The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1078: be cheated

"Thank you for the trust of the master." Katsuda Michiko said quickly, struggling to stand up, only to feel that her legs are already a little weak, when Ito Junichi said that, she thought Junichi Ito would pull it out for a while. He took out the soft sword around his waist, and then a sword struck him.

Moreover, this sword is completely different from the previous ones. The previous sword qi would only cut through his own clothes, but would not hurt his skin at all, but this sword would chop off his head.

Katsuta Michiko once witnessed Ito Junichi's murder. It was a dark night when a certain thief sneaked into the Yasui Shrine. Ito Junichi made a direct sword, and then the head of the man was separated from the body. Home now.

"You give him a call." Junichi Ito said lightly.

"Yes, master." Katsuda Michiko understood Ito Junichi's meaning, and the purpose of the call was actually to test that Kogoro Mori. He quickly took out the phone, found the number of Kogoro Moori who was there, and dialed it out. Of course, she pressed the hands-free button so that Junichi Ito could hear the other party's voice clearly.

After waiting for a while, the other party answered the phone, and the low voice came: "Michiko."

When Jun Ito heard such a pure island nation’s Kansai accent, his brow furrowed and he wondered if his guess was wrong? Because of this native accent, even if you deliberately imitate it is difficult to imitate, unless you have been in that place for a long time. Yanhuang stayed in Kansai for a long time? What a joke.

"Master, you sneaked in? Are you okay now? Michiko is very worried about you." Katsuda Michiko glanced at Ito Jun, and said in a low voice, as if he was talking secretly and afraid that others would hear it. , The voice is full of care and lovesickness.

"So I couldn't help but give the master a call, and I hope the master will not blame Michiko."

"Michiko, you are caring about me, why should I blame you?" Moori Kogoro said softly, his voice still full of magnetism.

Katsuda Michiko's expression was involuntarily tranced, and she sighed slightly in her heart. If it hadn't been for Junichi Ito to discover that she had poisoned his diet, the ending would be different, right? When the time comes, he will take himself to the world to be an enviable couple of gods.

Without her own help, Michiko Katsuda didn't think that Kogoro Mori could escape, let alone kill Ito Junichi.

"Don't worry about my current safety, I'm hiding in a big tree, they can't find me." Mouri Kogoro's low-pitched voice came over.

"That's good, Michiko can rest assured," Katsuda Michiko said.

"Oh, have you noticed the commotion?" said Kogoro Mouri, "I just hid in a certain restroom and was about to temporarily hide in the locker when suddenly a man in the uniform of the shrine security guard walked away. When I came in and saw this scene, I was afraid that he would see something, so I fought him."

"Ah..." Katsuta Michiko whispered, "Master, are you not injured?"

"Don't worry, no, I will kill him."

"That's good." Michiko said with a sigh of relief, "Michiko is really worried."

This chick with the appearance and prowess of the idol group did not go to the entertainment circle. It is really a big loss for the entertainment circle.

Katsuda Michiko glanced at Ito Jun and said, "Master, there is no commotion right now. They don't know that there is one less person, and they don't know that you have sneaked in."

"That's good." On the other end of the phone, Kogoro Mori breathed a sigh of relief, "Michiko, you are like this, I am temporarily lurking on this big tree, you help me find a chance to kill Junichi Ito, even, It would be even better if you could sneak attack him."

"I will, master." Katsuda Michiko said quickly.

"Okay, someone is here, first." Mouri Kogoro hung up the phone in a hurry.

After hanging up the phone, Jun Ito squinted his eyes, and his mind floated. First of all, he didn't think the other party was Yanhuang, because even Yanhuang couldn't tell such a pure Kansai accent, just like himself. Although Huaxia speaks sloppily, when he speaks, no matter how well he pretends, others will quickly know that he is not from Huaxia.

Furthermore, judging from the conversation just now, the person who sneaked in actually didn't realize that he had caused a problem with the camera that Michiko Katsuda had installed, and the one who entered the bathroom and broke into the locker is undoubtedly right now Takeo lost track, and from this, it can be known that the other party did not know that Michiko Katsuda had rebelled again.

Finally, he even asked Katsuda Michiko to see if he could find a chance to kill himself. In other words, the other party didn't come in to steal the snake head, but killed himself to avenge the so-called Maori slash?

Ito Junichi, who considers himself the number one wise man in the island country, is also a little confused. You must know that in the island country, there is no so-called gross profit at all, but according to the current situation, the other party is not Yanhuang, or even Shenlong organization faction. Those who came to seize the snake's head were more like to kill themselves.

