.”


The just let go of the heart.

Instantly lifted up again!

“Mr. Su……”

“It’s too much!”

“Can’t you slow down?”


“So compact?”

“I’ve just let go of my heart!”

The bastards are very gloomy but!

But I want to see it.

Behind…… What else will happen…

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