Chen Xiaoxue's mouth floated with a strange range, nodded, then stood up with difficulty, supported the wall, and slowly left the room.

Li Zedao glanced at Chen Xiaoxue's departure, and the corner of his eyes jumped inexplicably. He already felt an unpleasant feeling in his heart. He always felt that something was wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong. .

"Sister Antarctica, this genius girl drank alcohol? Why else is it so hot?" Shadow touched his little face that was starting to get hot, and water dripped from his eyes, and then took off his coat, wearing only one White T-shirt.

"Hot... I seem to be a little hot too." Antarctica also touched his own little face, which was starting to get hot. It was a bit strange. It always felt very hot, and the feeling of heat became more and more intense. "I and you are both Didn't drink, the heating is too high?"

"Yeah, uncle, it's so hot, is the heating turned on?" Zhang Xiaoqiang gasped lightly, and he even supported the tent under his crotch, which made him feel ashamed and want to die.

You know, when I was with Chen Xiaoxue, I didn't seem to be so good. Why is this now? And it must not be discovered by other people, otherwise they will not be ashamed?

Lao Wang also felt that his old face was hot and sultry, and the thing under his crotch even appeared on his own. You know, for at least a year, he doesn't feel that way anymore.

Then, as if thinking of something, his face changed wildly, and he looked at Li Zedao, but he saw that Li Zedao was also looking at him with a look of horror.

Yes, when the shadow was talking about heat over there and took off the outside, Li Zedao looked at her face with some confusion, then looked at the Antarctic, and found that the two of them can no longer be described by heat, more accurately Said it is spring-surging! A thin layer of sweat appeared on their foreheads, and their bodies were constantly twisting, as if there were insects crawling in them.

Then, Li Zedao was stunned to find that he was also starting to get hot, and his face was instantly hard to see the extreme.

Drugged! And it was the kind of potent aphrodisiac!

Li Zedao vaguely knew that his body can now resist many poisons that are enough to make you deadly, but I don’t know why, it just can’t defend against aphrodisiac drugs. Perhaps it can be explained that this drug is not poison at all, so I don’t need it. To defend.

As for whether this is the case, Li Zedao has no intention of thinking too much now, he only knows that things are very big now!

Li Zedao is not unfamiliar with this drug. He has been recruited twice. The first time he was confused, he gave his precious valuables to Bailibing the first time, and the second time he was sneaked by Yang Xueer. I put the medicine in the milk, and that time, my life was almost gone.

After looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang, his eyes finally fell on Lao Wang and found that they were also recruited, but Chen Xiaoxue had left. Seeing her like that, she was not hot at all, then things were ready to come out, she was really secretly in the dish She's doing it, she only has a small piece of dried bamboo shoots and roasted pork on that plate?

So Li Zedao wished to give himself a slap in the face, knowing that Chen Xiaoxue's mind is not pure and even vicious, and knowing what devil she was thinking about trying to get revenge, why not just stun her?

"Huh... Damn, it's so hot... It's so hot... "This genius girl is so hot..." The shadow became confused, and only felt that his whole body was hot like a fire, like a caterpillar crawling around inside the body. Every time she wriggled, she had an indescribable pleasure from the inside out, but with the advent of this pleasure, she felt a strong desire in her body. She didn’t know what was wrong with her, but She wanted to hug the big fool very much, and hugged it hard.

The same is true in Antarctica, but the difference between her and the shadow is that she is not an unborn girl after all, so after the feeling that her body is in desperate need of a toughness and stoutness to fill it fiercely, she already has a shocked expression.

"Hunger-love medicine?" Three words suddenly popped out of her mind, and then she looked at Li Ze with spring in horror.

But, involuntarily, the body trembled inexplicably, and her face became hotter and hotter. Even, if it weren't for a trace of reason, she wanted to pounce on Li Ze, and then severely stripped off his clothes. Come down.

"What...what to do?" The old Wang watched as Li Zedao bit his lip fiercely, to clear his mind and not to be overwhelmed by the kind of desire that seemed to be overwhelming. In fact, , He now has the urge to pounce on Antarctica and the shadow.

As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Xiaoqiang broke out completely.

Dried bamboo shoots and roasted pork is his favorite dish, so he naturally took the most medicine. In addition, his physical and mental qualities are poor, so now he has fallen into a state of almost madness. Regardless of the embarrassment, he desperately pulled up his clothes.

