The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1067: Beautiful boy

Because he had to take advantage of the opportunity of Katsuda Taro to visit the Yasushi Shrine to sneak into the Yasushi Shrine, Li Zedao, even if he hates the sky, can't go there and kill Katsuda Taro, although he wants to do that.

So he deliberately gave Katsuda Taro such a phone call. He knew that once his call went out, Katsuda Taro would be lucky enough to feel that he didn't know that he was actually behind the scenes, and he knew that Katsuda must He would kill the woman Chen Xiaoxue quickly, and then bring the body to him.

"Let you live two more days." Li Zedao muttered to himself, his scarlet eyes were full of murderous intent. Then, he pressed the car window and drove away slowly.


When the hotel was set on fire, Chen Xiaoxue was also taken to a luxurious apartment by a black-clothed man. Here, she saw Kang Chuanji, whose face had not been swollen.



The modern version of Pan Jinlian and Ximen Qing hugged tightly, telling each other about the pain of lovesickness, and even when the love reached a strong point, the two tore each other's clothes. So almost, the whole house is spring. It was full, Chen Xiaoxue's heart-warming groans-groans kept echoing in the room. The only slight regret was that both of them had injuries on their bodies, so there were some difficult movements that could not be done.

"In the future, I will live with you here?" Chen Xiaoxue asked, her fingers circling on Kang Chuanji's chest very naughty.

Chen Xiaoxue was really satisfied with this luxurious apartment. I heard from Yasuo Chuanji that this apartment was provided by Nisso for free for high-rise living. A few hours ago, Katsuda Taro asked him to move. Come to this place.

"Yes, the two of us will live here in the future." In addition to satisfaction, Yasukawa's heart is gratitude. He originally thought he had said the kind of words that made Katsuda Taro so faceless, even if he was forced He was dead, but he didn't expect to turn around, he was promoted, and he got such a luxurious apartment.

"Master Shengtian also asked us to take a good rest for a few days to take care of the injury. At that time, your position will be temporarily arranged for you. First, you will be my secretary for a period of time. Master Shengtian will also give you the sports car. People will be sent over soon." Kang Chuanji smiled wryly, "Tsk tsk, you are my secretary, do you think I can still work seriously?"

"What do you mean?" Chen Xiaoxue raised her head, her eyes were silky, her voice was full of charm, "Boss, what do you want me to do?"

Kang Chuanji laughed, sat up, cleared his throat and said, "Go and get me a bottle of water."

"Yes, boss." Chen Xiaoxue smiled, and came to the refrigerator naked, took out a bottle of water from it, returned to Kang Chuanji, and passed it over, "Boss, this is the water you want."

"Oh, thank you, Xiaoxue." Kang Chuanji took it and said.

"Boss, do I need to do anything else?" Chen Xiaoxue asked.

"Oh, Xiaoxue, this kind of question is not something a good secretary should ask, you should know what I need you to do." Kang Chuan smiled evilly.

Chen Xiaoxue looked at him as if it would discharge, then slowly knelt down and began to get busy.

"Xiaoxue, you are really an excellent secretary." Kang Chuanji groaned very comfortably, and then pressed down Chen Xiaoxue's head with both hands, forcing Chen Xiaoxue's head between his legs. Move back and forth harder.

This kind of rude action made Chen Xiaoxue suffocated, but she liked it. She just liked to be conquered and conquered, so she worked hard to cooperate.

Finally, it was about to reach the critical point of the outbreak. Kang Chuanji's legs felt a little tight. Chen Xiaoxue was also familiar with the signs before the outbreak. She closed her eyes with intoxicated expression, and worked harder to cooperate.

At this moment, the window of the apartment opened silently. Then, a figure jumped in like a ghost, and then swished in front of Kang Chuanji.

Kang Chuanji saw someone appear in front of him without knowing it, even holding a bright martial arts knife in the other's hand, his eyes widened in horror, and he was too late to react. He clasped his neck and couldn't shout even though he wanted to.

Even after being frightened, Kang Chuanji simply came to a hearty "delivery". Of course, this was caused by fright and incontinence, which was directly loose.

"I don't want to kill a woman, so please kill her." The black shadow's voice was low and suppressed, and his eyes lowered, looking at Chen Xiaoxue's smooth back, as if looking at a corpse.

Chen Xiaoxue was working hard to make Kang Chuan feel refreshed, but suddenly heard the cold voice, subconsciously, her eyes jumped up, her eyes instantly changed to a pair of cold eyes facing each other, she was shocked, and even more so. Subconsciously took a bite...

