The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1066: Murder with a knife

It wasn't until after he had changed his clothes that Li Zedao greeted He Xiaoyang who was smoking with his little brothers outside, and then a few cars returned to Qingyun Mansion.

He Xiaoyang had ordered it a long time ago, so when he returned to Qingyun Building, a woman from He Xiaoyang immediately came over and took Antarctica and Shadow to the room to change clothes. It's not a problem to always wear bathrobes, right? And let them drink the **** soup that was prepared long ago to drive away the coldness of the body.

Li Zedao was led by He Xiaoyang into a room and changed into the clean clothes that his younger brother had prepared.

"Why didn't you see your sister?" Li Zedao asked casually. For He Xiaoyue, to be honest, Li Zedao was a little scared, she was too proactive and too enthusiastic, but after coming to Qingyun Building for so long, she didn't see her, but she felt strange.

He Xiaoyang looked at Li Zedao with a weird expression in his eyes and said, "My sister, she has gone looking for her love."

"..." Li Zedao was stunned, then smiled and nodded, did not ask much about this matter, and silently blessed her in his heart.

Such a woman deserves her own happiness, right?

"Kenji Inoue is here?" Li Zedao asked.

He Xiaoyang suddenly opened his eyes and smiled, and said: "Not only has he come here, but he's polite, tut... also, after all, being slaughtered by the Dongtu guys over a hundred core members is equivalent to almost losing his life, so now Shan -The strength of the mouth team was greatly damaged, and he was directly pushed to the bottom by the second-year-old Sumiyoshi Association. Now he needs Qingyun as a partner."

Li Zedao smiled and nodded: "Cooperating well with the Yamaguchi team can still get a lot of benefits. At least those slivers won't just be able to find a place to close the head."

He Xiaoyang nodded and agreed. The people of Qingyun dare to fight and fight, just like a raptor over the river, but you don’t want to crush the earth-headed snake, because once the earth-headed snake’s network of relations is spread, black, white and gray will be attacked together, it can definitely be alive. Suffocating you.

Qingyun almost overturned this time, it is a living example!

The Yamaguchi group cooperated with evil forces like Dongtu, but the island nation turned one eye and closed one eye, and even cooperated with Qingyun to suppress Qingyun. In this case, it would be difficult for Qingyun not to overthrow!

"Where is Zhang Hailong?" Li Zedao asked.

He Xiaoyang shrugged and said: "In the beginning, I kept insulting my sister, insulting you, and insulting everyone to betray him. He is the boss of Qingyun, so he should not be imprisoned there, and even threatened not to let him out. If he did, he would cut his wrists. We all followed your request. We didn’t pay attention to him, and treated him as if he didn’t exist. In the end, he stopped by himself. Apart from eating, sleeping and going to the bathroom, he just looked at his collection. That's a lot of books that I have never read before."

The place where Zhang Hailong was imprisoned was his library full of various books. Of course, the internet was cut off, the computer was moved out, and there was no communication equipment such as mobile phones. He Xiaoyang would not let him follow Get in touch outside.

"He really should read more books." Li Zeda nodded and said.

I went to another room to see the situation of the shadow and the Antarctic, mainly because I was worried about the physical condition of the shadow. Seeing that both of them were fine, Li Zedao was completely relieved, gave a few words, and asked He Xiaoyang to send a low-key car. A little car, he wants to go out.

"Do you need me to send a few gunmen to follow you?" He Xiaoyang asked. He always felt that these three people just fell into the water, right? It looks like he was hunted and killed, but now, Hachi is going to kill him?

"No, just go...send a partner." Li Zedao said, with a sudden pull in his heart, and he felt like he was stabbed by a knife.

Driving back to the hot spring family hotel again, Li Zedao did not approach, but stopped the car when he chose to be far away.

Li Zedao saw from a distance that there were two fire trucks parked there. At the same time, the fire in the hotel had been extinguished, and several policemen were looking for something in the dark and hot smokey ruins. Even Li Zedao saw that there were five corpse bags placed there.

One of the corpse bags contains the old king who has been burnt into a piece of charcoal, right? The infatuated nephew Zhang Xiaoqiang who returned him? In addition, those three waiters who always greet themselves very friendly and work in this hotel?

Li Zedao felt that his nose was a little sore, and his eyes were already moist.

"I will avenge you!" Li Zedao said in his heart with wet eyes. Then, he took out the phone, found a phone number, and dialed it out.


