The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1068: Wandering

Michiko's eyes brightened instantly, her busy name, her tone became excited and brisk: "Master, it is a great honor for Michiko to be able to wander the world with you. Of course Michiko is willing."

Katsuta Taro glanced at his stunner sister from the corner of his eye, with a faint sadness in his heart, why did you change your heart? You said at that time, you are willing to be my lifelong lover and take care of me forever.

"Since you are willing, after I have killed Ito Junichi and reported my revenge, I will take you to the world." Li Zedao nodded softly. Then his head raised forty degrees, silently paying homage to the simple and handsome boy.

When I thought of this woman with his own Lao Tzu, with his brother, with his grandson, and even with no idea how many men have a leg, Li Ze said his stomach was distorted and his heart became disgusting.

"Well, master, I will definitely help you kill Junichi Ito and avenge the family." Michiko said, wishing to kick off her younger brother who was standing next to her, and then spend a romance with the master. such a beautiful night.

"Well, I'll probably talk about my plan." Li Zedao said, "When the time comes, I will pretend to be Taro's bodyguard and mix in. Needless to say, I will find a place to hide after I mix in. The place usually has fewer people and less people, so it’s easy for Tibetans. Michiko must know that, right? I need you to help me draw a more detailed map and tell the truth about the situation inside the shrine."

"Yes, master." Michiko said, and then Taro Katsuda asked him to fetch a pen and paper, and Michiko Katsuda quickly drew a map of the internal structure of Yasushi Shrine.

Li Zedao saw that the other party was so professional in painting, and when he asked, he knew that this ill-fated woman had even studied at Harvard School of Architecture. She is an absolute high-achieving student. The degree of diploma is much higher than the champion of his college entrance examination. .

Well, it must be gilded at the expense of money! Li Zedao slandered in his heart.

At the moment, Michiko explained in detail the building structures of various places in the shrine, how many people are usually guarded, and where there are usually fewer people and safer.

"You said, this is... Treasure Gallery? What is it for?" Li Zedao asked when looking at the map. Doesn't it mean that the snake head is hidden in this so-called treasure museum?

"Master, this place is mainly used to store some precious things, such as the relics of the great Prime Minister Tojo." Katsuta Michiko introduced.

Li Zedao nodded without change, but he was angry and depressed in his heart. He couldn't help but curse his mother, shit, the great Tojo prime minister, he was not the heinous Class A war criminal Tojo who was in World War II. British-machine?

This guy with a thousand swordsmanship served as the prime minister of the island country and was awarded the title of army general. During his tenure, he participated in the planning of the Pearl Harbor incident and launched the Pacific War. During the Pacific War, he invaded and trampled China, Southeast Asia and the Pacific. Many countries and regions have caused the deaths of tens of millions of innocent people.

Can such a murderous maniac be called great?

If a lot of people are killed, it can be said to be great. Can the earthquake be said to be great? The tsunami is great? Because any earthquake or tsunami can kill a large number of people!

Damn, if you hadn't had to use your **** girl, it would have been a few slaps!

"Oh, by the way, the birthday gift that the patriot Mr. Wang Zi gave to His Majesty the Emperor is also stored in it." Katsuta Michiko said.

Go to your mother patriot! Li Zedao's heart was full of violence. He nodded pretentiously and said, "How are the guards here? Is it safe to hide here?"

Concealment is one thing. What Li Zedao wants to do more is to bring out the snake head hidden in it. It is a national treasure. It must not be left in the island country, and it must not be kept with those dirty things. First of all, it is a great shame for China.

"Compared to the Jinling Society, the guards here are not so strict, and there are not many people who usually go there, so if the owner wants to hide here, it is also a good choice." Katsuda Michiko did not conceal anything.

Li Zedao nodded, then took out a bag of things from his pocket and handed it to Katsuda Michiko: "Here, here it is."

"Master, this is a gift for me?" Katsuda Michiko's eyes were large in an instant, and he hurriedly reached out to take it, and in the process of taking it, his finger seemed to accidentally scratch Li Zedao's palm.

Damn, you think I'm your brother. When you seduce me, I can't help myself. Li Zedao was very depressed, and decided to wash his hands well later.

"This is for you, but it's not a gift." Li Zedao said, "These are miniature cameras. I need you to help me place one in various places in the Jingu Shrine... Oh, yes, I have helped you too. I have chosen a gift, and after killing Ito Junichi, I will give that gift to you."

