The black Mercedes-Benz suv finally drove slowly into the not-so-wide village road in Hecuo Village.

The village hasn't changed too much, it looks similar to what they moved out a few years ago, so there is no need to worry about the changes too much to find the old house.

The only major change is this village road. A few years ago, this village road was still a dirt road, but now it has become a cement road, and street lights have been installed on the side of the road.

Most of the people in the village live in two-story or three-story small western-style houses. Of course, there are also old-fashioned bungalows with patios.

Because of the cold and windy weather, I didn't see a few people on the road. Even if I saw people, they would be strange faces to He Xiaofeng and He Xiaoyu.

A generation of newcomers replaced the old. Many people married into Hecuo Village, and many people in the village moved out, and then rented out the empty houses. In addition, He Xiaoyu and the others have not come back for a long time, so It's normal to see strangers.

"Walking forward, take a turn on the right, and you will be at our old He's house, which is said to have a history of one hundred years." He Xiaofeng said to Qin Xiangjun, who was looking at the scenery outside with great interest.

Where do we live? Qin Xiangjun smiled shyly, nodded and said, "This village looks very wealthy. There are small villas."

He Xiaofeng smiled and said: "This is a fishing village. You can see a small pier when you walk forward. Many people in the village are engaged in fishing or freight transportation. They also do business with the opposite treasure island. People come here to travel and eat seafood in idle time, so the economic situation is pretty good... When I was young, I often went to catch crabs with Xiao Yu."

Speaking of He Xiaofeng, he glanced at He Xiaoyu who was driving silently, and his mood was a little depressed. Even if the murderer had been arrested and received the most severe punishment, but his father would not be able to return, Xiao Yu couldn’t be like he did when he was a child. Pidianpidian followed behind him and went to the beach to catch crabs.

I really miss life back then! He Xiaofeng looked out the window, a little lost.

The car turned on the right in front and turned into a small road. Finally, on the side of the road, the old-fashioned house with a patio and a moss-covered old-fashioned house with a wall that was already black and peeled off.

The house also has a small courtyard, and I looked inside through the rusty iron gate, and there was weeds in the courtyard, which looked very dilapidated.

The three of them got out of the car, and Qin Xiangjun looked inside with interest. He Xiaofeng and He Xiaoyu looked at each other, and both could see the other's sad face.

However, before they continued to grieve, a sweet voice rang behind them.

"Excuse me, was Mr. He Rendehe's family who originally lived here? Do you know where their family moved?"

The three of them looked back and saw a woman standing there, looking at them with a faint smile.

The woman has a beautiful face and looks like she is in her thirties, but the familiar charm reveals that she may be a little older.

Long hair is scattered randomly, looks free and easy, wearing a long black cashmere coat, black simple leather boots, the whole person looks noble and elegant, in short, this is a woman with both beauty and temperament, not just It's just a good-looking but not as simple as a woman with the least knowledge.

Even He Xiaoyu could see that this is definitely a rich woman, because she knows the bag she is carrying. It is the latest model of a certain luxury brand this year. It can't be bought without a hundred thousand.

What made He Xiaoyu even more concerned was that the person she mentioned was He Rende... Isn't the name of her deceased father called He Rende?

He Xiaoyu frowned and looked at He Xiaofeng, and found that He Xiaofeng was also looking at him with a frown, and then he shook his head slightly, saying that he didn't know who this woman was.

"You don't know Mr. He Rendehe?" The woman saw this man and two women staring at herself with weird expressions, and did not answer her own question. She smiled and asked again.

"You are?" He Xiaofeng asked, frowning. Occupational reasons give him extremely keen insight and observation, but it is inevitable that he sometimes likes to imagine.

For example, he now has such a "terrible" guess in his mind that this woman who is definitely older than she looks now would not compete with his mother for his father back then? How can I say that when my father was young, he was also a village grass. With a little money, it can be said that he is very popular for a while.

After that, it was my mother who won, otherwise, how did he and Xiao Yu come from? And now, the woman who failed back then came to her door to show off, to show off that the **** thank you thank you for not wanting me back then, so I was annoyed to marry a local tyrant who could be my father. Now the local tyrant is dead. His property is me. I became a rich woman haha...

Or is it for the resurrection of the old feelings that did not change the original intention?

He Xiaofeng felt that even if the other party's purpose was to rekindle the old relationship and his father was still alive, he would not agree...Who would want a woman who looks younger than she to be a mother?

