The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1062: Ten Complete Tonic Wine

After Kang Chuanji's lewd-spoken guidance on the phone, Chen Xiaoxue let out a low growl, and her body trembled violently for a while, and her breath came out gently with a calm expression on her face.

"My dear, you are good. Just talking can satisfy me. Unlike that silly toothpick, it's as thin as a toothpick and it's not as long as my little fingers. Just go in and it's done." Chen Xiaoxue praised sincerely.

"That's, you don't want to think about who I am? And, surely you don't know, right? I know the national idol Mr. Kato, and he taught me a lot of tricks." Kang Chuanji smiled evilly, and this The evil laughter made Chen Xiaoxue hot again.

"My dear, you just said that Master Shengtian will forgive you? He won't be bothering me?" Chen Xiaoxue asked. This is what she cares about most at the moment. Who wants to be worried by such a behemoth? ?

Kang Chuanji said affirmatively: "Yes, but Master Shengtian has a request. He wants me to cooperate with you to complete one thing. If this thing is done, he will help me get promoted. I will give you a sports car, and even if you want to work at Nisso, like me, it is possible to become Nisso’s high-level and live in an island country for the rest of your life."

"Really?" Chen Xiaoxue's eyes lit up instantly, and she sat up. Her family background is superior, but she is not so superior that she can buy her a sports car. What's more, being able to become a high-ranking member of Nisso and even living in the island country for the rest of her life is a great deal to Chen Xiaoxue. There is no way to resist the temptation.

"What's the matter? You said." Chen Xiaoxue asked quickly.

"Actually, the reason why Master Shengtian is so respectful to the Chinese man is because Master Shengtian has a small handle in his hand, so as long as Master Shengtian finds one of his handles, then Master Shengtian will Don't be afraid of him." Kang Chuanji said.

Chen Xiaoxue had a sudden realization. It turned out to be like this. I said, why should the dignified future helm of Nisso be so polite to that bastard? It's incredible, and then she thought again, if the handle is down. In my own hands, it is not... quack, just thinking about it makes people feel excited and expectant. At that time, will I be the...wife of the future leader of Nisso?

"What's that handle?" Chen Xiaoxue asked inwardly.

"This is not something we should be concerned about." Kang Chuanji said, "What you need to do now is to get the handle of that **** Chinese man.

Chen Xiaoxue gritted her teeth and said, "I wanted to kill him a long time ago. It's more like killing that **** little bitch, my dear, what should I do."

"You are like this..."


Because he was worried that Chen Xiaoxue’s feet would hurt or not, after leaving the house, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not leave, but stayed at the door. He didn’t know who Chen Xiaoxue was talking on the phone, nor could he hear what she was talking to. The sound that he was familiar with seemed to understand what Chen Xiaoxue was doing. She scratched her hair with a bit of pain and self-blame on her expression.

The pain is... this is a good explanation, right? Anyone who knows that his woman is fooling around with other men outside, or even making a phone call can do that kind of thing, is it uncomfortable? What made him even more painful was that he should have turned around and left long ago and stopped paying attention to this woman, but...the concubine can't do it!

Chen Xiaoxue was Zhang Xiaoqiang's drug, he was already deeply poisoned and couldn't help himself.

He blames himself because he knows that Chen Xiaoxue is doing this because of a physical problem. Her body has been in a false hungry state. No matter how much she eats, she still feels that her body lacks something! Men, apart from men, there is nothing to fill. However, after finding a man, I still feel empty...

And I can't help her at all, and even I can't satisfy her at all. With this kind of combat power, I can't help her to twist at will.

So Zhang Xiaoqiang felt that Chen Xiaoxue had to pay more than half of the responsibility for fooling around outside.

Well, for a man to do Zhang Xiaoqiang's sake, he is really good enough to be called the best!

I don’t know how long I’ve been suffering from self-blame, but Chen Xiaoxue’s voice came from the room: "Zhang Xiaoqiang, are you outside?"

"Yes." Zhang Xiaoqiang shouted, hurriedly opened the door and walked in, looking at Chen Xiaoxue with a concerned expression, "Have you finished the call? Does your foot hurt?"

Chen Xiaoxue gave him a cold look and said, "Do you think your uncle is a genius doctor? His bandaged old lady's feet are just fine? Helping my old lady get up, I'm going to the kitchen."

"...The kitchen? Xiaoxue, your legs are like this, so you don't need to help cooking. Uncle said he can do it himself." Zhang Xiaoqiang hurriedly persuaded. Before coming to the room, Zhang Xiaoqiang said that he would help Lao Wang. Lao Wang smiled and said that he could come by himself, so Zhang Xiaoqiang thought that Chen Xiaoxue was going to help.