What's more terrifying is that he knew what he was doing, but he couldn't help but did it, and then he rushed toward the South Pole sitting opposite him.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound.

Lao Wang's big hands slammed his head, and then abruptly slammed the head on the table. The collision directly stunned Zhang Xiaoqiang, but his body was still twisting wildly.

Then there was the shadow. The little witch was already on Li Zedao's body, then stretched her small mouth, and kissed the eyebrows on Ye Qiu's face and neck indiscriminately.

After all, Antarctica is the top special force, and he slapped himself swiftly, giving himself a brief period of sobriety, but his eyes were frantic and confused, his voice was hoarse, his face became more and more rosy, and his neck and skin Pink bumps began to appear.

"I... fast... can't stand it..." She looked at Li Zedao and said with difficulty.

"President, take care of yourself..." Li Zedao shouted in a low voice, stood up, and directly put the wriggling shadow under his armpit, with the other hand around the South Pole, which was also about to fall into confusion. The person was hugged by Li Zedao, his body twisted involuntarily, and his thigh was wrapped around Li Zedao's thigh like an octopus.

Then, because he ate less, and his physique and self-control ability were very good, Li Zedao, who was still sober, ran straight towards the door. He just wanted to quickly find a place to help these two women and help himself. The fire is extinguished, otherwise, they might die!

As for Lao Wang and his nephew Zhang Xiaoqiang, whether Lao Wang will put Zhang Xiaoqiang on in the end, Li Zedao simply can't manage that much.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Li Zedao kicked the door open and was about to rush out.

At this moment, the knife light flashed and hit Li Zedao's forehead.

Li Zedao was frightened in a cold sweat for an instant, and while his head leaned back in a hurry, his body slammed backwards and back into the box again.

However, after being caught by that kind of poison, his skills were affected after all. In other words, in addition to thinking about those things, the other aspects of the brain's reaction were a little sluggish, and the two women were still so different when they hugged a woman. Honestly, he was wriggling desperately, and he touched his body and ate tofu frantically.

In addition, the guy lying in ambush was not a vegetarian, and suddenly attacked.

Therefore, between the lightning and flint, although Li Zedao escaped the fate of his head being chopped off, the sharp blade eventually made a deep cut in his chest. Even, if his speed is slower, I'm afraid It was about to be broken, and blood spurted out all of a sudden.

But this knife also made Li Zedao's mind more sober. He couldn't care to see who the one who gave him such a knife was at the moment. His back movement did not stop at all, and he retreated to a window and broke the window directly. He came out, fleeing forward desperately, then jumped onto the wall, and disappeared there instantly.

A man wearing a traditional kimono, white socks, and a **** martial arts knife in his hand walked to the window that was smashed by Li Zedao and looked at his fleeing back with a look of horror and regret. .

He knew that even if the other party was caught with that kind of aphrodisiac drug, even if the other party was still holding a woman in one hand, even if he unexpectedly slashed his chest, but the other party's speed, he would definitely not be able to chase him. On... This Chinese person is very strong!

Turning around, I saw two men, an old and a young, hugging each other, desperately gnawing at each other's faces, frowning slightly, and muttering, "It's disgusting."

Then walked to the front, hand up the knife and drop!

"Puff!" The pupils of Lao Wang and Zhang Xiaoqiang instantly widened. There was a faint blood stain on each of their necks. Then the blood stain grew bigger and bigger. In the next second, blood spurted out suddenly. People hugged and fell to the ground, already dead too much.

Then he took out his cell phone and made a call out: "Master, the other party is very powerful, and he ran away with two women, but he was severely cut in the chest by me, and my knife was poisoned, at most, After half an hour, the drug will appear."

"Really, that's really great, thank you, Uncle Takumi." A man's voice came on the phone, "I think others will find his body soon."

"Master Katsuda, don't be polite with me. I am the most loyal servant of the Katsuda family. This is what I should do." The man said politely.

The man's name is Sakuragi Takumi, a member of the Katsuda family and a well-known sword master in the island elementary school. Of course, he is naturally inferior to the sword demon Junichi Ito.

"Bang!" The sound of something falling to the ground sounded. Sakuragi Takumi looked back and saw a woman standing there, her face extremely dull, like an idiot.

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