The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1051: In the elevator

"Big fool, don't let him die." Shadow's nose was sour, and he wanted to cry again.

"No, he will live a hundred years." Li Zedao smiled and comforted softly.

"Then I'm going to see my sister Antarctica, and discuss where I am going to go shopping." Shadow said with forbidden nose, took a deep look at the door, and then turned and left.

"Is anyone... Hatch... Hatch, I know you were the one who brought me here, what do you mean? Do you think you were sent by China to do whatever you want? You give it to Lao Tzu Get out..." The voice of Zhang Hailong inside had already turned into a roar.

The attitude towards Li Zedao is not the kind of respect or fear before, but hatred, monstrous hatred!

He feels betrayed, betrayed by Hatch, shouldn't he support himself? Is he fascinated by He Xiaoyue's bitch? He has a leg with He Xiaoyue?

Li Zedao opened the door and walked in, looking at Zhang Hailong with a faint smile on his face and said, "You are looking for me?"

Zhang Hailong looked at this face, his face was already very ugly, and his scarlet eyes almost burst into flames: "Why betray me? When the **** He Xiaoyue did this kind of thing, you should save me. Isn't it?"

Li Zedao looked at him like a idiot, and really didn't understand how he calmly said such shameless words.

I was too lazy to explain at the moment, but said: "Do you want Qingyun?"

"Qingyun was mine originally." Zhang Hailong roared, "I see, you don't have a leg with He Xiaoyue? Otherwise, why do you want to help her? Why do you want to help her get to the top?"

"Fool!" Li Zedao had a dark face, and didn't bother to explain this kind of thing, but said lightly, "I think I should be polite to me, because you owe me two lives."

"I owe you my mother!" Zhang Hailong roared, with a hideous and terrifying face.

Li Zedao frowned and said, "You...really dislike you. He has too small a mind, and is too easy to think about it. He is self-righteous and feels that what he does is right. No wonder the wife who loves you so much will choose in the end. hate you……"

"Bitch, dog men and women... You are dog men, I'm a mess..."

Li Zedao kicked him over and knocked him out.

"Damn, if you weren't the shadow's father, you would have sucked your mouth long ago." Li Zedao scolded very uncomfortably, then lifted him up and left the room.

Half an hour later, Li Zedao brought Zhang Hailong, who had passed out to death, to Qingyun Mansion. He Xiaoyue, who had received a call from Li Zedao a long time ago, already took He Xiaoyang. In addition, several elders including the Seven Brothers of Virtue were in the mansion. Waiting at the door, seeing Li Zedao coming, He Xiaoyue quickly greeted him.

He Xiaoyang, who was following her, couldn't help but smile. Sister ah, elder sister, knowing that there will be no results, knowing that the other party looks down on him, why bother to make do?

What made He Xiaoyang speechless the most was that after receiving the call from the other party, the first reaction of her own old sister was to immediately rush back to her room, and when she came out again, it became like this.

There was just the right light makeup on his face, and he was wearing a young-looking skirt. The hair that appeared to be capable was originally pulled up, and the whole figure seemed to be several years younger in an instant.

In other words, if her original dress made people think that she was under thirty-five years old, then no matter how you look at it now, she would feel less than thirty, right?

He Xiaoyang glanced at Li Zedao, and saw that he briefly glanced at his old sister. He looked normal, and there was no one that shined, so he knew that his old sister just fed the dog with the makeup just now.

"You...come..." He Xiaoyue looked at this face, tried to make her expression look normal, and removed the word "return" so that no one would be embarrassed.

Li Zedao nodded, and pointed to the rear seat: "The person is inside. It's too ink stained. I stunned."

He Xiaoyue glanced at the car, nodded and said, "Don't worry, I won't let him become cold enough to be hungry. As long as I'm alive, he won't die."

Shadow didn’t want to see Zhang Hailong, and didn’t want to recognize him as his father, but he didn’t seem to see him being killed. So Li Zedao thought about it and decided to "return" Zhang Hailong to Qingyun, so he called He Xiaoyue, of course. He also asked He Xiaoyue to say that Zhang Hailong's life could not be taken, so Zhang Hailong's life for the second half of his life was settled, and he would spend the rest of his life in the blue clouds.

He will not be cold, will not be hungry, will not be beaten, scolded, or even, will not be talked to him, he will be imprisoned in the blue clouds, and will not see the outside sunlight until death.

