Chapter 250 The Sword Madness in Silver Time and Space… It turned out to be a super villain!!

Dong Zhuo of Silver Time and Space……… It’s a knife crazy doppelganger?! The bastards were shocked!

This is something they never thought of! Boom!


Countless pairs of eyes looked at the knife madness! The top killer knife madness of Golden Time and Space! The sword madness that stirred up the storm in the martial arts world!

Even if it is hidden, it is still in the jianghu ~ there is a legendary knife madness! In Iron Spacetime!

Fen is the Xia Liu Gong of the Xia Lan Jing De Family! An incomparably powerful and righteous being!

In Silver Spacetime! It turned out to be Dong Zhuo! They didn’t think of anything of it!

The knife is crazy in the silver space-time……… It turned out to be a super villain!

Knife Maniac: “??? ”

See what he does? He is not Dong Zhuo! He’s a knife maniac!


The knife madman turned his head and found that the knife ghost actually looked at him with a look of disgust and was really disgusted!

“Look at what I do!”

“I’m a knife maniac!”

“Not Dong Zhuo!”

“I’m in Golden Space!”

“Not in Silver Spacetime!”

Knife madness is going to be numb! Iron space-time.

Xia family.

Summer looked at Grandpa Xialiu. Xia Yu looked at Xia Liu’s grandfather. Natsumi looked at Natsuru. Brother Xiong looked at Grandpa Xia Liu. Ye Siren looked at Xia Liu’s grandfather.

All of them.

They all looked at Grandpa Xia Liu.

“What do you see me doing?” My name is Xia Liu, not Dong Zhuo. ”

Xia Liu said.

“Your Excellency, the man who did the bad thing… It’s you. ”

Ye Siren said with a smile.

“What bad thing did I do?” Don’t be fooled! ”

Xia Liu quickly retorted

Brother Xiong narrowed his eyes: “Dad, you seem to be something wrong?” Be honest! Have you done anything bad lately? ”

“What bad thing am I doing?” Don’t be good or bad!” ”

Xia Liu Gong felt very obscure!

He also thought that his doppelgänger in Silver Time and Space must be a powerful and righteous figure!

I didn’t expect it to be Dong Zhuo! How could it not be a dead leaf?

Didn’t he play the bad guy every time? BUG!

Definitely a bug!

“Grandpa, I want to see how bad you are!”

Natsumi said.

“Am I your grandfather, or is Dong Zhuo your grandfather?”

Xia Liu said angrily, “One day I will travel in Silver Time and Space, and then I will meet my doppelganger!” ”


Natsumi said excitedly, “Then will I see you on the projection?” Then you’ll take me!” ”

“What are you doing there?” Disrupting the order of space-time? Destroy space-time? ”

Brother Xiong teased.

“To be honest, I’d love to travel to Silver Time and Space too.”

Summer said.

“I don’t know when they’ll find out about our existence.”

Ye Siren looked at the projection, “Former father-in-law, it seems that you are going to do something bad to Principal Wang Yun.” ”

“That’s Dong Zhuo!”

Xia Liu Ah Gong jumped up angrily! Dong Zhuo made a sinister move behind his back! Frame the Eastern Han Academy! This character!

It turned out to be his Xia Liu’s doppelganger! He doesn’t accept it! He must find time! Take a trip to Silver Time and Space for yourself!

“Huh? Dong Zhuo came to help the Eastern Han Academy? ”

“It seems to be eh! Shouldn’t Dong Zhuo be with the Yellow Turban University? ”

“Isn’t it… Dong Zhuo’s conscience found? ”

“I think it should be the weasel giving the chicken a New Year’s greeting, not a good heart!”

“Hedong University troops are beating the Yellow Turban Thief!” Those students of the Eastern Han Academy who were bullied by the Yellow Turban were crippled by the troops of Hedong University! ”

“Strange… Dong Zhuo, how can you be so kind? ”

“Have we always misunderstood Dong Zhuo?”

Cao Cao is a good person in silver time and space, Lü Bu is forced to become a bad person in silver time and space, then Dong Zhuo……

Isn’t that a good person too? The bastards couldn’t guess it.


