"Have you secretly installed a miniature camera?" Antarctica's eyes widened. When did it happen, why didn't I know at all?

Li Zedao smiled: "Except Ito Yoshitake was killed by me, the others were not killed by me. With this surveillance video, plus the surveillance video taken before-shooting, this can be described as double insurance. Don't be afraid of this... …Oh, after a long night tossing and turning, I don’t want to sleep. Women who love cucumbers and eggplants, bananas and insomnia don’t listen to us obediently."

"What disease is that?" Antarctica looked confused.

"Sex-hungry, the shadow said." Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders.

"Go!" The black line on Antarctica's face.

In Funakura, when he learned that everyone except Ito Yoshitake was already fainted, Michiko Katsuda's face turned black and he cursed directly: "Paga, those two bitches, really Damn it!"

Michiko feels aggrieved, you have already killed Ito Kotake, why not also kill Ito Ryoko, Miyamoto and Ozawa? If you don't kill them, don't you have to kill them? I'm a beautiful girl who has no power to bind a chicken. My brother is handsome. He doesn't even dare to kill a beautiful man. How can you let us do it?

To kill or not to kill is a difficult problem, a big one.

You know, it’s just a video recording, it’s just incest, and even if it gets exploded in the end, it might still survive.

But after killing these three people, one of them was a well-known public figure, and the other was the little princess of the Ito family. Once this kind of thing was revealed, there was basically no possibility of surviving.

But now it's hard to ride a tiger, it seems really impossible not to kill, fortunately, the night is black and wind is high, no one knows...except for the two **** heirs! It's just that, afterwards, he really became a slave to the little school of Maori Yidao.

"Kill them." Katsuda Michiko gritted her teeth, her face fierce.

Then she walked over and came to Ryoko Ito, who was smashed by the pot lid and had a big bag on her head. She slammed her hand over, grabbed her neck, and then applied a little force.

"Crack!" Ryoko Ito's neck was pinched off instantly, and he was already dead to death.

In the same way, Katsuda Michiko broke the necks of Miyamoto and Mr. Ozawa again and decisively.

Watching this scene, Katsuta Taro felt his stomach twisted for a while and almost didn't vomit it out.

"Brother Taro, I scared you." Katsuda Michiko came to Katsuda Taro, her face was gentle with a trace of grievance, and then plunged into his arms, "My sister is also terrified."

"...It's okay, with me here, I will protect my sister." Katsuta Taro clasped this delicate body against his conscience.

The "moving" scene of the siblings was very intuitively presented to Li Zedao and in front of him through the mobile phone screen, so both of them were disgusted by the shameless siblings.

"Shameless!" Antarctica cursed.

"It's really shameless." Li Zedao deeply agreed, and then Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly, because the screen on the phone showed that Taro Katsuda comforted his sister while... took off her clothes.

What a talent, he is so hungry and thirsty, so impatient, what do you make the four corpses around you think? Are you afraid that they will come alive and find you to settle accounts?

"Oh, dear brother, love your elder sister, the elder sister is terrified... love me like a mother..." Michiko Ito's gasping voice came from the phone.

"Damn it!" Antarctica cursed, his pretty face flushed, and he stepped on Li Zedao's feet and then turned and left.

Li Zedao grinned with pain, and jumped down on the spot. His face was full of grievances. It's none of my business, OK?

After walking a few steps, Antarctica stopped, turned around and came back, and then slammed on Li Zedao's body, his arms tightly around his waist, his eyes shyly afraid to face Li Zedao.

"Think about it?" Li Zedao gently stroked her hair.

Antarctica nodded lightly, his face was hot, his face was deeply buried in Li Zedao's arms.

"Enter the car." Li Zedao said, then bent over and hugged Antarctica, and rushed to the Toyota parked not far away.

After a few minutes.

Full moon, thin stars, sea breeze blowing!

The waves are surging, but it is difficult to conceal the erosive and thrilling * voice.


In the middle of the night, there was a short yellow video that went crazy throughout the island country. There were four owners of the video, and all of them were people with great backgrounds.

Yoshitake Ito and Ryoko Ito are the children of the Budo family who are very strong in the island country. His grandfather is the island’s number one master, the Miyaji of Yasushi Shrine, and the leader of the Samurai group of the island’s royal family, known as the sword demon. Ito Junichi!

His grandson Junichi Ito and his granddaughter Ryoko Ito even got out of the bed, and even videotaped them. The most **** thing is that the video still ran out, which naturally shocked everyone’s attention. The Ito family was also caught up in the bed. Put it on the stove and roast it.