"Ah..." Kang Chuanji screamed extremely fiercely, then rolled his eyes and passed out in a coma. Blood spurted out from under his crotch, and he just sprayed and knelt down. Chen Xiaoxue had a face there.

"Ah..." Chen Xiaoxue also screamed horribly by the squirting blood, sitting on the ground, and desperately retreating back, so that at the same time an ugly thing slipped from her mouth." It fell to the ground with a click.

"It's disgusting!" The man glanced at the thing, frowned and muttered to himself, then raised the knife in his hand.

"Puff!" The sound of the knife entering the meat sounded, and the martial arts knife in his hand had already pierced Chen Xiaoxue's blood-stained chest very simply.

Chen Xiaoxue's pupils were instantaneously opened, and her body fell heavily back to the ground, already looking like she didn't understand.

The man walked over, drew the martial arts knife, blood spurted out immediately, but the man's expression remained unchanged, and he put the martial arts knife into the hand of Kang Chuanji who had passed out, and then looked like As if nothing happened, he turned and left.


In the evening, the Nisso off the coast of Tokashiki Island.

Michiko Katsuda and Taro Katsuda walked side by side into the luxurious cabin, looked at Kogoro Mouri who was already sitting there, nodded and said respectfully, "Master."

The two brothers and sisters received a call from Kogoro Moori, saying that they had important matters, and that he was waiting for them on the Nisso.

Katsuta Taro is very aggrieved, how can I say that the Nisso is also the property of the Katsuta family? How can it be made like your personal property of Kogoro Mouri?

However, Michiko Katsuda did not have such complicated thoughts, and even a little excited. This slutty woman is now regarded as a slumber on this powerful and handsome Mori Kogoro. He is younger than the dead old man Ito Junichi It's more, it looks more attractive, if you can sleep with him, what a wonderful thing.

Li Zedao is full of style, and he nodded completely and said: "I came to you to tell you that I want to kill Ito Junichi."

The siblings looked at each other, their expressions were not too surprised, after all, they already knew what Moori Kogoro wanted to do.

"Yes, master, what we need to do, please do not hesitate to give orders." Katsuda Michiko nodded.

He hesitated, and said cautiously: "However, because the snake head from China is now stored in the Yasushi Shrine, and His Majesty the Emperor Hou Tian and the Prime Minister will bring some others into the shrine for worship, so in this case Next, it’s impossible for Junichi Ito to leave Yasushi Shrine and fight to the death with his master, and it is very difficult for you, master, to break into Yasushi Shrine, even if I was there to respond."

"I know, I don't want to force in." Li Zedao smiled at her, so Katsuda Michiko immediately felt dizzy.

Mom, look, there are handsome guys!

"Master, what are you going to do?" Katsuta Taro asked. In fact, he was very guilty, because he really didn't expect that Li Zedao that **** **** would know Moori Kogoro, and in order to get revenge, he was attacked Li Zedao, but the tragedy is that Li Zedao is now alive and kicking.

Fortunately, Li Zedao didn't doubt himself, and even when he told Li Zedao that Chen Xiaoxue had been stabbed to death by his lover, Li Zedao did not doubt whether there was anything tricky, and thanked him. However, if Li Zedao tells Kogoro Mouri about his attack, will Kogoro Moori notice any clues?

"You can take me in." Li Zedao looked at Katsuda Taro and said.

"Me?" Katsuta Taro was taken aback, and immediately understood, "The master meant that when visiting the day after tomorrow, follow me into the Yasushi Shrine?"

"Yes." Li Zedao nodded.

"No, master." Katsuda Michiko looked at Li Zedao cautiously, and said his worries, "If you do that, you can indeed get into the Yasushi Shrine, but in that case, you can't kill Jun Ito. One, there must be many masters around His Majesty the Emperor and the Prime Minister."

You idiot, do you think that as soon as I went in and saw Ito Junichi, the enemy immediately met and was extremely jealous, and then drew the knife without saying anything? Li Zedao nodded and said: "Michiko, I understand your worries, but I won't kill it as soon as I see Junichi Ito. I will hide in it and wait for His Majesty to leave after visiting and looking for a chance to take action, so , Michiko, I need you to do something for me. After I kill Junichi Ito, I will take you away... if you are willing to wander the world with me."

Li Zedao knew that this twist was not simple to his own mind, so he shamefully used a beautiful boy.

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