Chapter 245 Lü Bu… Just a chess piece!!

After the mink cicada was rescued, Wang Yun was very happy and let the six people together become the sable cicada’s personal knife guards.

Lü Bu was very depressed.

It wasn’t what he wanted.

Looking at the five people who were very happy, he was even more depressed.

Although the plan to take this step failed, he also managed to lurk in the situation of the Eastern Han Academy was not too bad.


He wanted more than that. Lü Bu’s gaze.

It landed on the body of the cicada.

Next……… He’s already thought about it.

After school, Lü Bu came to the seat of the mink cicada.

“Classmate Lü Bu, do you have anything to do?”

The cicada asked.

“I… After all, I just transferred to school, as your personal bodyguard with a knife, I don’t know anything about the Eastern Han Academy and the students here, can you tell me the story about the Eastern Han Academy and the students? ”

Lü Bu asked sincerely.

“Of course you can.”

The cicada said with a smile.

“That’s great, so let’s eat and talk.”

Lü Bu said.

“Well, you want to invite me to the barbecue, right?”

The cicada asked.


Lü Bu was a little surprised, “Yes… Yeah, how do you know? ”

“I guessed right……”

“What guessed right?”

Lü Bu was puzzled.

“Nothing, let’s go!”

The cicada stood up.

How does he feel……… Sable cicadas are a bit weird? Maybe I’m too abrupt.


As long as the end can be achieved, it does not matter what means are used.

The two men arrived at the kebab shop.

“This piece of Matsusaka beef cut with Matsusaka’s axe is delicious!”

The mink cicada clipped a piece of beef and put it on the grill to roast.

“Thank you for having dinner with me.”

Lü Bu said.

“You are my personal bodyguard with a knife, and you also want to know about the Eastern Han Academy and your classmates, so of course I am happy to eat with you.”

Sable said.

“I know that there have been a lot of rumors in the school lately, saying that I saved you, there is a big conspiracy, and some people say that I want to cut off the credit of the five tiger generals, but I just didn’t succeed.”

Lü Bu looked at the cicadas.

Sable Cicada smiled: “Everyone is a student, the biggest conspiracy is cheating on the exam, what is the big conspiracy?” ”

“Yeah, just…”

Lü Bu paused, “I am afraid that everyone will misunderstand me.” ”

“The misunderstanding will not always exist, you and the Five Tiger Generals saved me together, this is a fact, I have seen yes.”

Sable said.

“I don’t care how others misunderstand me, I just hope that you can trust me.”

Lü Bu said.

“Of course I believe you!”

The cicada said with a smile.

Lü Bu also laughed.

The trust of the cicadas.

It was the most important step in his plan.


A dark arrow is coming at him! He chopsticks one by one!

Directly cut off that dark arrow!

Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, and Ma Chao hid outside, and all three of them looked shocked.

“No, it won’t… Even this can be clipped to eh? ”

Zhang Fei was shocked.

“Zhong, this is the first time you have lost your hand, right?”

Ma Chao asked.

Huang Zhong didn’t speak, just nodded.

“Lü Bu…… Really strong! ”

Zhang Fei said.

In a kebab shop.

“What’s wrong? Isn’t the meat delicious? ”

The cicada asked.

Lü Bu put down his chopsticks and said loudly, “Ladies and gentlemen of the sneaky heroes, let’s go out and eat a piece of Matsusaka beef cut by Matsusaka’s axe.” ”

Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, Ma Chao: You directly reported our ID number! The three had to walk in.

“We’re just hungry and want to eat something… Hey hey……”

Zhang Fei said with some embarrassment.

“They… It’s not a mouthful. ”

Lü Bu said coldly, “Just now, the three of them hid outside the door and shot me with arrows. ”

“That’s it.”

The cicada smiled.

Lü Bu: “? ”

He asked somewhat puzzledly, “You… Not angry? ”

“I don’t think they want to shoot you with arrows, they just want to tease you.”

Sable said.

“Trick me?”

Lü Bu was stunned, “You don’t believe me? ”

“I believe you.”

The marten cicada looked at Zhang Fei and the others, “Just tell him the truth.” ”

Truth? What the truth?

Lü Bu looked at Zhang Fei with a confused face, looked at Huang Zhong, and then looked at Ma Chao.

“Here’s the thing.”

“Brother Lu……”

Golden space-time.

The picture of a hot pot restaurant emerges

The duel between Zhao Yun and Lü Bu is over

When countless mixed characters saw these pictures, Lü Bu actually broke Huang Zhong’s attack with his bare hands, and all of them were stunned for a while!

“This Lü Bu……”

“Maybe it’s too strong, isn’t it?”

Everyone felt a terrible sense of oppression! This Lü Bu is powerful!

It seems to have exceeded everyone’s expectations!

“Mr. Sue…

“This Lü Bu…”

“What is the origin?”

“And how could he be so strong?” How high is the Force Index? ”

The following bastard can’t help but ask!

They were extremely curious about Lü Bu! Want to know about Lüb! Although there are fights in the picture and the storytelling, in fact, they do not know the specific force index of Lü Bu and others in the picture!

The only one who can know!

That is, Huang Zhong, Ma Chao, and Zhang Fei’s force index are all broken by 10,000 points! But the exact value is not known at all! But the more this is the case, the more they want to know how strong this Lü Bu really is!

“Silver space-time and iron space-time are also too terrible…”

“We are golden space-time…”

“The KO list is only two who have broken 10,000 points, but the five tiger generals who are now playing, Lü Bu, and the force index are all the existence of breaking 10,000 points, and they are all the same age as us.”

“Is this the silver space-time that is normal in space-time order?”

The following are shocked!

Be aware! The only ones that can break 1W points in the golden space-time are KO.1 and KO.2! But now

Silver Spacetime! There are six statues!

And it’s all unclear force indexes!

In the face of the expectations of countless mixed word generations below, even Wang Dadong and others are the same!


Su Yu shook the folding fan: “Lü Bu…”

“Since childhood, he has been a master cultivated by Dong Zhuo.”

“The current force index played……”

“Up to 15,000 points.”

The moment Su Yu’s words fell! The whole scene was in an uproar! Lü Bu

Up to 15,000 points?! This………

It’s hard to imagine! Be aware!

The KO.1 of Golden Spacetime is only 12,000 points! Lü Bu……

15,000 points?!

Just when countless were shocked.

Su Yu continued to speak, “Of course…”

“In the follow-up, his force index exceeded 20,000 points.”

“But actually……”

“It all comes at a cost.”

Su Yu shook the folding fan.


The following mixed word generation is slightly stunned.

“Lü Bu……”

“It’s just a pawn for Dong Zhuo.”

Su Yu shook his head and said, “So the martial arts he is practicing…”

“In fact, it is a kind of martial art that damages the life span, once cultivated, although the force index will be very high, in fact, the life expectancy is only a few short years, the more powerful, the shorter the life span.”


“It’s Dong Zhuo’s means.”

“Lü Bu, from beginning to end, was just a chess piece.”

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