Chapter 252 The Iron Time and Space Stranger Rider listened and directly wanted to hit people!!

In the picture!

Zhao Yun entered the Fengming Temple! Really!

It’s all a conspiracy!

Objective……… It is to get rid of Zhao Yun!

Jiang Gan overheard Dong Zhuo’s conversation, hurriedly typed the code, and reported the situation to Cao Cao, Cao Cao, and Xiu and the Five Tigers would immediately rush to Fengming Temple!


Dong Zhuo had already thought that if something happened to Zhao Yun, others would definitely come to the rescue, so he had already poisoned Fengming Temple!

The air in the Fengming Temple was filled with poisonous gas, and Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and Ma Chao were all hit by this poison that caused people to hallucinate!

At this time, Cao Cao also received extremely terrifying news!

Fengming Temple is a place where Hedong High School specializes in uncooperative students.


Fengming three more days.

Hero Nine Souls Broken.

Fengming Temple……… Only in and out! And there is no way to crack it! One in.

It will let people’s souls slowly dissipate.

At last………

Only an empty shell remains!

The bastards are all creepy!

“Is there such a terrible place?”

“I thought the Dead Gate at Ballet High School was already terrifying…”

“Hedong University…… Dong Zhuo……… Anything can be done.

“The Five Tigers will be all right with them, right?” I’m so worried…”

“Fengming Temple is so terrible, you can’t get in and out…”

Everyone felt a chill on their backs.

Such a horrible place……… It was only used to punish people!

If the students do not cooperate, then do a good ideological education, or think about it in the face of the wall, they have never seen it before, locking students in such a terrible place, and letting the soul gradually dissipate.

And such a horrible place……… It was created for these uncooperative students!


How poisonous and spicy Dong Zhuo’s methods really are! Zhao Yun had already fainted in the Fengming Temple.

Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and Ma Chao were also poisoned inside, and hallucinated, thinking that they had come to a very beautiful flower garden, only Huang Zhong, who had slowed his breath, was not poisoned, but he could not stop a few people, moreover, in the Fengming Temple, there were also ambushes in the Hedong University troops!


Dong Zhuo wanted to take down all the Five Tigers in the Fengming Temple! Such an insidious means!

More terrifying than the Yellow Turban Thief! Don’t………

Will the souls of the Five Tiger Generals be trapped in the Fengming Temple? Xiu and Cao Cao outside………

What kind of move will there be?

Everyone continued to look down very nervously

The troops of Hedong University who were ambushed in Fengming Temple attacked! Huang Zhong beat dozens of people alone!

He is better at long-range attacks. This is the case now.

He was struggling.

Xiu Xiu stood there watching, clenching his fists! Suddenly!



In an instant!

Dozens of Hedong University troops are set in place! The bastards just blew up!

“Xiu actually struck!”

“What a hot blood!”

“This is the brother!”

“Brothers are always the most important!”

“So impressed!”

“I never thought the Cultivators would strike!”

“This broken ring is for brothers!”

Blood boil!

Just when everyone thought that Huang Zhong was going to be subdued by Hedong University! Xiu actually struck!

He didn’t know what kind of irreversible and serious consequences his own attack would bring to the Silver Time and Space, and even the Twelve Time and Space!

He wasn’t unaware either.

Own shots.

You will definitely be punished by the Lord of the Moxibustion Dance Alliance! But!

At a time of brotherhood!

He was still resolute and resolute, and he shot without hesitation! In that moment!

Brother’s life! Far better than anything!

Initially rejected as Liu Bei’s stand-in for the repair!

I have already regarded the Five Tigers as brothers in my heart! This brotherhood!

Let him simply ignore all the laws! Feelings for brothers!

Already above the laws of this world! The bastards were incredibly moved!

Xiu’s shot directly turned the situation around!

He and Huang Zhong also woke up Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and Ma Chao.

Five people join forces to save Zhao Yun!


It’s not that easy at all!

Dong Zhuo wanted to solve the Five Tiger Generals at Fengming Temple, and would definitely install enough manpower here!

Now that Zhao Yun was unconscious, Xiu and the others had to take care not only of Zhao Yun, who had no combat effectiveness, but also of the haunted and extremely large number of Hedong University troops.


They gradually couldn’t resist.

The situation is very dangerous now!

Fengming Temple is the martial arts illusion of Hedong University, and any martial arts are useless here!

“What to do! Eldest brother! ”

“Big Brother!”

“Big Brother!”

Listening to the shouts of Guan Yu and others in the picture, the mixed word generations clenched their fists and worried!

Xiu Xiu looked at the brothers who were dying in front of him and made up his mind!

“We can definitely go out!”

He yelled!

“Get out of the way!!”






A very powerful force exploded in an instant!

Two golden scythe-like forces spun rapidly, directly sweeping away all the Hedong University troops!


The word bastards are shocked! Repair!

It was the second shot! This second shot! It’s a kill! Kamikaze Chop!

And in the case of the power index is suppressed! Broke through [30,000] points!

Everyone’s goosebumps are all blowing up! Top!

Really on top! It’s so hot-blooded!

It’s so burning! So handsome! The bastards are thrilled!

