"Ah!" He Xiaoyue exclaimed, the surprise on her face was more incredible. She was familiar with this voice, but... how could he appear here?

After all, in her opinion, at this time, he was either still on the plane and had not arrived in China, or he was reporting the situation to a big person in a certain room in a secretly guarded building. How could he appear in Here? Because you miss him so much, you have an illusion?

"Who? Who is it? Stand up for me." The man in the middle was very upset when he saw that this woman was not obediently corrupted. Now he heard that someone came forward for this woman, and the other party's words were faintly threatening. , He naturally became even more unhappy. Therefore, he wants to find people out. If possible, it's best to show him his deterrence and his relationship with some gangsters around him.

So Li Zedao appeared.

At the moment Li Zedao appeared, many people's eyes lit up.

The beauty is like this, and the hero is not that kind of dick.

Although he is not wearing Armani, he is wearing Patek Philippe, his body is not so tall, his eyes are not so deep, he is smooth and has no sighing beard, and has nothing to do with maturity or a dime, but he The temperament on his body and the lazy smile on his face make people think that he should be a wicked rich second generation.

So in any case, this is still in line with the plot of heroes saving the beauty that they expect... At least those idol dramas are played in this way. Which of those appearing on the scene is not the rich second generation?

He Xiaoyue looked at Li Zedao with bright eyes and covered her mouth. She was afraid that she couldn't help but come out again, and even, she had another urge to pull her face. Is she really not dreaming?

"Is this a hero saving the United States?" She looked at Li Ze and asked, putting her hand down.

"It's a hero, but a hero." Li Zedao said helplessly, "I know very clearly that even if I don't show up, this guy will end up miserably, right?"

He Xiaoyue nodded, and said without concealing: "I will lack arms and legs." At this time, the language is the most cowardly. Any explanation is shit, so He Xiaoyue really wants to do it. As for doing it. The aftermath is a problem that you need to face after you start, isn’t it?

"But this is not an island country, so you will be in trouble, so I have to come forward." Li Zedao shrugged and said, "I let him lack arms and legs, so I don't have to bear any responsibility."

"I believe it." He Xiaoyue smiled shyly, "what to do, I will listen to you."

And the middle-aged men and women, seeing the other party directly ignored them, and even brazenly said that they would lack arms and legs. They said the truth, and they were so angry that their lungs were about to explode. Among them, the middle-aged woman even more. He said with a throat: "Hey! I said you are still not human, my dad was knocked down by you, and you are still in the mood to talk about love? The rich are great? The rich Can you bully, right?"

Talk about love? He Xiaoyue glanced at Li Zedao, the expression on her face became even more shy, and suddenly felt that this sturdy woman didn't seem to be that annoying.

"That's it, it's great to have money. Give money quickly, otherwise this thing is endless!" The middle-aged man pointed to Li Ze and said with a gloomy expression.

"Slap yourself ten slaps and apologize, or should I let you lack arms and legs?" Li Zedao asked lightly.

"..." The middle-aged man felt humiliated by the opponent! It's too hateful, it's too hateful, he thinks he should do something, at least let the other party himself, it is terrible for him to get angry!

But at this moment, Li Zedao helped him make a choice, and his hand slammed over, clasped the opponent's wrist, and then tugged.

"Kacha!" A sound of broken bones sounded, and the whole left arm of the middle-aged man was torn off by Li Zedao.

His body suddenly stiffened, his facial muscles twisted together instantly, his mouth opened wide, he let out a scream of "Ah", and then he passed out with pain.

Except for He Xiaoyue and Zhou Qian, who stood not far away and looked at Li Zedao secretly with shy eyes, everyone else was shocked by this sunny and handsome rich second-generation behavior, even sitting on the ground wailing. The old man's **** was even more as if he had been pierced by a needle. The whole person had already jumped up from the ground, staring at this ruthless man who unloaded his arm directly with a horrified expression.

Those who were holding on to the excitement of watching the excitement and pointing to Zhou Qian with a look of horror retracted their heads. What's more, they left quietly. If they were worried by such a ruthless person, then Fuck it...

The middle-aged woman saw that her accomplice was so miserable, she looked at the two men and women who were supposed to be taken advantage of by them, her eyes changed, and she was full of fear: "You...you...you..." but it's you. For a long time, you didn't know why.

