Chapter 243 Lü Bu grabs the merit! Who is the person behind him?!!

Although it is said that the hero is sad to be beautiful off!


There is only one thing in their hearts! That’s to rescue the cicadas! So.

This level is invalid in their eyes! The Five Tigers will directly attack the top of the mountain!

According to the location of the Cao family, if you attack the top of the mountain, you can see a log cabin, and the mink cicada is locked inside!

However! No one thought of it! On top of a mountain!

Xiahou Yuan led a group of Yellow Turban thieves! It’s been a long time coming!

He used the poison of “Muggle Muggle, you fool, I’m smart” against the Five Tigers!

Inhale this poison! The poisoned person will be paralyzed and weak! Like a fool! At the mercy of your opponents!

The Five Tigers did not think of this layer at all!

Only Huang Zhong, who was born with strong cardiopulmonary function, is fine! At last!

The five of them took advantage of their strength and downloaded the weapon! Directly with this group of Yellow Turban thieves!

Five Tigers will still be Five Tigers! Even if you hit an ambush!

The strength is far from being comparable to that of the Yellow Turban Thief! Three or two clicks to solve this group of Yellow Turban thieves! The bastards can’t help but clap their hands!

“Good! Well played! ”

“So hot-blooded! It’s so burning! ”

“The action is like a breeze! So handsome! ”

“It turns out that this is Huang Zhong’s famous bloody battle Dingjun Mountain!” Long seeing! ”

“Great! I was relieved to see that the Five Tigers would successfully arrive! ”

“What about the cicadas?” Have they been rescued? ”

In the picture!

The Five Tigers will finally arrive at the cabin! But!

The camera gave Li Ru and Mei Niang a close-up!

“As soon as I saw these two people, I knew that there must be nothing good going on!”

“What are they laughing at? It’s weird! ”

“Did Li Ru and Mei Niang transfer the mink cicada?” Sable cicadas are not here? ”

“Angry dead angry dead! The Five Tigers will go through so many dangers, won’t it be an empty one? ”

“Hurry up, hurry up! Go and rescue the cicadas! ”

The bastards are all in a hurry.


The five tigers kicked open the door of the cabin! Some of the bastards even stood up excitedly! However………

Sable cicadas…… But not here! Chalet!

Only an empty chair is left! The chair also fell to the ground!

See here!

The bastards are almost going crazy! Isn’t that playing tricks! It’s so infuriating! Looking forward to half a day! As a result, the cicada was gone!

Was it really transferred away by Li Ru and Mei Niang?

“The mentality is broken!”


“Where is the Gate of Time and Space!” I’m going to Silver Spacetime! ”

“I’m going too!” No one should stop me! ”

“What will happen to the cicadas now?” Oops kill me! ”

“These people in the Yellow Turban College are also too vicious!”

“Did you find that?” The Yellow Turban Thief is from the Yellow Turban College, while Li Ru and Mei Niang… But it is Hedong University! ”

Mixed word generation! Someone found out!

Everyone was stunned, and then their backs went cold! Could it be that…

Is this an outright conspiracy?

Hedong University and Yellow Turban College……… Teamed up? They want to join forces to bring down the Eastern Han Academy?

Forcing the leader of the whole school league to abdicate? What about the cicadas?

What did they do with the cicadas?

Everyone is very worried about the situation of the mink cicada.

And the five tiger generals in the picture are also very weak.

They had all reached the top of the mountain, but there was no sign of the cicada. The trail is interrupted.

They also didn’t know how to explain to Principal Wang Yun.

Principal Wang Yun pinned all his hopes on them, but they did not complete the task.

Even Xiu couldn’t do anything about it.


The mink cicada will definitely be in Dingjun Mountain.

But why it disappeared again, he didn’t know.

The off-screen remixers are also very anxious.

If it wasn’t allowed, they all wanted to go directly to the silver time and space to find the mink.

The picture comes the next morning.

Cao Cao, Xiu and Wuhu would come to the principal’s office in the future.

No matter what, we should always give Principal Wang Yun an explanation, and the rest, and then make another plan.

However, Principal Wang Yun had a smile on his face! Behind him, there stood the cicadas!

“The cicada was rescued?!”

“Great! The mink is all right! But……… Who rescued her? ”

“Yeah, it’s weird…”

“My heart finally let go a little……”

“I was relieved to see that people were okay.”

The bastards were finally relieved.

But they were also curious as to who had saved the cicada.

A figure came over!

“I decided to do what I said before, and give Lü Buji a big contribution!” One more big rooster! From now on, I will serve as my daughter’s personal knife guard! ”

Wang Yun announced with great pleasure.

“Second brother, the fat shortage of the bodyguard with the knife has been robbed!”

Zhang Fei was indignant, “Which number one person is Lü Bu?” ”

“I don’t know, I haven’t heard of it.”

Zhao Yun said.

“Shouldn’t he have sneaked away to save the cicada while we were being poisoned?”

Ma Chao said.

“That’s despicable! Pick up the credit for the ready-made! Damn it! ”

Huang Zhong was very unhappy that they went from planning to putting it into action! It takes a lot of time and effort! Even very badly poisoned! Now this credit!

It was robbed by an unknown person! No one will be willing to put this on them!

“By the way, I have a very important thing in mind!”

Cao Cao suddenly remembered something, turned around, “Headmaster, Lü Bu is not a member of our school, please ask, how do you give him credit?” ”

“I just forgot to tell you that from today on, Lü Bu transferred to our school for the second grade!”

Wang Yun said, “Cao Cao, just happened to be in the same class as you!” In the future, you must get along well! ”


Cao Cao could only smile awkwardly, “I will.” ”

“Please give me more advice.”

Lü Bu arched his hand.

The crowd could only arch their hands.

Everyone had a lot of opinions about Lü Bu, but Guan Yu didn’t say anything.

The word bastards are shocked!

The man who rescued the cicada…… It was Lü Bu?!

“Alas, it’s really because Guan Yu is not worth it, and they are bothered.”

“Yes, they were so worried about the mink cicada, they looked for the mink cicada for so long, but they were still preempted by Lü Bu.”

“How did Lü Bu suddenly come out?”

“Didn’t Lü Bu do things for Dong Zhuo?”

Everyone was talking about it.

“Mr. Su, is Lü Bu good in Silver Time and Space?”

“But in the Three Kingdoms, Lü Bu seems to be very bad.”

A bastard asked.


Su Yu shook the folding fan and said, “Lü Bu…”

“There is a conspiracy.”

“The mastermind behind him is also the mastermind behind the kidnapping of the mink.”


“It’s for the Eastern Han Academy.”

“Someone wants the position of principal of the Eastern Han Academy.”


Lü Bu appeared so coincidentally! There is definitely a conspiracy!

“Mr. Su, who is the person behind Lü Bu?”

“Who wants the position of president of the Eastern Han Academy?”

The bastard asked.

Su Yu said lightly, “Dong Zhuo.” ”

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