The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1107: It's a fake again

"Something happened." Yan Huang's voice on the phone was full of bitter smiles.

Li Zedao's heart twitched slightly and asked, "I found the traitor again? What earth-shattering thing did this traitor do this time?"

"Not a traitor, but a snake head." Yan Huang said.

Li Zedao's expression changed in an instant: "The snake's head is lost again?" What international joke, how could the snake's head that I took back with great difficulty was lost in an instant? And this time, you Yanhuang personally looked after him, but you couldn't watch him?

"No, the snake head you brought back was carefully identified by experts and found that it was a fake." Yanhuang smiled bitterly.

"..." Li Zedao's body suddenly stiffened, his eyes widened, and his expression on his face was unbelievable.

The snake head brought back from the island country turned out to be a fake? In other words, the snake head that Tom, posing as a master, gave to His Majesty the Emperor of the Island as a birthday present is actually a fake? Or is it true that what he sent was real, but was replaced with a fake before being sent to Yasushi Shrine?

Seeing Li Zedao on the phone there, He Xiaoyue and Zhou Qian also stopped.

He Xiaoyue looked at Li Zedao and then asked Zhou Qian in a low voice: "Sister Zhou, Sister He asks you a few questions. Is it convenient?"

"Sister He, you say." Zhou Qian nodded softly, a little embarrassed.

"Are you his woman?" He Xiaoyue asked.

"...Well." Zhou Qian nodded lightly, her face flushed with shame.

"Then do you know that besides you, he has other women?" He Xiaoyue asked, "That's a girl who looks very cold."

Zhou Qian nodded slightly again, even more embarrassed, and whispered: "That's my sister Antarctica."

"Well, are there other women besides the Antarctic?" He Xiaoyue asked embarrassedly, "Is there any older ones? For example... like me?"


"Yes... or not?" He Xiaoyue asked again, feeling a little nervous. In her opinion, this question is very important. If there is, then her chances of success will not be small? After all, the so-called age gap will not be a problem.

Zhou Qian shook her head slightly.

"No?" He Xiaoyue feels a little regretful. This Hatch likes young people, likes little loli, and doesn't like old ones. No wonder you are so cruel to yourself. If you say you slap the photon, you slap the photon, and you stun if you faint. I didn't discuss it with you at all.

"" Zhou Qian lowered her head and said in a low voice, "the women who like Brother Ze Dao... many, I haven't seen them all, so I don't know..."

He Xiaoyue was taken aback: "A lot? How many?"

Zhou Qian thought for a while and said: "There seem to be...a dozen, right? It seems there are more than a dozen."

"Cough cough..." He Xiaoyue choked decisively by these words, and her eyes widened slightly. She originally thought that Hachi had been ambiguous with three or four women at the same time. Unexpectedly, there are more than a dozen, or even more than a dozen... Wait...

"You said... Brother Ze Dao?" He Xiaoyue asked, then glanced at Haki, "His name is... Ze Dao?"

"Huh?" Zhou Qian raised her head and looked at He Xiaoyue, somewhat puzzled. What is the name of Ze Dao's brother not?

Then He Xiaoyue had already reacted, "Hachi" was the name he would only use when performing tasks, his real name was "Ze Dao".

"What's your last name?" He Xiaoyue asked.

"...Li." Although she was very puzzled why this big sister didn't seem to know what Brother Ze Dao's name was, Zhou Qian answered truthfully.

"Li Zedao... the name is good." He Xiaoyue continued to ask, "Sister Zhou, can you tell me some other things about your brother Zedao?"


"Unexpectedly?" Seeing Li Zedao hadn't spoken for a long time, Yan Huang's voice came over again.

"Unexpectedly." Li Zedao followed with a wry smile, and he felt aggrieved. After a long time, it seemed that the **** Tom had put another one.

When he was in the island country, after he threw the snake head out, the fake master Tom showed up, but he did not move *take the snake head in Antarctic hand, but came over very kindly and told Jun Ito to release the big head. Hiring, your handsome and intelligent husband may not be able to resist it, so you can figure it out...

At that time, Li Zedao was a little strange, why didn't he **** the snake's head? After all, he had taken a lot of thought before stealing the snake head from China.

In the end, Li Zedao could only blame the snake head as a tool for him, and he threw it away after using it.

Look now, shit, that's a fake at all.

"I was afraid of making a mistake, so the experts didn't dare to take care of it. They made a careful identification and finally got the same result." Yanhuang said, "and the experts also said that this fake snake head is the same as the previous fake snake. The first is almost exactly the same, and almost all of them are copied by the same person."

