The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1031: surrender

At the moment Katsuda Taro could not help cursing the 18th generation of Ito Junichi’s ancestors in his heart, Baka, what a bastard, why are you so cruel and slaughter people, you are not afraid of eating, choking, drinking water I choked to death when I walked and was hit by a car. It was rainy and struck to death by lightning.

Katsuta Taro was wronged, he felt that he was wronged, the whole Katsuta family was wronged, and Nisso was wronged too.

Antarctic glanced at Li Zedao, naturally knowing what he was playing, and couldn’t help feeling that this guy’s IQ was really a monster. In such a noisy and fragrant situation, his mind could still be so clear. No wonder, he let himself just stun her. , Don't make a killing.

"Our neighbor, Huaxia, has an old saying that there are grievances and revenge, so I only killed Ito Yoshitake, but did not kill your sister, nor did we kill the teacher Ozawa, who we all know." Li Zedao said.

"You sister, is not dead?" Katsuta Taro was taken aback and asked quickly.

"It's just fainting. After a while, I will wake up." Li Zedao shook his head and said, "But..."

Katsuta's heart slammed again. Normally, when the word "but" comes out, there is nothing good.

Sure enough, Li Zedao said: "Ito Junichi is too strong. Although we want to kill him with a sword, we are still not his opponent. Therefore, we can't let him know that his grandson, Ito Yoshitake is dead on us. I have it, so... I'm sorry."

Antarctica was very cooperative and showed a dagger, a posture of intending to kill people.

"No..." Katsuta's body trembled, and he was scared to pee.

Antarctica frowned, smelling the smell of urine in the air, it was disgusting.

"I... promise... I swear... I will never say... I definitely won't..."

"I don't believe you." Li Zedao shook his head.

"I don't know how to say..." Katsuta didn't care about covering up his soft stuff, kneeling and begging for mercy, "Really not, I can swear by the sacred name of Katsuta..."

"It's all chaotic-it's a sacred ass!" Li Zedao interrupted Katsuda Taro's words angrily, and then had a sacred expression on his face, "Our Maori surname is truly sacred!"

"..." Katsuda Taro wanted to die ashamed.

The Antarctic on the side can't wait to slap this guy to death. Do you really think you are Kogoro Moori?

"I really don't know how to say... Besides, you have the video in your hand. I am afraid that you will spread the video, am I not that stupid..."

Li Zedao frowned and said, "I can really believe you? Even though I have the video that is enough to overthrow your Katsuda family, I still trust the dead... However, I really don't want to kill innocent people... …"

Li Zedao shook his head and sighed, tired of his softness, and then pointed to Ito Yoshitake's corpse: "Or, tell me how to deal with this matter?"

"This..." Katsuta Taro looked at the corpse, breathing heavily, desperately to restore his brain a little thinking ability, and then he said, "Mr. Mori, I have a solution, but I need the cooperation of my sister Michiko. ..."

Li Zedao was a little moved: "You have a deep feeling for your sister!"

"..." Katsuda Taro was even more ashamed.

At the moment Li Zedao waved his hand and asked Katsuda Taro to find a dress to wear, and asked him to find clothes to help Michiko who was fainted here put it on. As for the other white bodies, Li Zedao asked him to find clothes to cover. , Anyway, they didn't plan to wake up, so naturally they can't help them dress.

After Katsuta Taro helped Michiko put on clothes, Li Zedao walked up to him, squatted slightly, rubbed a certain acupoint on her body with a look of disgust, stimulated this acupuncture point, so that the person who fell into a coma could quickly Wake up, what's more, this kinky-* person who is not under the Antarctic has passed out from an electric shock, but he has not suffered multiple injuries. Even if Li Zedao does not stimulate her acupuncture points, after a while, she will be able to Wake up on his own.

Soon, Katsuda Michiko slowly opened her eyes. It was obvious that her memory remained at the moment she was attacked before she passed out, so that face was already full of solemnity and murderousness. The whole person was a carp. It's pretty strong, it's already jumping up, and it's ready to attack.

Especially after seeing the Antarctic standing there, in the impression, it seemed that this woman was attacking her, so she was about to rush over.

"Sister Michiko, it's me." Taro Katsuda quickly stopped her.

"Brother...what the **** is going on?" Katsuda Michiko swept the surrounding area, and then her eyes got bigger little by little. There were two strangers, one man and one woman, and four more. A dead person... Of course, she didn't know that only Ito Yoshitake died, and the other three were actually alive.