Katsuta Taro became a little impatient, because the people he sent out did not find the body of Li Zedao who should have died, nor did they find the shadow of the two women he took away.

He naturally believed what Sakuragi Takumi said, that is to say, Sakuragi Takumi did cut him a knife, and Sakuragi Takumi’s martial arts knife was indeed poisoned. Within half an hour, there was no antidote. He must be poisoned to death... Does he have an antidote? What international joke?

Besides, the three of them are all hit by that kind of potent aphrodisiac. If they don't quickly find a place to solve them, their only end is to die in violent blood!

However, the current situation is that if no one is born or a corpse is seen, these three people seem to have evaporated from the world.

The scene of the fire was also searched, and only five male corpses were found, and their identities were basically confirmed. There was no Li Zedao and no two women.

"Baga! Damn it, where did they go?" Katsuta cursed with a gloomy face, his heart was inexplicably irritable, and he felt a sense of restlessness.

He picked up the expensive glass of red wine in front of him and drank a sip, but felt that the red wine had long lost its past taste, as if he was drinking urine.

"Baga!" He simply slammed the glass on the floor, so the expensive carpet was dyed red with red wine.

At this moment, the phone on the table rang.

My eyes lit up, I quickly picked up my phone without seeing who the caller was. He picked it up and said with some excitement, "found it?"

"Haha...found it? What did you find?" A man's voice came over, and Katsuta Taro could hear him. The other party was laughing, and the laughter was strange.

However, this sound was like a thunder that exploded fiercely in Katsuda Taro's ears, as if his brain was directly stunned, making his eardrums hum, as if it would burst at any time. general.

Li Zedao! This is Li Zedao's voice! This was the voice of Li Zedao that he had been looking for for two or three hours but couldn't find it!

"What? It surprised you when I called you?" Li Zedao smiled.

Baga, can you be surprised? Didn’t you get cut by Ito Jun’s apprentice Ito Takukai or even the knife became very poisonous, so you should be dead? Why are you not dead? Do you know that you are not dead? You are very sorry for Ito Takumi's knife, sorry for the poison on his knife... You are so sorry for me!

Katsuta Taro was very wronged, so wronged that he really wanted to lie on the secretary's 36e chest and cry hard.

" accident." Katsuda Taro forced himself to calm down. Even if he is not dead, he shouldn't know that he wanted to kill him, right?

"Are we... friends?" Li Zedao asked.

"Of course, we are friends." Katsuta Taro said.

"In that case, help me find a woman." Li Zedao gritted his teeth and said, "The woman named Chen Xiaoxue who was chased by you and saved by me!"

Taro Katsuta's heart twitched and asked, "She... that **** woman offended you?"

"I saved her, but she avenged her revenge, secretly put aphrodisiac and other things into the food, so that we were all poisoned, and people attacked us, and finally burned the hotel I stayed in with a fire. Li Zedao's voice is full of murderous aura, "I must find her, and then cut off her body piece by piece to feed the dog!"

Taro Katsuta's holding heart suddenly fell. In other words, the other party only knew that Chen Xiaoxue did this, and did not suspect that it was on his own head. In that case...

Katsuda Taro's eyes narrowed. That woman must not live in this world. In addition, Yaskawa must die. Also, let Katsuda Takumi not show up recently, otherwise he would be embarrassed if he accidentally meets Li Zedao. Up!

"Your Shengtian family has great energy. It is not difficult to find a woman, right?" Li Zedao asked.

"Naturally, don't worry, I will find her as soon as possible." Katsuda Taro pretended to be angry and said, "How dare you do such an excessive thing to you, I won't let her go!"

"Thank you," Li Zedao said.

"Sawado, you are too polite to me, we are friends," Katsuda Taro said, and was disgusted by what he said.

Li Zedao smiled and said: "The other things about the island will trouble you."

"Don't worry, I have already let people deal with this matter, and I believe there will be results soon." Katsuda Taro said, "Our Katsuda family wants to buy an island. It's not too difficult."

"Okay, eat together another day." Li Zedao smiled, his smile was cruel.

"Okay, my friend, call me anytime," Katsuta Taro said, and the two ended the call.

Li Zedao put the phone in his pocket, his eyes fell on the five corpse bags that hadn't been transported, his eyes were sad: "Pharaoh, I have killed that woman, Taro Katsuda and the island man who used the knife, I too I won't let them live in this world for too long, you, rest in peace."

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