The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1090: The identity of the false **** hand

What is the most essential difference between good people and bad people?

The bad guys treat bullying as a kind of pleasure and a matter of course. After they bully others, they will not feel any guilt. Instead, they will feel full of pride and feel that they are the world. First, you can bully whoever you want to bully. In their eyes, the law, morality, and morality are just like shit.

And good people? Altruists and self-interested and altruistic people who are committed to being good, contributing to the country, society, and others. They don't want to bully others, otherwise how can they be considered good people? What's even more ridiculous is that when they are bullied by a bad guy, and the bad guy didn't bully them to death, they would still be grateful to the bad guy...

Li Zedao thought for a while, and found that he was such a good person, and then he was so depressed, that kind of gratitude to Tom instantly fed the dog!

Love me, I love him ten times! Deceive me, I will return it a hundred times! I am not a bad person, and I am not a good person. I'm just a good person!

Therefore, Li Zedao hated Tom too much, and thought that if he met next time, he must become the second Ito Junichi... First he chopped off his two arms and smashed his little jj with a gun. Up! Don't treat one another in favor of others, right?

"Back to Qingyun Building?" Antarctica asked.

"Go back." Li Zedao nodded.

The two decided to drive the car back directly. As for the car keys, they should be inserted there. Since the other party has prepared the car for them, there is no need to be too polite.

After getting in the car, Li Zedao gave the shadow a call and told the little witch that it was all right, and he and Antarctica were now on their way back.

The shadow cried: "Damn...uuuu...a beautiful girl of this genius knows that you will not die...uu...a beautiful girl of this genius has prepared the whip, if you die, I will find someone to beat Fart?"

"..." Li Zedao wanted to hang up the phone.

After coaxing the little witch, Li Zedao said to Antarctica, who was driving, "Listen to this recording."

"Recording?" Antarctica was stunned.

"When the black hawk's diamond bodyguard Tom called me, I recorded the conversation between the two of us." Li Zedao explained, "Listen to his voice and see if it makes you familiar."

Antarctic brow raised slightly. Is that Tom someone he knows well? Now he said: "Let it go." Then he breathed in secretly, and said seriously.

Li Zedao found the recording of the conversation and pressed the play button.

"Mr. Tom?"

"Oh, Lee, my friend, it's me. I haven't contacted you for a few days. Are you okay? Oh, I heard that the Yasushi Shrine is on fire..."

Antarctica's brows were raised again, and she did seem to be familiar with this voice, as if she had heard it somewhere.

"Really? I haven't heard. Your people have taken things away, where's she?"

"Oh, Lee, you are really a passionate man. Look to your left. You can see a black Toyota SUV parked there. Oh, the body is also painted with the words Maori Kogoro in white paint. ...The delicate and pitiful little girl is inside..."

"Oh, Li, did you see that girl? I gave you back a lot of her hair..."

"Is there a very familiar feeling?" Li Zedao turned off the recording, playing with this mobile phone that can quickly locate the other party's location. Of course, this positioning is not absolutely accurate. For example, Antarctica has a way to prevent you from locating her specific location. It is nothing more than using some technical means to interfere.

For example, before, when Li Zedao was in the hot spring, Tom called him and asked Li Zedao to help him get the blue safety button from Junichi Ito. At that time, the location was...Mount Everest!

Li Zedao didn't believe that he was really on Mount Everest.

South Pole nodded, and said with certainty: "I must have heard this voice somewhere."

He frowned and added: "But I can't remember."

"Fake God's hand." Li Zedao reminded, narrowing his eyes.

Antarctica was taken aback for a moment, and his expression immediately changed. Indeed, this Tom's voice was very familiar with the voice of the false **** who stopped her less than two hours ago.

"Just now he called, and I located his position. It is in the palace where His Majesty the Emperor of the island country lives. Then everything has been explained. Why would he know our actions and our plans because of the false gods. It was the Tom who took Zhou Qian abducted to the island country."

Li Zedao smiled bitterly, this feeling of being played around is really bad: "It also explains why he wants to tell you that I can't deal with Ito Junichi, because I can't die, I have to help him get that from Ito Junichi. Blue safety buckle."

"What the **** is the blue safety button?" Antarctica looked back at Li Zedao and asked. She knew it must be something extraordinary, otherwise why did that Tom get it deliberately? She also knew that Li Zedao must know.