"Brother, what the **** is going on? Who killed them? It was this pair of dogs and men, right? I killed you!" Michiko shouted, then looked at the South Pole, and rushed over.

Katsuda Taro hurriedly pulled her, and then simply told her about the current situation with an awkward and bitter expression. Katsuda Michiko's head was dazed, and she felt a sense of turning around.

It is undeniable that **** is really stimulating to her, but this kind of thing is against human morality after all. Even in an island country with a very open sex, it will be condemned to death. In other words, this Once things leak out, not only is the Katsuda family unable to tolerate her, the Ito family will even kill him directly, because she has a leg with Ito Yoshitake, and he is his...grandson!

Then she looked up and looked at Li Zedao and Antarctica, with scarlet and fierce eyes, like an evil ghost killing her.

"Want to do it?" Li Zedao glanced at her with a sneer, "Do you think you can keep us two?"

Katsuda Michiko was directly discouraged, even the woman who fainted her was not sure she could beat her, let alone the two teamed up. So, at this time, the smartest way is to obediently listen to them and follow them. Cooperation, in exchange for a glimmer of life.

Seriously, Michiko doesn't want to die, not at all. Life is so good, why should he die?

"Dear Mr. Kogoro Mouri, I, Michiko Katsuda, and my brother Taro Katsuda are all yours. You and Miss Mouri are our masters." Michiko Katsuda nodded, his expression respectful, and surrendered. Her brother was thorough, and then raised his head, his eyes filled with spring water, he glanced at Li Zedao, and then lowered his head again.

"What a terrible woman!" Li Zedao secretly sighed, and seeing her eyes, how could he be suggesting something to this handsome guy?

Li Zedao looked at Katsuda Taro: "You can tell your plan."

Katsuta nodded and hurriedly said, "Dear Mr. Mori, didn't you... have you recorded the video? Can you send me that video?"

"Why? Want to enjoy it with your sister?" Li Zedao said with a smile.

Katsuta Katsutake looked ashamed, but Katsuta Michiko's eyes lit up.

"No." Although Taro Katsuta thought it would be nice to appreciate it with an artistic perspective, but he was not embarrassed to admit it. He said his thoughts at the moment, "I want to photograph Ito Kotake and Ito. The scene of Ryoko was intercepted and then spread out'accidentally'."

"This method is good." Katsuta Michiko said immediately, "After Ito Yoshitake became a waste, he has no status in the family. After such a video broke out, the Ito family would definitely deal with the two of them. The family method of the Ito family is very powerful and will kill them, so Ito Yoshitake will definitely take Ito Ryoko to find someone no one can find to hide. As for Miyamoto and Ozawa..."

"They also appeared in this video where the'careless' was revealed." Katsuta Taro said.

"This attention is very good. I am very satisfied." Li Zedao clapped his hands and was very satisfied. He knew that the three people, including Mrs. Ozawa, would never survive. Katsuda Taro would let them disappear forever.

Li Zedao is still somewhat unbearable, not for anything else, just because Mr. Ozawa is his good brother Zhou Yan's enlightenment teacher and Zhou Yan's idol.

As for the Miyamoto and Ito Ryoko, you die if you die, anyway, it's not a good bird.

Li Zedao looked at Katsuda Taro and said, "You contact the person who sailed and let the boat return to the shore, and then I will pass the video to you."

Katsuta Taro quickly called and told the waiter to drive the boat back to its original location.

The ship didn't leave the coast too far, so it returned to the shore soon, and at this time Li Zedao also uploaded the video to Katsuda Taro's cell phone.

"We're leaving first, and we will contact you if we have anything to ask you for'help'." Li Zedao waved his hand and said.

"Okay, Master." The two sisters quickly nodded and said respectfully, the slaves were full of affection.

Li Zedao was not in a lot of ink, and left the cabin with Antarctica, and got off the ship quietly, but did not immediately go far, but stopped in front of a large rock nearby and stared at the light-filled one not far away. Look at Nisso.

"What are you going to do?" Antarctica asked, "Also, do you really believe this brother and sister?"

"If you don't believe me, don't you know if you look at it?" Li Zedao smiled mysteriously.

"Look? What are you looking at?" Antarctica was taken aback, but he couldn't wait to slap it. This guy is good at everything, but he likes to pretend to be mysterious. Every time he does this, Antarctica will seriously doubt his IQ.

Li Zedao took out his mobile phone and placed it in front of the Antarctic. On the screen of the mobile phone, it was the movement of the cabin he had sneaked into.

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