The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1052: Didn't steal

"Then you are... you think I am too old to be your lover?" He Xiaoyue thought for a while, her expression was a bit self-deprecating, "Yes, I am already an old woman who is almost over forty... However, I maintain it very well, as you can tell by looking at it."

" fact, you are very young. You look like a noble woman in her 30s." Li Zedao looked a little embarrassed and tried not to hurt this woman's self-esteem.

"Really? Then I will dress like this every day, okay?" He Xiaoyue said with bright eyes, and even moved lightly in front of Li Zedao.

"..." Li Ze wanted to cry, thinking about what kind of style you will dress up in the future. It’s just that my biggest weakness is that I feel soft-hearted? I really can't bear to hurt such a strong and independent woman. Besides, this woman doesn't seem to have done too much to herself, nor has she done anything wrong.

It’s not wrong to worship yourself, like yourself, be brave, and express her likes bravely to pursue the love that belongs to her!

So Li Zedao had to nod his head, saying that you will dress like this in the future. This style is very suitable for you.

"Ding..." With a soft sound, the elevator has already reached the first floor, and then the elevator door slowly opened. He Xiaoyue blocked the elevator without any intention of giving way. Li Zedao didn't feel embarrassed or reached out so cruelly. Pushing her away, I had to look at her with a wry smile, hoping that the other person could see something from her own grimace.

However, He Xiaoyue's actions made Li Zedao want to cry. She stretched out her hand and pressed the button on the top floor, so the elevator door slowly closed and continued to rise.

"Hatch...Can I call your name?"

"..." Li Zedao smiled bitterly and nodded, thinking that Hatch is not my real name.

"Haki... what I want to say is, give me a chance to like you... take care of you, okay? I'm a little older, but it's better to be older. I will love and take care of people." He Xiao Yue Yi looked at Li Zedao earnestly, trying hard to express the most true thoughts deep in her heart, "I didn't dare to say anything about staying together forever, that's just a ridiculous girl's dream, let alone telling you Going back to China together, that might destroy the relationship between you and your wife. I am not afraid that she will kill me, but I am afraid that you will be embarrassed and painful."

"..." Li Zedao's current expression is a bit strange, painful? Kind of! happy? It seems that there are... to be confessed by such a hot, **** and mature woman, saying that she is not complacent and compliments herself. That is really hypocritical. So Li Zedao felt that his current situation is painful and happy!

"I just want to say that when you come to the island country to perform tasks, you can come and see me and accompany me. I am very satisfied. I will not let your wife know about the relationship between the two of us..."

Speaking of He Xiaoyue plucked up courage, she slowly stretched out her hand and touched Li Zedao's face bit by bit.

"I'm sorry." Li Zedao said, and then he also stretched out his hand, and her shot speed was much faster than her... He simply went over with a hand knife and chopped it on her neck, and He Xiaoyue was very surprised. He simply rolled his eyes and fainted.

Li Zedao was quick-eyed, hugged this body that exuded a sense of fatal maturity for men, and then muttered to himself: "Big sister, we...It's really not suitable, let's say, my The two women are still waiting for me to accompany them to go shopping, and the shadow is waiting for me to coax, where is the mood and time to accompany you in the elevator here to play ambiguous?"

Li Zedao pressed the number key "1", and the elevator quickly reached the first floor and stopped. After the door opened, Li Zedao hugged He Xiaoyue and walked out.

He Xiaoyang, who was not far away, was shocked when he saw this. He rushed over and asked anxiously, "My sister...what's the matter?" He idled and watched the special elevator ascend and descend. It was very funny to drop, but I didn't expect that the old lady was hugged by this Hatch in the end.

"Oh, it's probably a bit low blood sugar, plus I didn't sleep well last night, and the elevator was a bit stuffy again, so I fainted..." Li Zedao with some guilty conscience threw He Xiaoyue to He Xiaoyang, "You take her to the chair I'll be fine after a rest... Then I have to leave beforehand."

He didn't wait for He Xiaoyang to say anything, and fled the building like an escape.

"Old that scary? It makes him seem to avoid a viper." He Xiaoyang looked at his back, whispered at the corner of his mouth, "Also, the old sister doesn't seem to have symptoms of hypoglycemia..."

"Hmm..." He Xiaoyue groaned and woke up leisurely.

"Sister, are you awake... are you okay?" He Xiaoyang saw He Xiaoyue wake up, and quickly put her down.

"What's wrong with me?" He Xiaoyue rubbed her swollen head, and then looked around, but didn't see the figure she wanted to see.

"Where did he go?" He Xiaoyue asked.

