After Junichi Ito was seriously injured and collapsed to the ground, there was no movement for most of the day.

When he was a little more awake, he wanted to get up from the ground... At least it was too shameful to be lying on his stomach like this, he wanted to change to a slightly decent posture.

But then he realized that both his arms had left his body, and the pain in his body was conical, and the strength of his body was disappearing quickly, not to mention getting up, even turning over was difficult.

He raised his head, looked at Li Zedao, and said, "Young man, help?"

Li Zedao understood what he meant, and walked over, picking his toes on his body, so Junichi Ito turned over his body altogether, changing from lying back to forward lying.

"Thank you." He said, and then stared at the gloomy sky with grief and angrily, unable to accept the facts before him.

Shouldn't this kid be a little mouse, why did you play with their cats? Even burned the Zhenlingshe? In the end, he used Sword Twenty-Three and planned to die with him, but why did he fall into such a tragic situation without him at all?

Not fair! It makes no sense!

"You're welcome." Li Zedao said. The old man was so polite, but he was a little embarrassed.

If it weren’t for the **** two **** arms placed on the ground, if it wasn’t for an old man who lost his arms and was still bleeding out, the scene was really **** and terrifying, and Antarctica would like to think that Is this a conversation that happened in the bus?

The young man gave up his seat to the old man. The old man said thank you. The young man was embarrassed and said you are welcome. This is what I should do... The dialogue is too harmonious, right?

"Mori Kogoro is not your true identity, right?" Junichi Ito asked, "And you know Sword Twenty-Three, and you know the weakness of Sword Twenty-Three... let people attack my body. Michiko knows the sword. Twenty-three, but she absolutely doesn’t know the weakness of Sword Twenty-Three, so I’m very curious about who you are."

"Is it important?" Li Zedao asked.

"Important." Junichi Ito said, "I want to die."

"This...then I can't tell you anymore." Li Zedao said embarrassedly, "We are enemies. You wanted to kill me just now. How could I let you die?"

"...Cough cough..." Jun Ito coughed violently, and spewed a mouthful of blood. This old man was actually not as calm as he looked on the surface, so calm and calm. If possible, he wanted to treat this guy. It was chopped into mashed meat, but unfortunately, he can't do anything but wait to die now.

Oh, yes, you can still use the most vicious words to scold him, but...does it make sense? Moreover, as the number one master of the island nation and the most distinguished person with status, Junichi Ito doesn't know how to curse people like this. If someone provokes him, his usual method is to pass with one sword!

He suddenly envied those punks with dirty outlets, at least in this case, they can still swear a few words happily, and if they are addicted to nausea, the other party will make themselves refreshed.

"Please kill me with one knife!" he said after coughing. Such a situation gave Junichi Ito, the once proud super expert, a feeling that life is better than death. Moreover, he is indeed going to die, only to live for a few minutes.

But, if possible, he didn't want to live for a second, and being alive was nothing more than continuing to taste the shame of failure.

"Yes." Li Zedao bargained, "but you have to pay a price."

"You speak." Ito Junichi said.

"I heard that you have a blue safety clasp on your body? Hand it over, and I will ask you to hurry up to reunite with those great ancestors of your island nation." Li Zedao said.

"Who are you?" Junichi Ito narrowed his eyes. "Which power do you belong to?"

Although Junichi Ito was severely injured, he was still very clear in his mind as the first wise man in the island nation. He clearly heard this person say the words "your island nation", that is to say, he Not an islander?

I understand, now I really understand everything. This person is not a descendant of the Koga Shadowless Sword at all, nor is he sent by China to capture the snake head. He is not an island nation, but belongs to those people. One of these forces, because only they know that they have this blue safety clasp in their hands, and only they will want to take it desperately!

"Which force do you think I should belong to?" Li Zedao was smiling, but he was violent in his heart. What he could imagine was that the master had an accident and many forces participated in it, including Junichi Ito. , Blackhawk’s diamond bodyguard Tom, besides, who else?

Except for the white safety clasp in his own hand, one of the remaining four is in Ito Junichi's hand, the other is in Tom's hand, and the other two are in the hands of which two forces?

Ito Junichi didn't guess. Li Zedao was very disappointed. Damn it, don't you guess where I know what powers are?