Then it was obvious that Tom had stolen the head of the snake before.

But what Li Zedao couldn't understand is why did Tom steal the snake head? Why not other cultural relics? Is it just because Master brought this snake head back more than 20 years ago? Or, what is the special meaning of this snake head to him?

What's the matter with Uncle Lin Sen? Tom pretended to be a master, but he couldn't tell that he was not a master at all, so he stupidly carried out what the master had given him?

"Of course, you and Antarctica have done a good job, although the snake head is inevitably depressing, but the chief and they are still very satisfied, and they also said that they will give you and Antarctica rewards." Yan Huang comforted.

"Give the share that belongs to me to Antarctica." Li Zedao said in a low voice, "I am a big man, what do I need so much credit for? She is a woman and has so many things to do. It can always bring her something. Helping."

"..." On the phone, Yanhuang almost choked to death by Li Zedao's words.

"Oh, it's really impossible to change into cash. You know, there are many big women in my family and they are very poor." Li Zedao said, "It doesn't need to be too much, one hundred million is The same is true of 70 to 80 million. It's okay, I won't be too little..."

"..." This time, Yanhuang vomited blood directly.


"Well, Brother Zedao is now a student of Phoenix University... Oh, he is very good, he is still the top student in the college entrance examination. His score in the college entrance examination is 749 points, which is a perfect score..." Zhou Qian said in a low voice what she knew about Li Zedao, and naturally, her voice was full of admiration and admiration.

The more He Xiaoyue listened to her, her eyes widened. She didn't expect that this little kid would be a student or even a high school tyrant in the face of her name. The college entrance examination actually got the kind of such a goddamn. Score, think back then... well, back then, I went to the island country without taking the college entrance examination.

"Brother Zedao is still doing a lot of business, he has opened several companies... Oh, he is also very caring, he founded a foundation that specializes in helping those who are sick but have no money to heal, called the Tiandao Foundation ..."

"Tiandao Foundation?" He Xiaoyue's mouth was formed into an o shape, she looked at Li Zedao, her eyes widened. Because she liked Zhou Xiaolu’s "Encounter", she was a little boring, and she simply checked the information about Zhou Xiaolu, and accidentally saw that she had recently become an image ambassador for the Tiandao Foundation, calling on the whole society to care and help. Those who have delayed treatment because of family difficulties.

Then by the way, I also entered the official website of the Tiandao Foundation and briefly glanced at it, without thinking much.

Unexpectedly, this foundation was founded by him?

"Are you... okay?" Li Ze, who hung up, saw He Xiaoyue staring at her with wide eyes and wide mouth, and even her saliva was about to drip off, and he reminded him embarrassingly.

"Oh... it's okay, it's okay." He Xiaoyue came back to her senses and wiped off the saliva from the corner of her mouth a little embarrassingly. It was really embarrassing to drool at a man.

"Then...let's eat." Li Zedao nodded and said, then led the way and walked outside the mall.

He Xiaoyue took her eyes back from Li Zedao's back, and took Zhou Qian to continue asking, "Sister Zhou, what else? Are you telling me..."

"Brother Zedao..."

Li Zedao suddenly stopped and looked back.

He Xiaoyue and Zhou Qian seemed to be guilty of conscience, and they quickly shut up. Zhou Qian lowered his head in embarrassment, while He Xiaoyue's eyes were bold but hot and faced Li Zedao.

There are so many women in Li Zedao, or even more than a dozen. This incident greatly stimulated her nerves and made her full of confidence in her future life! The so-called damaging other people's family that I was worried about before, what troubles this little kid is no longer.

You are already so many. If you are more, I will not be more. If you are less, I am not a lot. And my requirements are very low, and the occasional companions give me a feeling of love and being spoiled...

"Go to a place before eating." Li Zedao deliberately avoided He Xiaoyue's eyes. This woman's eyes were terrifying, as if they were about to burn all of your clothes.

He found that the watches he had originally prepared seemed to be insufficient. At this time, he was looking for an OMEGA counter to buy a few of those watches. You can't be a man. You have to be equal, right?

"Well, I listen to you." He Xiaoyue's voice also became gentle, and even gave people a taste of acting like a spoiled lover.

"...Forget it, let's go eat first." Li Zedao gave up this idea. It is really troublesome to buy here, but I have to find that store. It is better to buy in Phoenix City. Besides, see the manager of that * store. Why don't you give yourself a discount if you come to buy a watch? It's not easy to make money these years, it can save a little bit.

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