This one! Xiu really played beautifully!

In the picture! Several people working together! Fight together!

Wander between life and death!

Played out the Fengming Temple together! The mixed generations all sighed!

“This plot did not stop from the beginning! It was so exciting! ”

“Yes! And it’s from start to finish! ”

“Finally understand why Mr. Su said that the silver time and space is to stop the war with war!”

“Bloody! It’s so hot-blooded! ”

“Especially Xiu Final Shot! Got my goosebumps all up! ”

“It’s so enjoyable!”

“It’s very unkind, but I still want to see them keep fighting!”

Back to the picture!

The feeling of the rest of his life made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

Cao Cao was afraid that something would happen to them inside, and he specially summoned Hua Tuo.

Hua Tuo saw that Zhao Yun’s face was very poor, so he took Zhao Yun to the side to check.

“I feel…… The cloud is very unusual. ”

Hugh said.

“Big brother, I just think you’re unusual, right?” What’s that……”

Guan Yu learned to make a move, “Ulabah! ”

Repair: “………”

Zhang Fei: “…”

“What is this?”

Guan Yu asked curiously.

Cao Cao, Huang Zhong, and Ma Chao all looked at Xiu with a look of curiosity.

Xiu pushed this thorny problem to Zhang Fei and asked Zhang Fei to help round it up.

Zhang Fei, who was inexplicably named, was shocked.


“I… Let me explain? ”

“Actually this… Ulabaha……”

“It’s a curse word……”

Cao Cao: “? ”

Guan Yu: “? ”

Huang Zhong: “? ”

Ma Chao: “? ”

Repair: “?! ”

He squirted out a mouthful of water!

“Well, doesn’t that sound dirty?”

Zhang Fei turned his head to look at Guan Yu Guan Yu: “?? ”


Zhang Fei yelled at Guan Yu!


Zhang Fei yelled at Huang Zhong!


Zhang Fei yelled at Ma Chao!


Zhang Fei turned his head and yelled at Guan Yu again!

“You’re only Ulabah!”

Guan Yu was angry and said a word back!

“Actually, I think… It’s okay……”

Ma Chao said weakly.

“What’s okay?” A rough man like me will also feel very dirty, tell you oh, in the future, everyone is not allowed to say this dirty word! ”

Zhang Fei said.

“If the big brother doesn’t talk, we don’t talk.”

Guan Yu said solemnly.


Xiu could only reluctantly agree, ‘Don’t you ever say ‘Ulabah’ dirty words in the future. ”

Everyone smiled and nodded.

Cao Cao: “…”

The bastards laughed directly!

“Hahahahaha! The Stranger of Iron Time and Space listened and wanted to hit people directly! ”

“‘Ulabah’ turned out to be a dirty word! Hahaha! ”

“Xiu probably didn’t expect that the suffix when the Iron Time and Space Alien Walker used the Extraordinary Energy would actually be a dirty word!”

“Cao Cao’s expression is so funny!”

“Cao Cao: I’ll watch you perform quietly.”

President Cao’s eyes looked like he was looking at a bunch of idiots! Hahahahaha!

“After scolding, say Ulabah!”

“Hahaha! Laugh me to death! ”

Iron space-time.

Stranger: “??? ”

Golden space-time.

The bastards laughed so hard that tears came out.


This is the unique charm of the ultimate Three Kingdoms.

Make people cry.

Make people laugh. It was touching. It’s stressful.

After having fun.

It can’t help but make people worried.

Zhao Yun………

I lost all my martial arts! Silver space-time.

Cao Cao, Xiu and the Five Tigers will eat together in the restaurant.

Just as he was eating happily, Zhao Yun’s siman suddenly rang out.

Zhao Yun just looked at Siman and didn’t pick it up.

Because Hugh said last night that today is ‘April Fool’s Day’.

Although everyone doesn’t know what ‘April Fool’s Day’ is, Xiu said that this is a festival that can prank others, and Little Joe and the mink cicada have discussed that they want to prank everyone together, no matter what the two of them say when they hit Siman, don’t believe it.

“It seems that Little Joe and the mink are going to start tricking us.”

Hugh said.

“I’m not going to let them succeed.”

Zhao Yun said.

Eastern Han Academy.

Office of the Principal.

“Strange, they have been beaten three times, why doesn’t this Zhao Yun pick up Siman?”

The bride was very confused.

“Didn’t you bring it?” Call someone else to try it again? ”

Li Ru said.

Mei Niang called Guan Yu.

Guan Yu didn’t even pick up Siman!

“Did they all forget to bring Siman?”

The bridesmaid was even more puzzled.

“The siman is so closely related to their weapons that they forgot to bring?” I’m afraid they realized something…”

Dong Zhuo narrowed his eyes, “You can call other people who are more foolish.” ”

“Obey orders! Great Principal Dong Zhuo! ”

Mei Niang quickly called Zhang Fei.

The other side.


Zhang Fei’s siman rang out.

“It seems that Little Joe and Sable Cicada really want to deceive us!”

Zhang Fei said.

“Third brother, it is better to… Let’s turn around and trick them. ”

Hugh smiled

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