"Simply put, that is the key to open a certain ancient tomb." Li Zedao said with a gloomy expression on his face. "And in that ancient tomb, it is said that there are some extraordinary things. There are five such safety buckles, and five The size and shape of the donuts are all the same. The only difference is that they are in different colors. They are white, khaki, blue, red, and cyan. These five donuts were originally in my master’s The hand is right. My master told the shadow that one day those safety buttons fall into the hands of other people, it means that he has...dead."

"..." Antarctica was moved, and already understood that God's Hand was besieged and suppressed by many forces, including Ito Junichi and Black Hawk's diamond bodyguard Tom. After they worked together to obliterate God's Hand, they got those safe buttons. And it was divided, and then that Tom wanted to eat the black, so he used Zhou Qian's safety to threaten Li Zedao, and asked him to help get the safe buckle from Ito Junichi.

As for why he didn't do it himself, maybe it was because the two were very familiar, and I was really embarrassed, or maybe Tom didn't think he was Junichi Ito's opponent. As for the specific reason, Antarctica is not clear.

No wonder, when I got the blue safety button from Junichi Ito, Li Zedao would ask Junichi Ito whether the hand of God was killed by you.

Although there are still many questions, such as where is the ancient tomb? What's in it? However, Antarctica was afraid that Li Zedao was depressed, and did not continue to ask, but changed the subject: "How should we return to China?"

Now that there is a snakehead, it is impossible to return from the normal way, and because the Zhenling Society has been burned, there will undoubtedly be a lot of turmoil in the entire island country. Judging from the shamelessness of the island country, they will follow It’s affirmative that they strongly condemned the people who set the fire at the press conference. They might even insinuate that the fire was set by the Chinese people, and even said that they had received relevant evidence.

So, soon, the entire island nation will be in a state of complete blockade. At this time, leaving with the snake head is nothing short of a dream.

"Isn't there still a soft persimmon?" Li Zedao said.

South Pole nodded, yes, why did you forget that soft persimmon? With the energy of the Katsuta family, it is easy to send them to outlying island countries.

"Moreover, I also helped the Shengtian family and the entire island nation to prepare a surprise." Li Zedao said with a weird smile.

"What kind of surprise?" Antarctica looked at Li Zedao's face and asked curiously. Li Zedao's smile is really bad, but... Is he so handsome? Antarctica never knew that there would be a time when he would commit a nympho.

"I will tell you later that we still have important things to do now. With the shamelessness of Prime Minister Ichiro Koizumi and the islanders, and the snake head is no longer in the Yasushi Shrine, they will say that they are from China. Do it." Li Zedao squinted his eyes and said, "By then, these island people will not be crazy? They will even attack those Chinese people in the island country. So, you should contact Yanhuang immediately and ask him to say hello to the embassy. I also gave Qingyun’s He Xiaoyang a call to let him put people on alert."

Although Qingyun’s headquarters is DJ City, it is actually divided into various places in the entire island country. Li Zedao intends to let these cruel guys in the eyes of ordinary people help more Chinese people, so that they will not be affected by this. The kind of strong shock wave brought about by the incident has spread.

Oh, Yamaguchi can also help. After all, he has a **** photo of Kenji Inoue playing as a pig and arching on the ground. Using it to threaten Kenji Inoue is very useful.

Antarctica was no longer talking nonsense, so I stopped immediately, and then immediately contacted Yanhuang and reported the matter briefly.

When Yanhuang learned that Li Zedao had not only obtained the snake head, but also killed Ito Junichi, and even... the Jinlingsha of Yasushi Shrine is still in a sea of ​​flames, even if the old man's temperament is too much stronger than that of ordinary people. He was so shocked that his eyes went straight down, right? He didn't expect that these two people would make such a big noise.

But why is it so happy in my heart? why?

At the moment, Yanhuang asked Li Zedao and Antarctica to pay attention to safety and protect Zhang Ying from the dark group in the past, and then hurriedly hung up the phone to report the situation.

On the other side, Li Zedao also gave He Xiaoyang a call, saying that a few hours later, the island country might be in chaos and let him defend himself. In addition, try to help other Chinese people in the island country. He Xiaoyang didn’t understand what Li Zedao said. The meaning of this, but he knew that Li Zedao was officially sent by China to carry out the mission in the island country. This time, he must have heard some news, so there is no nonsense, and the order is issued directly.


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