"In the inner pocket on the chest of my kimono, you can take it yourself." Junichi Ito said.

Li Zedao was stunned, very surprised. After all, according to normal circumstances, this old man would definitely not hand over the blue safety button. He would definitely clamor over there saying that you don’t want to think that I will die even if I die. Then you know it and talked about it with emotion and reason. The old man still gritted his teeth and did not give it up. He used a big move and took off his pants and peeed on his head... The soldier can not be killed. Ah, he insulted him in such a disgusting way, so he obediently said that I was wrong and then obediently handed over the safety button...

But why did you give it so easily? Fraud?

Isn't it all in movies like this? Before the bad guys die, they will tell the good guys that the things are in my pocket. You can pick them up by yourself, and then the good guys will pick them up, but the result is a bite by a scorpion or spider hidden inside.

In fact, Junichi Ito’s thoughts are very simple. First of all, he just wants to die quickly, so as not to continue to suffer this torture. Besides, the safety button is on his body. Wouldn't the other party not search his body?

For Li Zedao, even if the poisonous spider or the poisonous scorpion Li Zedao was not afraid, he squatted slightly and stretched his hand over, touched the top of his kimono, and sure enough, he touched a hard object.

I stretched my hand in, and when I stretched it out, there was already an extra safety buckle in his hand, like a safety buckle shining with blue light!

There was also a small glass jar. Li Zedao narrowed his eyes slightly when he looked at the round pill inside, Ghost Pill!

"The safety button is for you, please kill me." Ito Junichi said.

"God's hand...killed by you...?" Li Zedao stood up, staring at Ito Jun and asked.

"...Who are you? You are not from other forces?" Ito Jun asked, narrowing his eyes. There is a deep sorrow in my heart, Baga, is the reasoning of the first wise man in this island country wrong again? After all, if it was sent by several other forces, how could it be possible to ask such an idiotic question?

"No." Li Zedao shook his head and said, with a fierce murderous look in his eyes.

"You are..." Jun Ito didn't finish saying a word, and then he coughed violently. He coughed too violently, and a lot of blood spurted out, and then fell on his face again. The appearance of the top master of the island nation at this time is really horrible.

"Don't worry, just ask if you have any questions." Li Zedao's eyes were cold and murderous, but his voice was very gentle, as if he was bathing in spring breeze. "Except for yourself, my wife and I are not very In a hurry..."

"Please...Kill me..." Jun Ito said hoarsely, he really didn't want to say anything to this person, and didn't want to care about his identity.

"Also, please don't use a gun." He added.

The opponent can blow his head with one punch, smash his chest, or break his neck with one foot, but in any case, don't use a gun.

He is the number one master of the island country that everyone looks up to, a legend of a generation, and the object of countless island people’s worship. He doesn’t want to be killed by the sword demon Junichi Ito who was killed by a gun... For peerless masters, being killed by a gun is a shame.

"Oh, I'll kill you..." Li Zedao said, but there was an extra pistol in his hand, and the muzzle was pressed against Ito Junichi's crotch. "Excuse me, what did you just say?"

Even he kindly clicked a few acupuncture points on his body. In this way, the blood flow at his severed arm would not be so fast. In other words, the old man could live a few more minutes. Li Zedao wanted to follow He said congratulations.

"..." In Ito Junichi's little eyes, there was no calmness, but vicious resentment, and his body twitched violently! He is very angry, really angry! Even if you are really destined to be killed by a gun, the place where the gun was shot can't be that place. In this way, isn't it even more shameful?

"Ha, do you know? Ito Jun is dead..."

"How did you die?"

"Oh, little jj was shot and died..."


How harsh and vicious this kind of dialogue is!

"God's hand, were you killed?" Li Zedao asked Jun Ito's muzzle under his crotch, trying to suppress the hatred in his heart.

" about him very much?" Jun Ito smiled, laughing frantically, "Then I can't tell you anymore, we are enemies...How can I let you know what you want to know? Haha...haha ..."

"Bang! Bang! Bang..." Li Zedao finished the last few bullets in the pistol in one breath. As a result, the island's top sword demon Ito Junichi's lower body directly turned into a pile of mud, but his eyes were wide open. ...Don't look down!

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