Chapter 246 This is… The Ultimate Three Kingdoms!!



The bastards below were stunned.

The picture continues finally!

Lü Bu’s face gradually revealed! Everything he did was actually to become the student president of the Eastern Han Academy, and all this was because of his mastermind!

When they saw that Lü Bu was beaten all over his body, but still did not say a word, refused to say anything, many frowned, feeling that although this Lü Bu was bad, it did not seem to be too simple bad, on the contrary, when facing the mink cicada……… He seems to have been influenced by the cicadas.

The most touching

It was Lü Bu who was beaten, but there was no complaint, as if he had long become a habit.

“Mr. Su……”

“This Lü Bu of the Ultimate Three Kingdoms, seems to be a little different from Lü Bu in history?”

“This Lü Bu is so powerful, how can he be willing to be treated like this?” The confused people did not understand the opening.

In that picture

That Lü Bu was beaten too badly.

Especially after the failure of the election for the president of the student union, the mastermind behind the curtain showed no mercy at all, and beat Lü Bu directly to his knees on the ground! Watching everyone feel the pain all over their bodies! But Nalub did not dare to resist in the slightest.


Su Yu took a sip of tea.

“Silver space-time……”

“It’s Silver Spacetime.”

“Three Kingdoms is Three Kingdoms.”

“Lü Bu in Silver Time and Space…… Since childhood, he has been adopted by Dong Zhuo as a righteous son, and he is also loyal to Dong Zhuo, but in fact, it is sad that Dong Zhuo only regarded him as a chess piece from the beginning, a chess piece that can be discarded at any time. ”

“His whole life.”

“From the beginning, it was destined to be a tragedy.”

Su Yu revealed something.

“Of course—”

“This also lays the groundwork for the blackening behind him.”

Su Yu revealed a hint again.

This made the mixed-word generation instantly wide-eyed! This Lü Bu……

How could it be blackened?

“Who the hell is this Dong Zhuo?”

“It’s also abominable! Not only against the Eastern Han Academy, but also with such a vicious plan, Lü Bu was used as a pawn! ”

The following are full of disgust for this Dong Zhuo who has not yet appeared! Mainly this Dong Zhuo did things………

It’s outrageous! Iron space-time.

Xia Mansion.

The three brothers and sisters of the Xia family, Grandpa Xialiu, Ye Siren, and Brother Xiong were all sitting here.

Although there are shadows on the sky dome!

But the shadow in the living room has not dissipated, and the family prefers to sit in the living room and listen to Mr. Su tell the story!

“This Dong Zhuo…”

“It’s also too bad!”

Natsumi muttered.


“It’s worse than I am.”

Grandpa Xia Liu nodded.

And then.

He looked at Ye Siren shyly.

Ye Siren: “……… Former father-in-law, what’s the matter? ”

Xia Liu pointed at Ye Siren with dissatisfaction and said, “That’s you!” ”

“Such a fading guy must be your doppelganger!”

“I really want to beat people up now!”

Xia Liu looked at Dong Zhuo’s evil deeds inside and expressed his anger!

Ye Siren: “? ”

His eyes widened: “Your Honor, your former father-in-law, you have wronged me!” ”

Xia Liu Ah Gong snorted coldly, “Your golden time and space doppelganger, a big bad guy, one is the big bad guy before, the iron time and space you, or the big young master of the demonization family, this silver time and space, definitely don’t know which bad guy’s doppelganger, this Dong Zhuo is not who you will be?” ”

“Could it be me?”

Xia Liu pointed to himself.

“Although this Lü Bu is very sad, what he has done is also very unpleasant…

“In order to become the student president, he deliberately approached the mink cicada from the beginning, but fortunately he did not succeed!”


“When will Guan Yu be able to beat Lü Bu?”

Although the following sympathized with Lü Bu, he was very unhappy.

I would love to see Guan Yu beat Lü Bu up!


“Guan Yu…”

“Will it be Lü Bu’s opponent?”

Some of the mixed characters wondered.

Oh, yes!

Although this Guan Yu is the head of the Five Tiger Generals!

But his strength and Zhao Yun seemed to be on par!

Zhao Yun and Lü Bu’s blind fight, the two did not have an outbreak of force index, the specific strength seems to be difficult to distinguish!