Chen Xiaoxue's eyes looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang as if he was looking at an idiot, **** it, even if I was useless and mentally retarded, who said my old lady was going to cook? My old lady's hands are pink and slender, and I ran to cook. Isn't that blind?

He cleared his throat and said, "I'm not going to cook. Doesn't this bother your uncle? It's just... I'm sorry, so go to the kitchen to see if I can help? Of course, it's you. I'm watching. And looking at that, your uncle's cooking must be delicious, isn't it? I also learn how to use it, and I will cook it for you later."

Zhang Xiaoqiang was taken aback, and his heart was filled with warmth and touch. He only felt that everything he had done was worthwhile. He only felt that the green hat after another on his head was really **** handsome, right now. Looking at Chen Xiaoxue affectionately, she said, "I will cook in the future."

"Fuck, crazy!" Chen Xiaoxue was unable to complain.

At the moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang assisted Chen Xiaoxue to come to the kitchen. At this time, the smell of the kitchen was overflowing. The old Wang wearing a greasy apron was frying the dishes in the pot there. He turned back after hearing the footsteps behind him. Upon seeing it, he smiled and said, "Why are you here?"

"Uncle, Xiaoxue said, she was a little sorry, so come and see if you need help." Zhang Xiaoqiang said.

"Yeah, if it weren't for you, uncle, Xiaoqiang and I might still be frozen outside now, and my feet might be limping." Chen Xiaoxue agreed sincerely.

"What are you talking about? It's all a family." Lao Wang said with a smile, and turned off the fire. "It's just right, Xiaoqiang, the rice shop sent me rice and oil. Come with me to take it down...Xiaoxue, you Just sit there, your feet are still not good, don’t move, lest it worsen."

"Okay, uncle." Chen Xiaoxue said hurriedly, secretly happy that the opportunity is here!

At the moment, Lao Wang wiped his hands, then took Zhang Xiaoqiang away, and took the oil rice from the rice shop. Chen Xiaoxue looked around with a guilty conscience, and listened to the surrounding movement, then stood up and jumped over. Next, watching the old Wang in the pot, the dried bamboo shoots and roasted pork that were already prepared and not yet served, she took out a glass medicine jar with four or five round medicines in it, and she opened the lid and felt a panic. All of the son fell in, and his face was already full of weird smiles.

I was very disgusted at the moment when I picked up the greasy fork and fry it a few times, so it was very crisp. The few pills had melted and merged with the fragrant dried bamboo shoots and roasted pork.

"Bad bitch, bitch, I will see how you are going to esteem for a while, think about it, and I feel expectant!" Chen Xiaoxue's face was full of hideousness.


The dinner was very hearty, especially the authentic taste of dried bamboo shoots roasted pork. It was very popular, except that Chen Xiaoxue symbolically put a small piece of meat in his mouth, but in the end he secretly vomited it out pretending to be a cough. Besides, everyone else ate a lot.

Li Zedao was eating, and he glanced at the woman seemingly inadvertently, and found that her eyes flickered from time to time, with an unkind look, and he was really puzzled. This sex-hungry-thirsty plus a dark heart What the **** is the woman's idea, and why is she laughing so strangely?

Li Zedao would rather believe that the sow would climb the tree than that this woman would not retaliate.

Li Zedao chewed the braised pork in his mouth, and suddenly thought that she wouldn't be tricky in the food, right? So shocked, he almost squirted the meat out of his mouth, and then stopped Antarctica and Shadow from eating.

But when I remembered that this meal was made by Pharaoh, and with Pharaoh’s vigilance, how could this woman who had broken one foot have a chance to poison him in front of him? Besides, this woman also ate a lot of food. Li Zedao also noticed that she ate a lot of other dishes, except for the dried bamboo shoots and roasted pork. If it was really poisonous, how could she follow one? Like a rice bucket?

I don’t know what this woman is making in her heart. Of course, it’s also possible that people laugh so strangely and maliciously. He thinks too much, so Li Zedao didn’t think too much about it. It’s just a long mind. Anyway, it's really poisonous and it won't kill you. As for Shadow and Antarctica... if you eat them all, even if they are poisonous, they are already poisoned.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Chen Xiaoxue said with a somewhat apologetic smile.

"Xiaoxue, I'll help you." Zhang Xiaoqiang was about to stand up, but his body was a little shaky, and his face began to flush.

Chen Xiaoxue held his shoulder and said, "No, you see you are drinking too much. You can accompany your uncle and I can hold on to the wall. It's better."

Zhang Xiaoqiang felt very hot, and his head was a little dizzy. Even, inexplicably, the thing under the crotch began to quietly raise his head.

"Isn't what Uncle gave to drink the bar? So fierce?" Zhang Xiaoqiang was secretly surprised, and he started to support the convertible under his crotch. It was embarrassing, so he didn't insist on it, and said, "You yourself be careful."

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