He Xiaoyue stepped forward and walked in front of her, raised her hand violently, and slammed her horrified face twice, and she simply knocked the woman to the ground, and then she Looking back at Li Zedao, I was a little embarrassed: "I'm afraid you can't do anything to women, so...ah, I forgot..."

He Xiaoyue touched her face, already remembering that this little kid had slapped her two slaps a few days ago, how could he not be able to do it.

"...Hehe, call the police." Li Zedao said embarrassingly.

After calling the police, the police arrived soon. The leader was a middle-aged criminal police officer. After seeing Li Zedao, that face turned into a dog's tail flower by the way, very respectful.

So the middle-aged man who woke up from the pain, the middle-aged woman whose face was shaved, and the old man with a terrified expression even wanted to cry, because what they said before was really right. They really knew the police. Even if you are not blind, you can tell that the police seem to be afraid of him.

Li Zedao looked at the face of the middle-aged criminal policeman, and quickly remembered that when he was eating roast duck at a roast duck restaurant, the middle man once led a team to catch him, and shook hands with him politely.

The middle-aged criminal police felt even more flattered. He only felt that his face was a lot more handsome in an instant, and then he waved his hand to make people hurry up and play in broad daylight. The guy who touched porcelain was taken away, and then accompanied a smiling face and handed a business card to indicate that he would call him whenever he encountered similar things in the future, and then left.

Li Zedao didn't look at the business card carefully either, put it in his pocket, and then looked back at He Xiaoyue, who at this time looked at him hot and ambiguous, and at the same time stared at him a little bit shyly.

"That..." Li Zedao was a little embarrassed to be stared at, and didn't know what to say.

"Where do you live? Is there any vacant house around the place you live? I want to rent it." He Xiaoyue said.


He Xiaoyue looked at Li Zedao and ridiculed: "Look at what embarrassed you, and it's not about asking you to rent or buy it for me."


He Xiaoyue smiled a little bitterly: "Well, let's not talk about this first, even if you say nothing, don't accept me, even I am not even a friend in your heart, but..."

Li Zedao looked helpless, wondering if you shouldn't be so pitiful. It's as if I did something beastly to you before.

"It's a friend." Li Zedao said.

"It's just... a friend?" He Xiaoyue's tone had grievances and expectations, but her eyes flashed cunningly. This smart woman has already seen through the weakness of this kid, as long as you behave a little more pitifully, a little wronged, He basically didn't recruit.

"Well, we are friends..." Before Li Zedao could answer, He Xiaoyue said immediately, "And now you are helping me out again. It is reasonable to find a place for me to treat you to dinner, right? Or you It’s okay to ask me to have a meal and help me catch the wind."

"...Let's go, find a place to invite you to eat, how about eating Yanjing Roast Duck?" Li Zedao smiled bitterly, knowing that he couldn't escape, and said now, besides, it's all past dinner, Zhou Qian hasn't eaten yet. , I’m afraid I’m hungry too.

"I listen to you." He Xiaoyue said.


Li Zedao beckoned to Zhou Qian, and the latter came over obediently.

"Your woman? How many women do you have?" He Xiaoyue asked with interest. On the phone, her brother He Xiaoyang said that Haki has more than one woman, he also brought two little loli to Qingyun Building, the relationship seems very intimate, and his wife has no objection.

"I thought there was only that cold woman. I didn't expect you to have other good friends. That woman didn't kill you?"

She doesn't mind that Li Zedao has more women. The more women, the more beneficial to her, right?

"..." Li Zedao thought he was very proud to tell her, and if he really wanted to kill, Antarctica would be ranked out of ten.

"She is Zhou Qian." Li Zedaogang introduced.

"Hello, sister Zhou, what a lovely girl." He Xiaoyue is very familiar with Zhou Qian's little hand and smiled, "My name is He Xiaoyue. Just come back from the island country, you can call Sister He. Up."

"..." Li Zedao felt helpless in her heart. Of course, she knew He Xiaoyu's careful thoughts, and now she thought that you could be her mother just from the perspective of age.

"Sister He is good." Zhou Qian said timidly.

This scream of Sister He really made He Xiaoyue exasperated, she was very happy to hold Zhou Qian's little hand, so in the end Li Zedao could only be alone behind the second girl's buttocks.

Then, the mobile phone in his pocket rang, and when he took a look, it was Yanhuang who was calling, and he quickly picked it up.

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