The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1089: Zhou Qian's whereabouts

Until the bullets in the gun were all shot, Li Zedao still felt puzzled, and his heart was still full of violence.

Antarctica stood quietly behind him, looking at Li Zedao's back with serious eyes, and his voice was extremely gentle: "Let's go."

"Do you think I'm cruel?" Li Zedao turned around and looked at Antarctica. He was smiling, but his smile was interfering, his eyes were red, and he looked like he was about to cry.

The snake head was obtained, the Zhenlingshe was burned, the blue safety clasp was also obtained, and Junichi Ito died, but Li Zedao did not feel the slightest sense of victory in his heart.

"Look, I played him shamelessly. I didn't even want to promise him his last request. I even let him die in the most humiliating way... Isn't it bottom line? Very impersonal? Very impersonal? No morality?"

Antarctica stretched out his hand, took his large hand that was trembling slightly, and said, "I don't care, I know, you're fine, that's enough."

For Antarctica, she didn’t care how Li Zedao killed Ito Junichi. Even if it was torture, cutting off his body piece by piece, she didn’t care. She only cared that the man she loved was alive. Those **** who wanted to kill their own men died...This is more important than anything else.

Bottom line? Morality? Human touch? Come on, that's something that living people are qualified to talk about.

"Well, go back and rub your back for you." Li Zedao said with a smile, and then carefully put the safety clasp and Ghost Maru into his pocket.

"Okay... Get out!" Antarctica almost couldn't hold back, slapped this dead pervert to death, it's almost impossible to leave his old line!

At the moment the two overcame the wall and left the guilty shrine that was being burned by the raging fire.

"Go back quickly, otherwise the little girl in the shadow will be anxious to die." Antarctica said, "In addition, the shrine is on fire, and soon a large number of people will surround this place."

Li Zedao faintly heard a large number of police sirens whizzing from far and near, and immediately said: "Let's go." With that, he took off the mask on his face, and then quickly left the place with the South Pole.

After the two turned into another street away from the Yasushi Shrine, where the fire had not yet been extinguished, Li Zedao was about to give the shadow a call and tell him that he was okay so that the little witch was worried. When he turned his head, he looked back. Seeing a black Toyota car slowly driving towards him and Antarctica behind them.

"Is there a problem with the car?" Antarctica glanced at the car, his expression somewhat wary.

"It's possible." Li Zedao nodded.

At the same time, the car stopped steadily beside the two of them. The window was opened. A tall black man with a dark skin and hip-hop look like a rapper smiled and looked at Li Zedao and Antarctica with a proficiency. English: "Hey, handsome guy, I think you must need a gentle, beautiful and tender girl to accompany you through the long night, giving you endless tenderness, right? Now the opportunity lies in front of you, you just need to pay a lot For a small price, you can get such a girl."

"..." The muscles on the Antarctic face twitched and twitched slightly. Is this guy here to pimp? And also pimp in front of his wife's noodles? Antarctica wanted to punch him over, blasting his black face with a wretched smile.

What makes Antarctica want to vomit blood even more is that Li Zedao actually replied with a serious face: "I do need such a girl to spend a long night with me, but I don't know what I should pay... Oh, a small price."

"You only need a blue safety button to get that girl." The black man said with a bright smile, "Do you have that kind of safety button?"

safety button? Antarctica's brows suddenly raised. Didn't Li Zedao just get a blue safety clasp from Ito Junichi? But she was not the kind of gossip, so she didn't ask much.

"Fortunately, I happened to have a safety buckle like that." Li Zedao also smiled brightly, reached out from his pocket and took out the blue safety buckle that I had taken from Junichi Ito's body, and then handed it over. .

The black man took it and said with a smile: "Handsome guy, that girl belongs to you now. I wish you a romantic evening."

"Thank you." Li Zedao said, "Where is the girl?"

"I will naturally appear in front of you in a while, goodbye." The black-clothed man waved to Li Zedao, closed the car window, and drove away slowly.

"What's going on?" Antarctica was confused and confused again, and she didn't quite understand what was happening before her.

Li Zedao smiled bitterly, and then explained Tom's request: "Tom's ultimate goal is to get the blue safety buckle on Ito Junichi. I helped him get the safety buckle, and he released Zhou Qian. "

Antarctica frowned and nodded. No wonder, when the **** black man told Li Zedao that you must need a gentle, beautiful and tender girl to accompany you through the long night and give you endless gentleness or something, Li Zedao would say so seriously. Yes, he already knew that the black man was sent by Tom.