"Oh, my name is He Xiaoyue, I am Mr. He Rendehe's niece. She has just returned from abroad and is now looking for relatives." The woman didn't hide anything, she smiled.

"He Xiaoyue? My niece?" He Xiaofeng and He Xiaoyu looked at each other, and then He Xiaofeng seemed to think of something, his eyes widened, and when he looked at He Xiaoyue, his voice trembled and said, "Tang... ...Cousin?"


Watching Tom get in the car and leave, Jun Ito walked back into the Yasushi Shrine, and then the gate of the Yasushi Shrine was quickly closed slowly.

Catch a turtle in the urn!

A black-clothed man hurriedly walked over and came to Ito Junichi with a solemn expression. He nodded and said, "Master, something is wrong."

Ito Jun had a calm expression, as if there was nothing to make him interested, and said lightly, "Say."

"We couldn't find the trace of the person who sneaked in from the installed cameras. We were wondering, would that person have escaped? And... Takeo who was guarding the surveillance screen has lost contact, we He couldn't be found." The man reported.

Ito Junichi narrowed his eyes again and said, "Is the snake head still there?"

"Yes, Master." The man said, "Qingyin and the others were lying in ambush near the snake head, and no suspicious person was found approaching."

"If the snake head is there, it is impossible for that person to escape, he must be hiding somewhere." Jun Ito said with a certain tone, "Remember, the opponent may be a **** in the army from China, and his strength is not mine. It’s even more cunning, so I’m instructed to continue, and I’ll be full of energy, and I can’t relax a little bit. Once a suspicious person is found... just shoot and kill!"

As a master climbing the pinnacle of Budo, as a warrior with a strong Bushido spirit, Jun Ito has always hated guns, and it is impossible to shoot a person to destroy someone. What he pays attention to is to talk to each other. Come to a fight to the death.

But now, when he knew that the other party might be Yanhuang, he couldn't control that much, and he couldn't wait to let the people under his hand shoot him to death.

As for the Takeo who lost his track...Eight out of ten are dead, which means that the other party accidentally discovered that the invisible camera he had secretly placed Michiko had been controlled, so he killed Takeo and tried to get himself on the camera. Hide your trace perfectly under surveillance?

The opponent is the **** among the kings of soldiers, and is an absolute master at performing tasks, so doing this kind of thing will not surprise people.

For a while, Jun Ito was surging, thinking about various possibilities.

Everyone agrees that Junichi Ito is the number one master in the island country. He agrees with Junichi Ito but feels that this evaluation is actually lacking.

Would it be more accurate if the words "and the first wise man" were added after "the first master of the island nation"?

Of course, it is impossible for Junichi Ito to express this kind of thought by himself, otherwise he will be scolded and shameless! However, it is undeniable that Junichi Ito, the number one master, is not a reckless man, he is not pedantic, and does not deliberately abide by the traditional Bushido spirit. He will judge the situation and calculate the pros and cons.

"Also, let Michiko come over and see me." Junichi Ito continued.

"Yes, Master." The man nodded, turned and left quickly.

Soon, Michiko Katsuda in a traditional kimono came to Ito Junichi.

Wanting to be a traitor, but not being able to, so now Katsuta Michiko's situation is really a bit embarrassing, she is not afraid that Junichi Ito will let people give her a round, because that kind of punishment may be a kind of punishment for other women. It is a great torture for the body and spirit, but for her, it is the enjoyment of changing directions.

What Michiko Katsuda feared most was death. She was really afraid of Ito Jun's unpleasant swords, and then she would really kill her. Because she was trembling and pitiful, she looked pitiful...I'm afraid the heart of a man with a heart of stone will be melted, right?

"Master, what needs Michiko to do?" Michiko nodded and asked.

"Qingzhi came to report that he couldn't be found from the surveillance screen. In addition, Takeo who was in charge of the surveillance video was also lost. So I think that we control the invisible camera is already known to the other party." Junichi Ito He glanced at her and said lightly.

Katsuda Michiko's eyes widened, her face changed instantly, her knees softened and she knelt on the ground, and said in a panic: "Master, Michiko didn't tell him about this. It really didn't. Michiko didn't betray her..."

"You, get up." Ito Junichi said. From last night to the present, Michiko Katsuda has been under close surveillance and has not found any abnormalities. So Junichi Ito doesn’t think Ms. Katsuda is related to this matter. Furthermore, he knows this woman. In this case, she didn't have the guts to betray herself again.

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