Chapter 259: Although you are touching the dog’s head, you are touching Dong Zhuo’s dog’s head!!

Cao Family Compound.

Everyone was thinking about how to rescue Guan Yu.

The festival seven days later……… I don’t know what tricks Dong Zhuo will play, and their little tricks may not work when the time comes.

Cao Cao asked Sun Shangxiang if there was any way to save Guan Yu.

Sun Shangxiang told him to take the initiative to attack, unite with secondary enemies, and strike at the main enemy.


Let the Eastern Han Academy unite with the Yellow Turban University and crack down on Hedong University! Those who do big things don’t stick to small sections!

The mixed generations read this paragraph and were extremely surprised!

“Sun Shangxiang’s pattern is so big!”

“Unite the secondary enemies and strike at the main enemies… Wow! ”

“But… Let the Five Tigers go and cooperate with the Yellow Turban Thief……… Is this possible?

“Cao Cao is indeed a man who does great things.”

“Cao Cao’s majesty and ambition are on display at this moment!”

“I don’t think the Yellow Turban University thought that Cao Cao would one day cooperate with them.”

Haha, Zhang Bao’s words made Dong Zhuo feel that his personality had been insulted!

“Soul Shifting Dafa? Sounds awesome. ”

“Here I go! Did a dog fly over just now?! ”

“The dog and Dong Zhuo fainted at the same time! Could it be that… Dong Zhuo is here to swap with dogs?! ”

The find it ridiculous and ridiculous.

Dong Zhuo originally wanted to harm Zhang Bao, but he was pit by the dog brought by 587 Zhang Bao, and the soul was loaded into the dog’s body.

That Dong Zhuo body……… Is it the soul of the dog? Who believes this!

That’s a dog!

The are super looking forward to the next plot! It will feel very interesting!

They haven’t seen anything new yet!

“Hahahahaha! Dong Zhuo was going to scare Cao Cao to death! ”

“Dong Zhuo actually went to lick Cao Cao, and Cao Cao felt that he was not clean hahahahaha.”

“Hey! Don’t stand by and watch! Go and pull Dong Zhuo away……… Pull away the dog and Cao Cao ahhahahahaha! ”

“Huang Zhong, you are really too damaged haha! He even used the ball to play Dong Zhuo! ”

“Haha, the dog has been carried away by everyone.”

“No, Dong Zhuo, who turned into a dog, has been carried away by everyone.”

“Haha, Li Ru and Mei Niang are still in the dark.”

“President Cao, if you want to laugh, just laugh, you will have to hold out the internal wounds in a while!”

“Dong Zhuo’s soul is still quite cute when he changes into a dog!”

“Dong Zhuo may never have imagined that one day he would be led away by the Five Tiger Generals.”

“Hahaha! Zhang Fei is really damaged! It turned out that the name Dong Zhuo was a piglet! ”

“Sun Shangxiang actually transferred to the Eastern Han Academy!”

“Oh yes! This will allow you to see her appear in the camera more! ”

“Hahaha, Dong Zhuo is so pitiful, he can still see Ah Piao.”

“So the dog can really see Ah Piao’s?”

“Haha, when Guan Yu heard Cao Cao say this news, he was probably confused.”

“Lü Bu, wake up! What is in front of you is not your righteous father, hahahahaha! ”

“Huang Zhong, how did you eat dog food yourself?”

“Dong Zhuo is trying to think about how to change himself back into a human…”

“Dong Zhuo is well treated!” So many good things in front of him! ”

“Zhang Fei, although you are touching the dog’s head, you are touching Dong Zhuo’s dog head, hahahaha!”


Dong Zhuo’s ruse still succeeded.

Xiu and the Five Tigers will send the ‘dog’ to the pet hospital.

As a last resort, he could only obey the doctor’s advice and let the ‘dog’ be hospitalized.

Eastern Han Academy.

Li Ru already knew the news that Dong Zhuo and the dog had exchanged souls.

Taking advantage of the absence of the Five Tigers, he took advantage of the void to make Xiao Qiao unconscious, and after knowing where the ‘dog’ was, he went to the pet hospital and successfully took the ‘dog’ away.

The next morning.