Katsuta Michiko's face was first gloomy, and then full of surprises. He nodded and said, "Thank you, Master. I look forward to your gift for Michiko. Michiko will set up the camera."

Li Zedao felt guilty in his heart inexplicably, is it really good to deceive a girl like this?

After discussing some details, and after arranging a meeting time, Li Zedao took the map drawn by Michiko Katsuda and left the Nisso, and quickly disappeared into the night.

Michiko Katsuda’s eyes were full of loss. She had already hinted that it was obvious. I hope that the master will stay tonight and she will serve him well. However, the master doesn’t know whether he didn’t see it or pretended not. , And left after saying "bye bye".

Katsuta Taro and Katsuta Michiko came to the deck side by side, looking at the black roaring sea, watching the crowd walking on the beach, the crowd swimming in the sea against the cold, Taro Katsuta said: "Sister, Are you really going to wander the world with him?"

Katsuda Michiko smiled and said, "Brother, don't you think this is a very romantic thing? He is a master of martial arts, I also have a certain skill, we will definitely... Oh, in Chinese, it is a chivalrous spirit. Of the gods and relatives."

"Yang Guo and... Little Dragon Girl?" Katsuta Taro asked.

"Yes, brother." Katsuda Michiko was full of longing, "At that time we will travel to the entire island country... No, the island country is too small, we will travel the entire world and live a happy and romantic life... Besides, I’m with him, so we don’t have to worry about him spreading the video, right?"

Taro Katsuta is bitter in his heart. Do you want to tell your sister that Maori Xiaowu has given the video to Li Zedao? After thinking about it, I still didn't say.

Didn’t that so and so? Loving someone should make her worry less about things, so Katsuda Taro decided to bear this kind of worry by himself, and then he was so moved by himself.

Katsuta Taro’s face was worried: "But, what if he is not Junichi Ito’s opponent, what should I do? Junichi Ito is the number one master in our island country. He is not Kogoro Mori, otherwise he would not be Junichi Ito. The door is gone."

"So, I will help him." The sweet smile on Michiko Katsuda's face narrowed, "Junichi Ito, he will definitely die!"

Seeing the weird and gloomy smile on his sister's face, Taro Katsuta felt cold, as if he had fallen into an ice cave.


The news that the island emperor and the prime minister will lead several other officials and celebrities to visit Yasui Shrine after a period of fermentation, there seems to be a growing trend, and people from many countries around the world are protesting the island nation’s visit.

However, His Majesty the Emperor of the Island and Prime Minister Junichiro Kojiro believed that visiting the Yasushi Shrine was based on personal beliefs and the cultural traditions of the island country. Other countries should not make irresponsible remarks and should not interfere in the island's internal affairs!

Prime Minister Junichiro Ko also said in an impassioned voice: "It is natural to pay tribute to the heroic spirits who sacrificed their lives for the country! Although there are some war criminals, people will become Buddhas when they die, right?"

Kojunichiro's nonsense, which is simply to deceive the dead and not pay for his life, has gained a considerable degree of sympathy within the island country.

At this time, the burst of a piece of news pushed this matter to the cusp of the storm.

"There is news from the imperial palace that the patriot Wang Zi will follow His Majesty the Emperor and visit the Yasushi Shrine together!"

As soon as this kind of news came out, it immediately set off a big wave, and the level of attention it received was far stronger than when Wang Zi gave the snake head to the Emperor as a birthday present.

If Wang Zi’s previous act of donating snake heads was to fan Hua Xia’s face, then Wang Zi’s visit to Jing帼 Shrine this time was to stab an invisible but extremely sharp knife in Hua Xia’s chest. .

No blood is seen, but the pain is suffocating.

Huaxia’s officials remained silent and did not make any remarks on this matter. Anyway, this person has been considered treason. He is no longer a Huaxia citizen, so all his actions have nothing to do with Huaxia.

But China's netizens are once again angry.

In major forums, major post bars, media websites, and so on, all netizens are expressing their anger and asking for an answer. They all abuse Wang Zi, but the result is the same as before. At first, I couldn't find any information about this Wang Zi, so everyone scolded them and still didn't know where this guy came from.

Knowing who Wang Zi belongs to, he was silent on the screen of the computer or TV, and he was reminiscing about the past, and he was swearing there.

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