Chapter 258: Life and Death Farewell! Ups and downs of the plot!!

“Sun Shangxiang’s plan is exposed!”

“Don’t say anything more! Li Ru heard it! ”

“If you can connect to Li Ru’s headphone channel, how could Sun Shangxiang make such a low-level mistake?”

“Looking at her and Guan Yu’s serious looks, they definitely don’t know that the plan has been leaked!”

The bastards can’t sit still!

Sun Shangxiang covered her nose and mouth, intending to fool Guan Yu into hearing her plan

When it was time to flop, Guan Yu blurred the words on the Providence signature with the powder in his hand, and then turned it over to complain to them that they could not write well and the handwriting was blurred, and asked to see the other one on the table.

Guan Yu on the stage nodded.

The two of them didn’t know that Li Ru and Mei Niang had heard all this!

“Sun Shangxiang used iron space-time power to convey to Guan Yu!”

“Isn’t she skilled in using her powers?” It was even connected to Li Ru’s radio! ”

“Xiu, it’s Sun Shangxiang using your iron space-time powers!”

“Originally, this plan was very perfect, as long as the handwriting was blurred, and the other one was definitely a ‘dead’ signature, it can be said that the one with the blurred handwriting in his hand was a raw signature.”

“It’s a pity… Sun Shangxiang actually made this mistake……”

The hearts of the bastards are tugging!

Their emotions were repaired, and Cao Cao and the Five Tigers would be driven, and some even had tears in their eyes.


It’s life and death! Didn’t think so.

This kind of picture is really playing!

Guan Yu: “Brothers, listen to me. ”

“Without me, life and death can be thrown away.”

“I’m Guan Yu.”

“I have the privilege of getting to know everyone.”

“I’m satisfied.”

“Please don’t sacrifice for me.”

“If there is a reason.”

“I will come by the wind.”

Xiu: “Second brother, we swore an oath with the third brother.” ”

“This oath.”

“We will definitely hold on!”

Zhang Fei: “Second brother, we will always follow you!” ”

Guan Yu: “Big brother, third brother, let’s lift the oath.” ”

Xiu, Zhang Fei: “Impossible! ”

Guan Yu: “Then I drew lots!” ”

Zhang Fei: “Everyone is going to die… Die together. ”

Hugh: “So are we.” ”

Looking at this picture, the hearts of the mixed characters felt very painful.

Guan Yu, Xiu, and Zhang Fei’s righteous qi rendered everyone’s emotions.

If you cultivate your hands, you will definitely violate the rules of time and space, provoke the anger of the Iron Time and Space Moxibustion Dance Alliance Lord, and maybe bring about a chain reaction, so that the twelve time and space will accelerate to extinction!

And once others get shot!

The great silver space-time will no longer have their foothold!

All their lives, they will carry a wanted notice in heaven and on earth, and live like a rat in a gutter!

And the most worrying.

Once shot, there will be casualties!

Although the others were strong in martial arts, Dong Zhuo’s Hedong University troops used guns!

How could the flesh possibly block the bullets?

No matter how strong the martial arts are, how can there be bullets fast? This.

It’s almost a game of death! Everyone……… And how to decide?

The reactors all looked at the picture in silence.

The picture flashed through everyone’s faces.

Guan yu.

Finally reached out!

“Don’t… I didn’t even dare to look at it…”


“Dong Zhuo is really disgusting!”

“I hope Guan Yu is all right…”

“Help… Who will rescue Guan Yu…”

Everyone was extremely sad.


Guan Yu got a card! Lift it up! It turned out to be ‘raw’!

The bastards exploded at once!

“How can it be ‘raw’?!”

“Hasn’t Sun Shangxiang’s plan already been leaked?”

“Is it true that… There is simply nothing that can make the words blur the powder?! ”

“I see! Sun Shangxiang deliberately used his powers to connect to Li Ru’s radio channel! In order to let Li Ru put two sheets. ”

“The dead sign is replaced by two life signs.

“Guan Yu doesn’t even have a radio!” Everything is acted! ”

“I lean on! Sun Shangxiang’s IQ is really cattle! ”

“Scared me to death!”

“Hahaha! Li Ru found out too late! ”

“Dong Zhuo’s expression laughed at me!”

“I can finally catch my breath!”

“Admire! Miss Sun Shangxiang of Jiangdong! ”

The ups and downs of this plot! It’s addictive!

Listening to “The Ultimate Class” and “The Ultimate Family” is not so exciting!

Silver Spacetime! It’s about martial arts! It’s a conspiracy! It’s a scheming! It’s righteousness! It’s the pattern!

That’s why!

It will be so fascinating!

The character of Sun Shangxiang has also been praised by everyone!

Whether it is a boy or a girl, they have become fans of Sun Shangxiang! This quirky big lady is so popular with everyone!

Not only beautiful! The IQ is still high! And it’s not in danger!

Cao Cao and Guan Yu were able to escape from danger, and the others did not have to risk death to save each other, it was entirely Sun Shangxiang’s wisdom!

Admire! Really admire!

“Hahaha, Xiu, don’t look for it, the person who uses the power is standing not far from you!”

“Zhang Fei is really funny, he actually called people ‘old grandson’!”

“Zhang Fei is so cute, hahaha!”

“I was really shocked to see this ‘Ultimate Three Kingdoms’!”

“Exciting! It’s so exciting! ”

Li Ru: “Quiet everyone! ”

As soon as they heard Li Ru’s voice, the mixed word generations all glared at the screen! This Li Ru!

And what do you want to do? The screen continues!

Li Ru threatened to check another signature for the sake of fairness.

This one is actually a ‘raw’ signature!