Xiao Qiao woke up and found that Dong Zhuo was gone.

Lü Bu returned to the office, saw a table full of dog food and dog snacks, and was very confused.

Xiu and the Five Tigers will look around for Dong Zhuo, but they can’t find Dong Zhuo’s shadow, they concluded.

All this was arranged by Dong Zhuo, and only by finding Li Ru or Lü Bu could the truth be revealed.


After some temptation, Lü Bu did not know anything.

Another night.

Li Ru sneaked into the Cao family compound with Dong Zhuo and the dog.

Because Dong Zhuo believed that the way to unlock the Great Law of Soul Transfer was in Cao Cao’s home

Li Ru just asked a long question, and the ‘dog’ stretched out his dog paws and directly scratched Li Ru’s face!

This scene.

Laugh bad to see the hilarious.

Originally, Dong Zhuo and the dog exchanged souls very funny, did not expect that after Dong Zhuo turned into a dog, the beating of people also became more severe!


“The dog ‘glared’ at Dong Zhuo, and ‘Dong Zhuo’ was shocked!”

“Li Ru is so humble!”

“Really found the Soul Shifting Dafa?!”

“Haha, the picture of Dong Zhuo and the dog hugging together is so funny!”

“The dogs are vomiting!”

“With fried? Is this definitely the way to crack the Soul Shifting Dafa? ”

“I suspect it was Cao Cao’s plan…”

“I lean on! The dogs were blown up! ”

“Hahaha! The dog’s hairstyle has been blown up! ”

“Real Dogs: There is a thank you.”

The bastards laughed so hard that tears came out.

In the picture!

Cao Cao, Xiu and the Five Tigers will see the dogs, Dong Zhuo and Li Ru on the hillside! When they rushed over, the dog and Dong Zhuo were already carrying them and rolling down the hillside.

Strangely enough.

At the foot of the empty mountain, there was no dog or Dong Zhuo.

Even Li Ru’s figure was gone.

Ma Chao was frightened into a fierce spirit.

His mom once said a loser? ロヌノち—✓? Law.

When you lose one thing, the next thing you lose, you keep losing, you keep losing, you keep losing other things.

If you lose your wallet, you will lose your pen, your keys, your siman, and you will all disappear.

However, no one takes this for granted.

That night, Huang Zhong lost the MP3.

Ma Chao is very sensitive, think? 口ヌノち—✓? The law had already begun, but Zhang Fei thought he was making too much of a fuss.


Jiang Gan came with two students to announce that the school celebration was to be held.

The next day.

Xiu He and the Five Tigers will find Cao Cao who is practicing in the morning.

They wanted to ask why Cao Cao was still insisting on holding a school celebration since Principal Wang Yun was still in a coma and Dong Zhuo, the acting principal, was gone.

In the history of the Eastern Han Academy, there was no such thing as a student union president holding a school celebration in place of the principal.


Cao Cao wanted to be the principal of the Eastern Han Academy!

Cao Cao just wanted to explain to them, but found that his towel and water were gone, Ma Chao’s face was gray, thinking that this was? 口ヌノち—✓? The law began to spread.

The all felt a chill rise in their backs.

“This? 口ヌノち—V? Are the laws really fake? Is there such a mystery? ”

“I seem to have experienced this too? 口ヌノち—✓? Law, for a while I kept throwing things away. ”

“Right, right, so am I, after I lost a bunch of keys yesterday, I lost my meal card and my mobile phone.”

“It seems like I’ve been through it too…”

“How it feels a little scary……”

“Are you all talking about it? 口ヌノち—✓? Law, has no one noticed that Cao Cao’s desire for power has been revealed? ”

“Huh? What is written on the blackboard? Why are so many people standing in front of the blackboard? ”

“Jiang Gan grabbed the pickpocket and disappeared… What do you mean? ”

“The five tigers who are watching don’t know what it means.”

“Could it be that someone is playing a prank?”

“It seems like a warning eh.”

“How do I feel like I’m predicting something?”

Ma Chao mentioned again? 口ヌノち—✓?! ”

“How do you feel the atmosphere is weird?”

“I always feel like something bad is going to happen……”

The all feel weird.

They were curious.


What the hell is going to happen….

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