And that’s when the picture changes!

Lü Bu actually wanted to write a battle book to Guan Yu, just to show his determination to pursue the mink cicada! Although Guan Yu didn’t like it, he finally chose to fight!

This moment!

The following are very excited! All want to see………

This is a big showdown!

“So much looking forward to!”

Some said, very much looking forward to it!


“I don’t know who is strong between Guan Yu and Lü Bu!”

“But with Lü Bu’s 15,000-point force index, is Guan Yu really an opponent?”

“If it is an opponent, does that mean that Guan Yu and Zhao Yun are also 15,000 points?” There are too many masters of silver time and space, right? This silver time and space someone is too strong, right? ”

Some of the mixed characters felt very amazed, if Guan Yu and Lü Bu really drew a hand, it would be enough to prove the horror of Silver Time and Space!

“If you can really draw a hand, then Guan Yu’s talent…”

“It’s really scary.”

“Lü Bu bought it with his life.”

Some of the mixed word generation opened their mouths and said, thinking that the talent of Guan Yu and others is the most terrifying countless word mixers are looking forward to looking at the picture!

All want to see……… This is a showdown! But on stage.

Su Yu smiled slightly, “But actually…”

“This one fights.”

“I can’t fight for the time being.”

Su Yu’s words made the following mixed characters slightly stunned.

The atmosphere is all set off here………

Can’t even fight? In the picture

Guan Yu and Lü Bu are facing each other!

Countless students around the Eastern Han Academy!

Countless people are looking forward to watching this big battle! The five tigers behind Guan Yu will stand!

Cao Cao stood in the distance!

This big war……… Already on the verge of a haircut!

But……… Can’t even fight?

The following mixed characters all looked at Su Yu with puzzled eyes…

“Mr. Su……”

“Is there any change?”

They were puzzled and thought something might happen.


Su Yu shook the folding fan and smiled, “It’s not a change.” ”


“The core of this ultimate Three Kingdoms, or rather, the core of all the stories of the Twelve Heavens and Spaces.”

“That’s why they stopped.”

In the picture

Airplanes! Airplanes!

Guan Yu, Lü Bu download weapons! Subsequently!

The two are about to duel! But in the next second!

The cicada actually played the piano in the distance!

The beautiful, gentle sound of the piano came out, and the sweet voice of the cicada reverberating throughout the Eastern Han Academy sounded: “All these years…”

“A person…

“The wind also passed—”

“The rain also goes —

“There have been tears, there have been mistakes, remember what to insist on…”

The sound of mink cicadas reverberated throughout the Eastern Han Academy.

This moment.

It was as if some kind of emotion was rendering.

The sound of a cicada’s piano.

It seems that just like Ding Xiaoyu, he has some ability to render emotions.

The friend’s lyrics echoed in the Eastern Han Academy.

A moment later

Zhang Fei, the general of the Five Tigers, took over: “True love…”

“Will understand, will be lonely, will look back…”

“There will always be dreams, there will always be you, in the heart…”

Ma Chao took over: “Friends walk together for a lifetime…”

“Those days no longer have… Friend lyrics reverberate with the Eastern Han Academy. ”

Wen Wan piano accompaniment stage.

Su Yu slowly spoke, “Stop the war with war.” ”

“But they all fight for what they are guarding, with upheld justice, with foolish touch, with touching generosity, just like Wang Dadong and Wang Arthur.”

“Stop this great war…”



Su Yu slowly opened his mouth.

The oblique sun crossed

The figures of countless people flashed through that picture.

Five Tiger Generals.

Lü Bu. Cao Cao.

Sable cicadas.



One by one, they appeared. At last. Lü Budu was moved. His eyes… There seemed to be a hint of bleakness. And the five tigers in front of him will signal him to join him.

This moment.

The mixed characters below are a little moved.

“This is…”

“Five Tiger Generals?”

There are mixed words muttering to themselves.

“Or rather…”

“Is this the Ultimate Three Kingdoms?”

“This is…”

“Our men’s friendship?”

There are mixed characters who are very touched and see a lot.


Men’s friendship.

Obviously, there is a vendetta, there is a grudge, but partial, can be a word, a song, a fight, it will become a friend!

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