The students were shocked!

Li Ru and Mei Niang insisted that Guan Yu must be cheating!

And those who dare to cheat at the Heavenly Sacrifice Ceremony will be put to death immediately!

“I sit up straight and walk straight, will I be a cheater?”

Guan Yu’s eyes were incredibly firm!

The students all support Guan Yu unconditionally!

“The evidence is overwhelming! No need to argue! ”

Li Ru said.

“That’s right! According to the Campus Autonomy Law, those who cheat on the Celestial Ceremony will be killed! ”

Mei Niang said.

Li Ru turned his head to look at Dong Zhuo, and Dong Zhuo also nodded his head in acquiescence to this statement.

“In the name of the Lord of the All-School League, the Principal of the School and the Standing Committee of the Central Committee of the University!” Defend the team! ”

The defense team immediately raised its gun and aimed at Guan Yu!

“Wait a minute!”

Sun Shangxiang stood up again, “I have an opinion! ”

“Mr. Li Ru, please tell us, Guan Yu, did he touch the lottery just before the draw?”

“Although I said that the signature was always exchanged by you!”

Li Ru: “That’s right, Guan Yu has never touched the sign… Ay! What makes me exchange my signature? Gimmick! ”

Sun Shangxiang: “Well, just pretend that you didn’t change randomly, but the signatures are all prepared by you.” ”

Li Ru: “That’s right, the signing was prepared by us… Feed! What is pretending that we are not messing around? We really didn’t mess around! ”

Sun Shangxiang: “Li Ru, are you insisting that you really haven’t cheated?” Even if you are really cheating. ”

Li Ru: “I insist I didn’t… Ay! What’s the point where I really cheated! I didn’t cheat! ”

Sun Shangxiang: “Well, well, don’t get excited, I know, I think, the real cheating is definitely not you, it’s her… Right? ”

Her fingers were pointing at the bridesmaid!

Lady: “? ”

Li Ru: “That’s right! Of course it’s her! Isn’t that who else is she? ”

Lady: “! ”

Sun Shangxiang: “Oh ~ Li Ru said, the person who really did the tricks is you, it has nothing to do with him, he wants you to carry the Heavenly Ceremony to cheat, he treats you as a traitor, you say……… What to do? Flatter! Mother! ”

Li Ru: “?! ”

Lady: “He’s talking nonsense!” The last time he stole it himself! ”

Dong Zhuo: “…”

“Pretty girl!”

Lady: “!!! ”

The bastards were all laughing angrily!

“Sun Shangxiang’s wave of operations is directly on the fifth layer!”

“Li Ru and Mei Niang are also too stupid!”

“Hahaha, Dong Zhuo was scared to death!”

“If I were Dong Zhuo, I would be scared to death!”

The screen continues!

“On the orders of the Standing Committee of the Central Committee of the All-School League, the Lord of the School League, and the Principal of the School, Dong Zhuo, to arrest the cheaters of the Heavenly Sacrifice Ceremony!” Guan yu! ”

Li Ru was furious! Directly order the arrest of Guan Yu! Countless muzzles of guns were directly aimed at Guan Yu!

That’s when it happened! Under this daylight!

A red flag appears in front of everyone’s eyes!

“Who dares to move!”

Sun Shangxiang held the banner of the Sun family, “Jinxiang Tuan! ”

“Under the orders of Sun Jian, member of the Central Committee of the All-School League and president of the Jiangdong District League!”

“Catch the cheaters of the Celestial Sacrifice Festival!”

“Li Ru!! ”

The defense team turned its gun on Sun Shangxiang!



Sun Shangxiang gave an order! Jinxiang Tuan pulled up his bow and arrows!


Repair ordered! Zhang Fei! Zhao Yun! Huang Zhong! Ma Chao!

Protected in front of Sun Shangxiang and Jinxiang Tuan! Confrontation between the two sides!

“Celestial Ceremony Supervisory Committee!”

Sun Shangxiang looked at the people sitting on the stage, “Now that the evidence is conclusive, you are saying something.” ”

Who knows.

Those so-called members of the Supervision Committee of the Heavenly Sacrifice Ceremony actually set their sights on Dong Zhuo’s body.


They were all waiting for Dong Zhuo’s orders.

Dong Zhuo smiled, stood up and clapped his hands: “Good! ”

“Sure enough, it is a hero out of a teenager, and the scarf does not let the eyebrows be shaved!”

“Dear students.”

“The cheating thing is inadmissible because both sides lack evidence.”

“But what.”

“The organizers did have big flaws in the whole process, and the negligent personnel must be punished.”

“Defend the team!”

“Take down Li Ru and Mei Niang!” Hit a thousand boards each! ”

“Killed means guilty!”

“To die means that sin does not lead to death!”

“Pull it down!”

Dong Zhuo looked at Guan Yu.

“Guan Yu.”

“Under the Campus Autonomy Act, I give you a seven-day appeal period.”

“Seven days later.”

“Once again, the festival will be held.”

The bastards are furious!

“Dong Zhuo is really too much! There is even a festival to hold the festival again! ”

“It seems that he is not going to take down Guan Yu’s immortal heart!”

“I thought the matter was over, I didn’t think there was a follow-up, I thought the follow-up was over, I didn’t think there was a follow-up…”

“The punishment of Li Ru and Mei Niang is very light!” Why not shoot one outright.

“Dong Zhuo is saving his men in disguise.”

“Alas, I thought it was all right… I. ”

“The next festival of heaven…… It will definitely be more dangerous! ”

The bastards are extremely worried!

The next festival of heaven……… Dong Zhuo!

What conspiracy will be used?

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