Chapter 244 Brother Lu, the two slaps you just made are really handsome!!

“Dong Zhuo?”


“Behind Lü Bu seems to be Dong Zhuo!”

The following are all clear.

“It’s just…”

“What is Dong Zhuo going to do?”

“It’s strange how Dong Zhuo looks modern.”

The following feel curious.

Because the five tigers will all appear! Cao Cao also appeared! Obviously, this is the Three Kingdoms! So……… What does this villain of the Three Kingdoms look like?

The screen continues!

Lü Bu and the mink cicada are eating hot pot.

Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, and Ma Chao want to secretly retaliate against Lü Bu.

Zhang Fei suggested that Huang Zhong shoot down the meat that Lü Bu had eaten to his mouth, so that Lü Bu could not eat the meat.

Huang Zhong agreed very happily.

The three lurked outside the window of the hot pot restaurant.

Huang Zhong aimed his crossbow at the meat on Lü Bu’s chopsticks! However!

Lü Bu had already discovered their existence! Sou!

A dark arrow shoots!

Lü Bu directly used chopsticks to clip! The dark arrow was directly broken! This was Huang Zhong’s first misstep.

Lü Bu obviously did not want to let the three people go in front of the mink cicada, so he let the three people out.

He accused the three of hiding outside the door and injuring people with dark arrows, and the mink cicada was very surprised and asked the three if it was real.

The three didn’t know how to answer.

At last.

Huang Zhong could only admit it.

The cicada is very angry! Just let Lü Bu leave with him! See here.

The bastards are very angry!

“That Lü Bu didn’t mean it at all!” me! ”

“That’s it! Say such things on purpose! ”

“This Lü Bu is the same as Mr. Su said, not with good intentions!”

“They are all martial arts practitioners, and they are all masters, and they must know the trajectory of that dark arrow very well, so Lü Bu is deliberate at all!”

“The three of them have no way to justify……”

Everyone is very angry! Next!

It is Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong and Ma Chao who are looking for Lü Bu to single-handedly! The three of them waited on Lü Bu’s only way to school.

Sure enough.

Lü Bu soon arrived.

He accepted the challenge of the three.

Zhang Fei said that if Ma Chao first let Lü Bu punch three punches, Lü Bu still can’t defeat Ma Chao, then ask Lü Bu to automatically transfer schools.


Something happened to everyone’s shock! Lü Bu!

Let the three of them do it directly! Say war is war! Download weapons directly for four! The heavens and the earth suddenly changed!

Both sides erupted into an incomparably terrifying aura! The bastards were shocked!

This Lü Bu…… It’s too strong, right?!

If this is in the golden time and space, it is at least a top master! No wonder you dare to fight three people alone!

“Is this the ‘Three Ying Battle Lü Bu’?”

“I have to say…… Lü Bu really has arrogant capital! ”

“Lü Bu was originally the first fierce general in history! Unexpectedly, Lü Bu of Silver Time and Space was also so strong! ”

Back to the picture!

Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong and Ma Chao were so tired that they all collapsed to the ground! And Lü Bu was still standing!


“Changshan Zhao Zilong, come here to advise!”

Zhao Yun said.

“Admit it.”

Lü Bu looked at Zhao Yun, extremely arrogant, “Don’t you wait for Guan Yu to come along?” ”

“That… Don’t you wait for your mom to come along? ”

Zhao Yun smiled.


The aura between the two of them exploded in an instant! Make this already sudden change even more turbulent!

They all closed their eyes! An introduction appears in the picture! Blind Hit!

Only real masters will use it! That is, the two of them have come through imagination! Virtual Fight One Trick One Style!

The word bastards are shocked!

Fight……… Can you still play like this?!

Fight with your mind…… They are still seeing each other for the first time! Will play!

Silver Time and Space people really can play!

This kind of fighting method, I’m afraid only the master of silver time and space can do it, right?

Before the two of them could start fighting, Guan Yu came over.

He had come to apologize for his brothers.

At this time, the mink cicada and Xiao Qiao also came, and the two of them were very angry.

Because Lü Bu said, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong and Ma Chao surrounded him!

“I lean on! Does this Lü Bu’s face still want it?! ”

“That’s despicable, isn’t it?!”

“The three of them are obviously one by one!”

“When I fought Lü Bu, neither of the other two intervened!”

“And! It was Lü Bu who attacked first! ”

“It’s too much!”

“He can lie without blushing in the face!”

“Sable Cicada and Little Joe don’t believe him!”

The bastards are very angry! This Lübbe!

It’s so insidious!

But when they saw that Sable Cicada and Little Qiao really believed Lü Bu, the mixed word generation was even more angry!

Although this Lü Bu is very strong, it is very excessive!

“If the cicada can know the truth… How nice that would be… The bastards all sighed.

Silver space-time.

Cao Family Compound.

“Sable cicadas…… Where exactly will it be? ”

Guan Yu was very distressed.

Everyone was sitting in the living room, with no clue at all.

After eating last night, the mink cicada disappeared, and Principal Wang Yun was about to go crazy, and in order to save the mink cicada, he almost gave up the principal’s position.

“Maybe… The mink cicada will change the field in Dingjun Mountain. ”

Hugh said.

“What? Dingjun Shannong relocation? ”

Guan Yu looked at him, “Big brother, how do you know?” ”

“Why can’t I find this place?”

Cao Cao looked at Xiu with a puzzled face, “Brother Liu, how do you know that the mink cicada is changing the field in Dingjun Mountain?” ”

“Uh… I also heard that there is a renovation institute set up by the Yellow Turban University, maybe… Are they trying to transform the mink cicadas, the good guys into the bad guys? ”

Xiu said a little sheepishly.