Su Yu shook the folding fan in his hand: “Dong Zhuo…”

“Poisoned Wang Yun.”

“Wang Yun fell into a coma.”

“From now on…”

“The Eastern Han Academy is leaderless.”

“Dong Zhuo.”

“Became the acting president of the Eastern Han Academy and took over the Eastern Han Academy.”

“Cao Cao and the Five Tigers attempted to overthrow Dong Zhuo’s rule, but were severely suppressed by Dong Zhuo…”

“The Five Tigers will jump into more traps.”


“It’s also life-threatening.”

After Su Yu finished speaking, the mixed word generations were shocked! Just a short paragraph!

Mr. Su revealed an incredibly powerful message! Dong Zhuohui will become the acting president of Donghan Academy! He also suppressed Cao Cao and the Five Tiger Generals!

Even the Five Tigers will be threatened with their lives! Terror!

It’s horrible!

Even Cao Cao’s meticulous mind was tender in front of Dong Zhuo! It was actually beaten by Dong Zhuo!

The life of the Five Tiger Generals will also be threatened by Dong Zhuo! Seemingly!

After Dong Zhuo took over the Eastern Han Academy, his first goal was to get rid of the Five Tiger Generals! Then there’s getting rid of Cao Cao!


No one can stop him from dominating the world! What a good game!

“Ah! Sure enough, Dong Zhuo had just arrived at the Eastern Han Academy, and he had attacked President Wang Yun!

“Principal Wang Yun was poisoned by Dong Zhuo!”

“Principal Wang Yun don’t take Dong Zhuo away!” Dong Zhuo is behind it! ”

“But they don’t know, and they don’t have God’s perspective, so what to do?”

“Oh my God, it’s so heart-wrenching to watch!”

Mixed characters are worried about it!

Yellow Turban College starts with the next battle post! Dong Zhuo is already involved! Before in the Dingjun Mountain farming relocation.

Hedong University cooperates with Yellow Turban University! Let Lü Bu cut off the beard!

Successfully entered the Eastern Han Academy!

He also became a personal knife guard for the cicada! This time!

Yellow Turban High School will fight against the Five Tigers! Defeat the Five Tiger Generals with Yin Moves!

Naturally invaded the Eastern Han Academy! Dong Zhuo then drove Hedong University to enter! Ostensibly helping the Eastern Han Academy!

In fact, it made Principal Wang Yun unconscious! Let the Eastern Han Academy have no principal! He will be able to take over the Eastern Han Academy in a justified manner!

This Dong Zhuo! The city government and the scheming are really terrifying!

The means are also really fierce enough! Scalp tingling!

The mixed generations were worried about the safety of President Wang Yun and the future of the Eastern Han Academy.

Silver space-time.

The Yellow Turban Thief really sent a battle post to the Five Tiger Generals!

And in the name of the Yellow Turban University! Come and challenge the Eastern Han Academy! The Five Tigers will not want to pick them up!

Xiu told them to be careful, because the Yellow Turban Thief’s methods were extremely vulgar and had no bottom line, and they were afraid that they would suffer a big loss at that time.

However, a thousand and one instructions could not resist the brazenness of the Yellow Turban Thief.

The Five Tigers were still defeated.

And all five were seriously injured!

Yellow Turban College……… Invasion of the Eastern Han Academy! All this!

All are exactly the same as the content of the letter sent by Wang Dadong!

Xiu Xiu looked at the chaotic Eastern Han Academy and sighed deeply.

Since he can’t stop the Yellow Turban High School from laying down the battle post, then………

He should be able to stop Dong Zhuo from poisoning Principal Wang Yun! Xiu Xiu came to the principal’s office.

Wang Yun and Cao Cao are using shredders to shred confidential school documents.

“Brother Liu, how did you get here?”

Cao Cao looked up and asked.

“Well, I’ve come to ask, is there anything I need help with?”

Hugh said.

“The documents are almost shattered, you just have to take care of the five tiger generals, pay attention to safety.”

Cao Cao said.

“Ah, so….”

Meditation absentmindedly procrastinated the time.

His eyes kept looking at the window!


A figure quickly swept past the window! Sou!

An instant of energy came! Oops! Xiu immediately shot!

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