"You can trust him?" Antarctica frowned and asked, a little worried. Because the safety buckle has been given to the other party, but Zhou Qian hasn't been seen at all, Antarctica is afraid that Li Zedao will be fooled.

Li Zedao smiled bitterly: "I can only believe that... Besides, he doesn't need to lie to me."

Then, the cell phone he put in his pocket rang, and he took a look at an unfamiliar number. Li Zedao's eyes widened when he saw the location, and then he answered, "Mr. Tom?"

"Oh, Lee, my friend, it's me." Tom said with a smile, "I haven't contacted you for a few days, are you okay? Oh, I heard that the Jingge Shrine is on fire..."

"Really? I haven't heard." Li Zedao said lightly, "Your people have taken things away, how about her?"

"Oh, Li, you are such an amorous man." Tom said with a smile, "Look to your left, you can see a black Toyota SUV parked there, oh, the body is still white. The paint is sprayed with the words Mouri Kogoro... that delicate little girl is inside..."

Li Zedao frowned and looked up, and he saw a black Toyota SUV parked there. The body was painted with the words "Mori Kogoro" with white paint, and he rushed towards the car. .

Seeing that Li Zedao was crazy, the Antarctic ran forward, froze, and quickly followed.

When he came to the car, Li Zedao suddenly opened the door of the car and looked inside. Then he saw Zhou Qian's delicate body curled up in the traditional island costume.

"Oh, Lee, did you see that girl?" Tom said with a smile, "I gave you back all her hairs..."

Li Zedao didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, hung up the phone and put the phone in his pocket, then got into the car to check Zhou Qian's body.

Although his eyes were tightly closed, the breathing was smooth, there was no physical discomfort, and there was no trauma. Li Zedao's holding heart fell slightly, and then he carefully looked at Zhou Qian's little white face. face.

"Lean." He put his arms around Zhou Qian and said, his voice felt a lot of distress, and at the same time there was a murderous aura that couldn't be concealed. She could have attended the winter camp happily, but that **** fellow Tom took her to the island country. How did this weak girl survive these days? Have you been bullied? Or even... be *?

Li Zedao couldn't imagine it anymore.

"Is she okay?" Antarctica asked, jumping into the car and sitting in the driving position. She had seen Zhou Qian's photo, so she ran to the car, and at a glance she recognized that this pure and delicate girl who was dressed in a kimono and was still on the island was Zhou Qian, and she was also slightly relieved.

"It's only after being hit by a certain kind of* that I feel drowsy, and just sleep." Li Zedao said with a deep breath.

"I... help her check?" Antarctica hesitated and asked, his expression a bit solemn.

"Check?" Li Zedao was taken aback, and immediately understood. Antarctica wanted to check to see if Zhou Qian had been "bullyed". He nodded and said with an ugly face, "Then...check it."

Antarctica is not a doctor, but she is the elite of the Shenlong organization, and the elite of the Shenlong organization are at least third-rate doctors.

Li Zedao will not feel that she is dirty and don’t want her because the girl is humiliated. On the contrary, he must do more to treat this girl today, protect her, and take good care of her. Allow something similar to happen to her again.

But there are some things that you can’t ask about. After Zhou Qian wakes up, you can ask her whether you have been ** or something?

Li Zedao needs an accurate answer, because he needs a little time to think about how to enlighten this girl with a tradition to his bones.

After being touched on her chest, the girl chose to commit suicide by cutting her wrists. If she was humiliated, Li Zedao could not imagine what extreme methods she would use to hurt her body and end her life.

Li Zedao gently put Zhou Qian down and got out of the car.

Antarctica also got out of the car from the driving position, and then got into the back seat to check Zhou Qian's body.

Not long after the car door was pushed open, Antarctica got out of the car, his eyes met Li Zedao's eager eyes, and he said in a relaxed tone: "Don't worry, I'm still a virgin, and I haven't been violated."

Li Zedao heaved a sigh of relief, only to feel that the big stone that was pressing on his chest so that he could not breathe smoothly disappeared, and his heart suddenly relaxed.

Inexplicably, he even thanked that Tom for coming, at least this person still counts.

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