Therefore, Ito Junichi can only determine that the Shenlong organization and even Yanhuang are indeed in front of the island country, but they have not yet entered. And this Kogoro Mori is indeed an island nation, and the reason why he came in was indeed to kill himself. The teacher's revenge, but his name must be fake.

Wait, Kansai accent... Is it the Koka Muyingjian?

Koga Muyingjian is a school located in Kansai, it was destroyed by Ito Junichi back then.

Therefore, Junichi Ito, who considers himself the number one wise man in the island nation, finally determined that the person who sneaked in now was not the one sent by China to seize the head of the snake, but was probably the remaining gatekeeper of the Koga Shadowless Sect in Kansai Come here for revenge!

But why did he help Qingyun suppress the Shan-kou group and Dongtu? Because members of the Yamaguchi team had offended him, as for Dongtu, did he suffer from the fish pond?

Ito Junichi felt that he was so **** smart, and that such a complicated matter was sorted out in such a short time, and he really deserves to be the number one master in the island country and the number one wise man in the island country.

When Junichi Ito was self-conscious, Michiko Katsuda naturally did not dare to speak, so he silently paid tribute to the romantic story about the celestial couple who was buried before it happened in a hurry.

After thinking about the ins and outs of the matter, Junichi Ito lost interest in the people who sneaked in. In the past, even the master of the Koga Wuyingjian was cut under the sword by him, let alone the remaining people. Now, as for he could kill Takeo... Wu Xiong didn't rank in the top ten among the apprentices he taught. It is normal to be killed.

At the moment Ito Junyi greeted his eldest disciple, Ito Hirofumi, who is also a member of the Ito family, and said that the person who sneaked in is at most as strong as you, so I leave it to you, just play around, don’t be too serious , The focus is on preventing people from sneaking in, and those hiding in the treasure pavilion can also withdraw.

Now Junichi Ito doesn’t worry about the infiltrated Kogoro Mouri. What he cares more about is whether members of the Shenlong organization or even Yanhuang himself will sneak in secretly. Compared with Kogoro Mouri, they should pay more attention. Object.

Ito Bowen was a little dumbfounded, thinking that you just said that the opponent may be a **** from the Chinese army, and the strength is no longer below you. It is even more cunning. It also allows us to play twelve points, not letting go. , Once a suspicious person is found, he shoots and kills directly... How come his tone has changed in less than twenty minutes?

However, Hirobumi Ito didn't have the guts to question some of Master's practices, and conveyed the order now.

Of course, I also learned from the dialogue that the other party was actually hiding in which tree, so it was not captured by the camera, so the next thing to do is much simpler, and that is to focus on searching for larger ones. The tree is enough for Tibetans.

Li Zedao actually lied, he was not on the tree, he was under... the tree.

Putting on the clothes of the deceased, and then dusting the mask on his face to make his face look a little darker, and then messing up his hair style, so the original lewd-slutty-trivial gross profit is small Goro changed a little. At first glance, he really couldn't see the original appearance. He even greeted him friendly with people wearing the same clothes, although they didn't know who the other party was.

At the same time, a shadow voice came from the headset: "Big fool, the fake old king has left."

It might be a variable if the fake old king continues to stay here, so now after listening to the shadow that he has left, Li Zedao also breathed a sigh of relief. Since then, there will be one less troublesome enemy.

"In addition, the people who had been guarding the treasure pavilion were evacuated, and a dozen people in the treasure pavilion also walked out and evacuated."

"Is this fooled?" Li Zedao's mouth was slightly tilted.

After learning that Katsuta Michiko was likely to betray again, Li Zedao guessed that there must be a lot of people hidden in the treasure pavilion, because cameras were also placed in the treasure pavilion, so the result was exactly as Li Zedao expected. With the exception of Ge, many gunmen are ambushed, and if they meet up, one who is not careful will become a hornet's nest.

Therefore, Li Zedao would not run over stupidly.

So when Michiko called, Li Zedao pretended that he didn't know anything, and stupidly said that he was temporarily hiding in a big tree, instead of sneaking into the treasure pavilion as expected.

"There is no ambush inside or outside, so you can pass." The shadow's voice came over, "Follow the route I said, they can't find your trace...Of course, it's okay to be seen accidentally. , At most, it takes a few seconds to say hello to those idiots."

The shadow is really speechless, why are these guys stupid than pigs? The big idiot just got a little dirty, messed up his hair, and changed his clothes. They think he is their own?

Well, island men are stupid, island women...most of them are stupid!

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