He Xiaoyue unconditionally expressed support for Li Zedao’s approach. On the one hand, he is the great benefactor of Qingyun. Qingyun must pay attention to and abide by some of his decisions. On the other hand, she unilaterally fell in love. How could it be possible to reject his proposal? This river of love is a bit weird and rugged, but she has no hesitation, she is the kind of woman who dares to hate and love.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be because when she was still in love with Zhang Hailong, she could tolerate everything about him, but when she started to hate Zhang Hailong, her revenge was so crazy.

At that moment, He Xiaoyue made a gesture, and Azhong of the Seven Brothers of Virtue understood, and immediately walked over, pulled Zhang Hailong who was in a coma in the car out of the car, and then walked as if carrying a bag of garbage. It is located in the "prison" in the Qingyun Building.

From beginning to end, all the people present except He Xiaoyue had their eyes on the boss who was once the boss and now can’t wait for a knife to pass by. He Xiaoyue never looked at Zhang Hailong from beginning to end, as if this person did not exist. Like, her eyes always fell on Li Zedao, her eyes hot and shy but fearless.

He Xiaoyue knew that today might be the only chance. If he were to leave in this way, this immature kid might never appear in front of her.

Li Zedao just wanted to hurry up, this woman's eyes are very unbearable, is there anything? Now waved his hand: "Go..."

Without finishing a sentence, He Xiaoyue had already interrupted his speech: "I...I have something important to tell you."

"Well, tell me." Li Zedao nodded.

"...If it's private, only you can hear it." He Xiaoyue said in a low voice, then turned her body and made an inviting gesture, "Mr. Ha, please here."

"..." Li Zedao secretly smiled bitterly, if he just turned around and left like this, it would seem too impersonal, right? And He Xiaoyue will definitely be laughed at by these people under her hands.

"Then go." Li Zedao nodded.

He Xiaoyue smiled knowingly, leading the way in front, and Li Zedao followed him slowly.

"Sister, although I don't see that you can succeed, this kid is too calm after all. Your beauty tricks are not working well, but come on." He Xiaohu muttered in his heart looking at the back of the two entering the building. Tao.

After entering the building, He Xiaoyue led Li Zedao into the elevator, and then He Xiaoyue directly pressed the top floor. Soon, the elevator door was closed and the elevator started to rise.

"Actually, there are important things you can say now." Li Zedao said, "We are in this space, and others will definitely not hear what you say."

Li Zedao knew that He Xiaoyue and Zhang Hailong's room was on the top floor. She wanted to take herself to her room? Being invited to her room by a woman who was almost forty like a tiger, Li Zedao felt very dangerous, even more dangerous than sneaking into the Jingyu Shrine, so dangerous that he wanted to call the police.

"Are you... afraid of me?" He Xiaoyue turned her head and stared at Li Zedao without blinking. She was basically the same height as Li Zedao in high heels, so the two eyes were almost on the same level.

"It's kind of." Li Zedao smiled, "You are the eldest sister of Qingyun now. You gave an order. Those of your men who can't hold guns and knives come and kill me?"

"I like you!" He Xiaoyue was silent and showed her knife.

"...Did you drink too much?" Li Zedao was really frightened by such a straightforward confession by such an elder sister who can be her own mother only by looking at her age, even though He Xiaoyue's eyes looked very wrong. , But she did not expect that she was so sturdy.

"I really like you." He Xiaoyue said with a serious look on Li Zedao.


"Ding..." The elevator reached the top and stopped, and then the elevator doors opened automatically to both sides.

"You should have a good rest." Li Zedao said with a smile, "Goodbye."

He Xiaoyue didn’t mean to go out by herself, but still looked at Li Zedao seriously, so the elevator door was slowly closed again.

Li Zedao didn't pay attention either, he stretched out his hand and pressed the number key "1" on it.

He Xiaoyue sighed softly: "I know this is ridiculous, and I also know that you look down on me. After all, that kind of thing happened. Although I have to do it, I really...I don’t regret what I did. Because my purpose is very strong, I know I must do that, and I can only do that... There are not many choices for women."

The elevator began to descend.

Li Zedao smiled bitterly and said, "Miss He, you think too much. Really, I didn't mean to look down on you at all. I already told you last night. Whether you do something right or wrong, it is very moving and admirable. Yes, I really admire you. The kind of affection between your siblings makes me very moved. To be honest, in this impetuous age, it’s no longer a problem for brothers to kill each other for money. , So, really, I am very touched."

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