Chapter 251 Jiang Gan… I actually reversed it!!


Two energies collide! Xiu was bounced off in an instant! He was horrified! Dong Zhuo……… So strong?!

And Dong Zhuo’s energy is very strange! It seems to be……

Magic Gong! Xiu was shocked!

Dong Zhuo……… He even practiced magic skills!

Cao Cao felt the fluctuation of energy, and before he could ask what was going on, Principal Wang Yun fell to the ground!

“Headmaster! What happened to you? ”

Cao Cao rushed forward!

“It’s Dong Zhuo!”

Hugh said.

“How do you know it’s Dong Zhuo?”

Cao Cao was puzzled.

Although he had just felt a figure flashing outside the window, the speed of that shadow was so fast that he thought it was an illusion, but this Liu Bei could not only fight back, but also could clearly see that it was Dong Zhuo.

Liu Bei……… It’s also horrible! Don’t………

Has he been hiding his strength? Cao Cao stared at Xiu for a long time.

Xiu coughed a few times in embarrassment: “I guess, Principal Wang Yun’s falling into a coma must be more beneficial to Dong Zhuo, so… I just said it was Dong Zhuo. ”

He was nervous and toed the ground.

What a lame excuse.

Cao Cao saw that he deliberately concealed it, but did not pursue the question.

The most important thing at the moment.

Still in a coma Principal Wang Yun.

After Knowing that Principal Wang Yun was in a coma, Sable Cicada ran to the office very anxiously.

Principal Wang Yun was sealed by a ball of power, and if he did not unlock that power, he would never wake up.


Dong Zhuo uses magic skills.

It is very difficult to crack the magic work.

Xiu has not yet reached this level.

Others have no concept of magic at all.

He didn’t even see that Principal Wang Yun was sealed by a ball of force, and thought that he had been poisoned by something.


After the troops of Hedong University pretended to drive out the Yellow Turban Thieves, they naturally stationed themselves in the Eastern Han Academy, which was said to be protecting the Eastern Han Academy from being invaded by the Yellow Turban College.

“President, first place President Wang Yun in the Cao Family Compound, so that it is safer.”

Hugh said.

Cao Cao nodded, “I will ask the best medical team in the world to examine Principal Wang Yun.” ”

“Thank you…”

The marten cicada looked at Wang Yun with great sadness, “Dad, you must get better…

“What about my good friend Wang Yun?”

Dong Zhuo came to the office, but found that the unconscious Wang Yun was not here.

“Principal Wang Yun has already been sent to my Cao family compound.”

Cao Cao said coldly Dong Zhuo frowned: “I think it is better to place my good friend Wang Yun in Hedong University, after all……… Hedong University can keep him safe. ”

“The Cao family can also protect the safety of President Wang Yun, and Wang Yun is the president of the Eastern Han Academy, and I am the president of the student union of the Eastern Han Academy, so I should take care of President Wang Yun.”

Cao Cao directly dismissed Dong Zhuo.

Dong Zhuo’s heart was furious.

But soon, he figured it out.

He practiced.

But magic skills!

These little cubs probably don’t know what magic power is!

Whether Wang Yun can wake up or not has to be decided by Dong Zhuo! But………

Who found him just now? Dong Zhuo’s eyes looked at Cao Cao.

Is it Cao Cao?

Still is……… His eyes. It fell on Hugh’s body. Golden space-time.

The screen continues!

Dong Zhuo naturally took over the Eastern Han Academy and became the acting principal of the Eastern Han Academy!

He’s just in office!

It broke the leader of the Eastern Han Dynasty Storm Trooper Squad, and then broke the deputy captain and acting captain of the Eastern Han Dynasty pickets!

Jiang Gan, vice president of the student union, was also broken! Next………

It’s Cao Cao!

“Hahaha! Cao Cao was indeed a man with an army! ”

“Cao Cao’s family foundation is very thick, and its strength is also very strong!”

“But… How did Jiang Gan sign the consent form and join Dong Zhuo’s picketing headquarters? ”

“Or the squad leader of the first squad!”

“It’s really enough to be out of the woods!”

“But… How come I wasn’t surprised at all? ”

“Sure enough, it is the doppelgänger of Campbella!” To which time and space is the wall grass! ”

Campbell III: “…”

Although everyone is right……… But……… How could he inexplicably carry the pot for Jiang?! This pot!

He doesn’t have a back! Suddenly!

The picture has come to a great reversal! Jiang Gan……… It was the opposite!

While currying favor with Dong Zhuo, he did things for Cao Cao! Infernal Affairs that set is really slippery!

Jiang Gan: “President, I don’t want to go undercover in the picket unit again, my classmates hate me, I want to be a good person.” ”

Cao Cao: “Just bear with me a little longer.” ”

Jiang Gan: “Patience… Say three days, three more days! How long do you want me to wait? ”

Cao Cao: “What are their plans now?” ”

Jiang Gan: “My hen!” ”

The two pulled a wave of extreme pulling, and the picture played music!

“My Infernal Perfection ~”

“My Infernal Perfection ~”

“My Infernal Path ~”

“I can’t buy it with money in my life”

“Oh my”

The bastards at the bottom laughed!

“Hahaha! This layer is something I didn’t expect! ”

“It’s really the grass on the wall!”

“This song is so joyful! Good time! I love it! ”

“Really! Brainwashing! ”

“What’s the matter with suddenly having a little sympathy for Jiang Gan?” Hahaha! ”

“Classic! It’s so classic! ”

The bastards are so happy! Campbell San was also triumphant… This is his Jin Baosan’s doppelganger!

Such justice! So brave!

If this infernal path is used on others, does Cao Cao dare to use it? In the end, isn’t it still Jiang Gan who is looking for him?

Thinking of this, Jin Baosan was even a little proud.

In the picture! Cao Cao, Xiu and the Five Tigers will be eating at the restaurant.

According to Cao Cao’s analysis, Dong Zhuo’s purpose is not only to become the principal of the Eastern Han Academy, but also to be the leader of the whole school!

Just when everyone was surprised, Zhao Yun’s siman rang out.

On his siman, the figure of Little Joe appeared!

Little Joe is in a hurry!

The mink cicada ran to the Fengming Temple alone in tears! Zhao Yun came to Fengming Temple alone!

“This Fengming Temple looks… Very creepy look. ”

“Isn’t this a conspiracy?”

“It’s not like it’s the style of a mink cicada!”

“Definitely a conspiracy!”

“Zhao Yun! Hurry up and go back! Don’t go! ”

“However, Xiao Qiao wouldn’t have lied to Zhao Yun, right?”

“Can Siman’s projection be impersonated?”

“I don’t know…… In short, I think there must be something wrong with this. ”

“I feel like something is going to happen…”

The bastards all have an ominous premonition! Silver space-time.


Resting and tossing and turning, I can’t sleep at night.

Principal Wang Yun’s matter is temporarily settled, but the next thing is very serious!

Zhao Yun……… Will be tricked into going to Fengming Temple! And………

Martial arts lost! This……… How can I stop it? Xiu is a headache…

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