While watching the upset people of the Ito family snicker, they stood up and said sternly, how can such a corrupt and shameless family be qualified to guard the sacred Yasushi Shrine?

The Ito family also issued a statement immediately saying that the Ito family decided to enforce the strictest family laws against these two dirty and unfilial children.

The other female protagonist on the screen is familiar to everyone. It is the mind of everyone, the sexual fantasy object in their minds, Teacher Ozawa!

This caused many men to beat their chests and roar that day. Which **** was the **** who had been on Teacher Ozawa? Well, this dog day is Kojiro Miyamoto. The label on his body is that Nisso’s deputy general manager and the future helm of Nisso Taro Katsuda’s hair!

So Taro Katsuta also hurriedly stood up and said that he could understand this kind of thing, but he also expressed his heartache and shame... How could you accidentally show the video?

In short, it was the first-rate video, and many forces wanted to find these four people, but whether it was the Ito family or other forces, they all found that these four people seemed to have disappeared from the earth. Of course, they didn't think much about their tracks. After all, they also knew that the video came out, and they were waiting for death. They weren't stupid, so they hid naturally.


"Damn, my siblings are incestuous, and this genius girl is scared to death..." The little shadow slapped his chest wildly, but his eyes were staring at the handheld computer screen wide, with a look on his face. The wretched smile that was out of interest, there was nothing like she said, scared to death.

Then he looked aggrieved again: "Damn, Ozawa-teacher... This genius girl was so sassy when she thought you were filming, now I see... Oh, sorry, this is also filming, taking a selfie! "

"Shut up! Eat!" Antarctic frowned and drank. I thought the fried dough sticks in my hand were quite delicious, but now listening to the shadow crooked over there, I already felt like I couldn't eat it.

She is still quite traditional in her bones. She naturally feels disgusted and disgusted with this kind of relationship between her siblings. Of course, for the family of Taro Katsuda and Michiko Katsuda, she feels terrible. Unexpectedly, people can be so cheap as to be shocked, it's disgusting.

"Oh." The shadow stuck out his tongue cutely, took a sip of soy milk, continued to enjoy the short film, and then yelled, "Damn, that idiot shot it? Don't you know that you have made this kind of posture? Location?"

"Puff!" Li Zedao simply sprayed out the soy milk in his mouth.

Antarctica raised an eyebrow and glanced at Li Zedao, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised: "Yes, which idiot took the photo?"

"..." Li Zedao's face became darker.

"Ah, Sister Antarctica, you think so too, the tastes of our two sisters are too similar." The shadow was extremely excited as if he had found an organization.

"Get out!" This time, the face of the shadow changed black, and Li Zedao snickered on the side.


There are still a few days left for the Emperor of the Islands Kingdom and other people to visit the Yasushi Shrine, so Li Zedao did not bother to find Michiko Katsuda and Taro Katsuda’s sister and brother, expressing his desire to sneak into the Yasushi Shrine and kill the sword demon Junichi Ito. , To avenge Maori's slashes.

After all, the video about the incestuous relationship between grandson and granddaughter just broke out. Presumably, Michiko Katsuda, the grandmother, has to sit in and help out with the Ito family, right? At least soothe Ito Junichi's old heart, right? Of course, if Junichi Ito had been involved with his older sister or younger sister or even a woman, Li Zedao could only say that the reality of the island country is terrible.

At the same time, Li Zedao also asked Lao Wang to focus on the battle between Qingyun and Shankou. How many people Qingyun died and how much the site was eaten by the Shankou group. Li Zedao did not want to care, as long as Zhang Hailong did not die.

Although the shadow said that he hated this father, he was even more reluctant to lift his head up and take a look at the sushi restaurant that day, but Li Zedao knew that the kind of family affection could not be parted at all, it was like himself and him, even if he hated him. At the moment he died in his arms, Li Zedao's emotions also collapsed.

Lao Wang's intelligence source is very powerful, so the process and results of the battle between Qingyun and the Shankou group in the past few days are clearly known.

"With the help of Dongtu, the Yamaguchi team is basically a crushing posture against Qingyun. Large and small weapon fights are not opponents of the other party. From the beginning of the Yamaguchi team to the present, it is only a short two. In just days, Qingyun's vitality was already severely injured, and even He Xiaoyang, Qingyun's third chief, was attacked at home." Lao Wang said.

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