“I seem to have really heard of this place.”

Zhao Yun’s face was solemn, “Maybe this place is in violation of the law, so it can’t be found at all.” ”

“I found it.”

Cao Cao said.

Several people immediately rushed over.

“President, are you so powerful?”

Zhang Fei said.

Cao Cao smiled triumphantly: “This kind of trivial matter is difficult for my Cao family’s intelligence network, since there are clues now, let’s go and see it first.” ”


Zhang Fei was anxious to leave.

“Wait a minute.”

Xiu stopped everyone, “You don’t think… Should a battle plan be drawn up? ”

“Wouldn’t it be better to attack directly, why should we plan to fight?”

Huang Zhong was a little puzzled.

“Since the Yellow Turban Thief is purposefully kidnapping the Sable Cicada, it will certainly be guessed that we will definitely go to rescue the Sable Cicada, and there must have been countless Yellow Turban Thieves ambushed on Dingjun Mountain, and if we do not have a corresponding battle plan, it is easy to suffer losses.”

Hugh said.

“Well, what Brother Liu said makes sense.”

Cao Cao looked at Xiu with a look of appreciation in his eyes, “We really should make a careful plan, just in case.” ”

“Well, then we’ll start with…”

Xiu began to explain his battle plan.

Cao Cao looked at Xiu Xiu, who was explaining the battle plan, and fell into thought.

This Liu Bei……… How to feel the path of the Yellow Turban Thief so clearly? Half an hour later.

The Five Tigers will head to Dingjun Mountain! There are indeed yellow turban thieves at the foot of the mountain!

Guan Yu directly unleashed the ‘Torture Heaven Quick Fist’! Fix it all!

Halfway up the mountainside, dozens of Yellow Turban thieves were ambushed in the dense woods!

Huang Zhong also solved them one by one!

Not far away, the boulders dropped by the Yellow Turban Thieves blocked their only path!

“Big brother is really powerful!” How every step was said by him! ”

Guan Yu was amazed!

“Of course! Big Brother is a god man! ”

Zhang Fei said.

“You seem to have known that for a long time?”

Zhao Yun looked at Zhang Fei.

“I’ve always believed that Big Brother is a god!”

Zhang Fei quickly transported the internal strength, “According to the planned steps, this step is up to me!” ”



The boulder smashed directly into the group of Yellow Turban thieves! It’s up to the mountainside!

There sure is a beautiful woman there!

“This was all guessed by the big brother……”

Guan Yu was shocked.

“The eldest brother said just walk right past her, let’s go!”

Zhang Fei pushed away the beautiful woman who was scratching her head!

And the last level! Yellow Turban Thief on the top of the mountain!

The five men glanced at each other and covered their noses and mouths with a cloth.


“Xiahou Yuan!”

“If you want to save people, unless you pass us first!”

“The air in Dingjun Mountain is filled with the poison of [Muggle Muggles you fool me smart]!”

Xiahou Yuan’s face was proud!

“The poisoned person will be paralyzed and weak, like a fool, at the mercy of his opponent, right?”

Zhang Fei hugged his arm and said.

“Yes! You’re right… How do you know?! ”

Xiahou Yuan was shocked that this was a poison that he had secretly made!

No one else in this world knows except him! And………

“Logically, you should have fallen a long time ago!” Why didn’t you fall? ”

Xiahou Yuan wondered.

Is it that the poison you made yourself is not strong enough? No, it shouldn’t!

Guan Yu smiled, “You guess… Why didn’t we fall? ”


Airplanes! Airplanes!

The Five Tigers will directly solve this group of Yellow Turban Thieves!

“Big Brother is really a man of God!” Even the Yellow Turban Thief would think of it with poison! ”

Ma Chao said.

“Yes, fortunately we were prepared, otherwise we would have been in the middle of the plan.”

Zhao Yun said.

The Five Tigers will head straight to the cabin! Suddenly!

A figure also ran from the opposite side!

The Five Tiger Generals: “? ”

Why is there another person running this way?

Lü Bu: “? ”

How can they be so fast? Bang!

Six people kicking the door open at the same time!

Li Ru: “? ”

Lady: “? ”

What a thing!

Obviously, the script played that Lü Bu saved the mink cicada in advance! Go to Wang Yun to ask for credit, let Lü Bu become a personal sword guard of the mink cicada, lurking in the Eastern Han Academy!

Why did the Five Tigers come at the same time as Lü Bu?!

This……… How else is this acting?!



In order not to expose Li Ru’s plan, Lü Bu directly fanned Li Ru away!

“You guys…”


Before Mei Niang finished speaking, she was also flown with Lü Bu! The five tigers will all be stunned!

This brother can really deal with it! Directly flew the two cargo fans that kidnapped the mink cicada!

“In Shimonoseki Yu!”

“Fly in the next Zhang!”

“Under Zhao Yun!”

“Under Huang Zhong!”

“Under the horse Chao!”


Lü Bu looked at the five tiger generals with hot eyes, and could only bow his hand, “In the lower Lü Bu…”

“Hahaha! Brother Lu, the two slaps you just made are really handsome! ”

Zhang Fei directly put his arm around Lü Bu’s shoulder.

“Haha… Be……… Is it…”

Lü Bu felt the muscles in his face twitching.

This plot… How could this be?! Wrong!

Something is wrong!

Sable Cicada: “Hey, first help me untie ah…].”

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