"He's gone, and he said that your blood sugar was low and you fainted?" He Xiaoyang said, "Sister, you really have low blood sugar? I thought that kid who smiled so slightly you just fainted because of the idiot?"

"Fuck! Your sister has already passed the age of being a nympho." He Xiaoyue rubbed her head and said depressedly, "Xiaoyang, you said your sister, I really can't see that kind of inhumanity? When I was in the elevator, I just wanted to hug him. He stunned me like a snake."

"...Beasts are better!" At this moment, He Xiaoyang despised this guy to death. To be yourself, there is such a woman who takes the initiative to give her arms, even if that woman looks a little uglier than the old sister, he must go first before talking! But look, look, this Hatch escaped?

At the moment, He Xiaoyang felt a little distressed about herself, the old sister who had always identified the direction and didn't know how to turn her head, said: "Old sister, you should wake up, that kid is..."

"Xiaoyang, I've decided, I'm going to China." He Xiaoyue said seriously, looking at her younger brother.

He Xiaoyang was taken aback, and the boss stared at He Xiaoyang: "Sister, don't scare me..."

"I want to let him know that I He Xiaoyue really likes him, I am deeply fascinated by him, and even willing to die for him, it's not a emptiness to scream-I want to find a little fresh meat to bed, I still want Let him know that I really just want to be his lover quietly. He has time to come over and see me with me, and talk to me, I am very satisfied, um, it is so decided, Xiaoyang, help I buy a ticket, I pack up and leave."

"Damn? Really go?" He Xiaoyang's eyes widened, and the muscles on his face jumped abnormally.

"Oh, yes, I'll go to Phoenix City first." He Xiaoyue said without regard to his brother's feelings, "That's our hometown, where is the second uncle's family..."

"I haven’t been in contact for more than 20 years, and I don’t know how they are doing? We don’t know if the old house of our old He’s is still there? I remember when we left that year, the second aunt gave birth to a daughter called …Xiao Yu, oh, yes, that’s the name, the little kid from the second uncle’s family, our cousin is called Xiaofeng... Our generation’s names all have a “small” in their names, and their names are all bigger Naturally it's related... I have to go back to admit my relatives, and I have to find old photos..."

"..." He Xiaoyang saw that his old sister was chirping and crooked by herself, as if she had been stunned, the muscles on her face jumped even more fiercely.

Damn it, Hachi, what do you think you have done to my sister? Come here, I promise not to hack you to death!


Li Zedao jumped into the car and fled like an escape.

He can’t accept He Xiaoyue, not because of her age, nor because he thinks she’s not an original product, and he even looked down on him with the passion of Musashi Kojiro in the movie theater box. In fact, the main reason is that she is all the same. Is there a half mother of Shadow? The mother and daughter kill each other, Li Zedao's taste is not so heavy.

There is another reason, that is, He Xiaoyue’s offensive is so sudden, it makes Li Zedao feel incredible and puzzled, because He Xiaoyue is not the kind of little girl who has a love for the first time, she has a complicated experience and is calm and clear. A woman who wants what she wants.

Li Zedao had to guess what her purpose was for being close to him, so he escaped first.

After returning to Lao Wang's family hot spring hotel, Shadow and Antarctica had already been waiting there.

At this time, the shadow had recovered his emotions and became the heartless demon. After seeing Li Zedao, he first swept Li Zedao's body with big eyes and gurgling for several times, and then he looked like a little pug. Like, smelling Li Zedao's body.

"What are you doing?" Li Zedao was a little hairy in his heart by the shadow. Who knows if she will take a bite after sniffing?

But the shadow seemed to have discovered something extraordinary. He glared at Li Zedao viciously, and then shouted at Antarctica on the side: "Sister Antarctica, mother egg, this animal is too much, it smells like a woman's perfume. , This perfume is still very charming... only for women in heat, he went out to steal it."

The woman in estrus mentioned by the shadow naturally refers to her aunt He Xiaoyue.

"..." Li Zedao was shocked, this broken girl had a dog nose in front of her! There is indeed a fragrance on his body, which is naturally attached when he hugs He Xiaoyue.

Antarctica glanced coldly at Li Zedao: "From the perspective of time...not stealing."

"..." Li Zedao was almost choked to death by these words.

The shadow glanced at Li Zedao with a serious look: "Yes, this animal is very durable, not a quick shooter. It was early in the morning, but I heard it very clearly. Sister Antarctica, you continue ah ah oh oh oh It's been more than an hour..."

This time I was almost choked to death in Antarctica, my face turned from white to red, and from red to black! Then she stared at the shadow with bad eyes and said, "Shut up!"

A rotten girl was blowing bubbles with an ambiguous expression.

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