The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1169: Depressed penguin

Li Zedao nodded and didn't say anything, and carefully put the slap-sized instrument into his pocket.

"Since the testing equipment has arrived, let's set off the day after tomorrow." Yanhuang said, looking at Li Zedao.

Li Zedao lightly exhaled and said, "Yes." He has arranged some things in the past few days, and his mood has stabilized, and he will wait for the day of departure.

"Don't have too much pressure, but do your best and keep your destiny." Yanhuang tapped Li Zedao on the shoulder. He thought that Li Zedao was worried about the safety of Antarctica and the child in the Antarctic belly, so he softly comforted.

"Moreover, I believe that Antarctica will be fine for him." Yanhuang said immediately.

In fact, when Yanhuang said this, he had no bottom in his heart. From being robbed from Antarctica until now, he has not relaxed for a moment, and even used the energy of the Shenlong organization to exhaust all means to try to find the traces of the Antarctica, but Until now, I still have no clue, and even the Shenlong organization has not been able to find its trace. It is conceivable that the other party’s methods are no longer under the Shenlong organization.

"I also believe she will be fine." Li Zedao said. The spirit was already in a trance, and the heart twitched violently, as if being stabbed by a sharp dagger, the heart-piercing feeling was so clear that it was even enlarged.

According to the current situation, Antarctica is not only okay, but also living well... She must be in a good mood when she returns to her side of him?

Li Zedao couldn't understand how her acting skills could be so good. When he was with her, Li Zedao felt full of all kinds of happiness and love, and did not catch any wrong emotions at all.

What made Li Ze angry is that the **** actually agreed to sleep with himself in Antarctica... How could he let his woman sleep with other men? What makes Li Ze even more angry is that why did Antarctica agree? How much love does it take to do this kind of thing for him?

Li Zedao was very angry, or rather jealous! He wanted to kill, he wanted to mash that Tom, who is now very mysterious and very beast!

"Li Zedao, you'd better pray that Antarctica is okay, otherwise I won't let you go." Penguin clenched his fists, staring at Li Zedao with a fierce expression.

Li Zedao looked at the handsome face of the penguin, and three extremely lethal words came out of his mouth: "Fool, go!"

What is it if you are not stupid? Even if such a thing happens, but the Antarctic name is still my woman, is there any part of your chirping?

After thinking about it, Li Zedao also felt like a fool! It is undeniable that although she knows the truth, although she knows that she is an enemy and that she is close to herself for a certain purpose, she is not really in love with herself at all, but his mind is still full of Antarctica, he Can't forget her, he loves her!

Damn amorousness!

"You..." Penguin cracked his fingers and wanted to drew his knife and rushed to fight Li Zedao desperately. It was really hateful! He has been in this world for more than 20 years, and he has never seen anyone worse than Li Zedao.

"Penguin." Yanhuang stopped the penguin and had some headaches. The two of them are making trouble now. After arriving in Las Vegas, will something go wrong?

Penguin looked at Li Zedao bitterly and turned around.

"Don't think too much. After all, Antarctica is his comrade-in-arms and a member of the Shenlong organization. He has no other meaning." Yanhuang looked at Li Zedao and defended Penguin. He was really worried that Li Zedao would think about it and turn back jealous. Just beat the penguin.

Li Zedao nodded and said: "Don't worry, I didn't think about it, he is the most ordinary comrade in arms with the most common Antarctic vision."

"..." Penguin had a knife in his chest, and there was an urge to turn around and fight this guy desperately.

"You know that Alice is also going." Li Zedao looked at Yan Huang and said.

Two days ago, Alice said that she also wanted to go to Las Vegas with him. Li Zedao agreed. After all, Alice is very familiar with the Deakin Manor where the Luciano family members are located. He was born as a killer, and his skill is not below Antarctica. With her, some things can go smoothly.

Yanhuang nodded and said that he knew that Li Zedao had approached him for this two days ago. Yanhuang knew about Alice's situation and naturally agreed. He also asked people to go to Phoenix City immediately to collect data on Alice's face, and then return. The dark team specially helped Alice to make a fake mask.

This time when Yanhuang sent the testing equipment, he naturally brought the masks prepared for Li Zedao and Alice, and at the same time helped them prepare a brand new identity.

Li Zedao and Alice both became mixed-races with European faces after putting on the masks. Then Li Zedao would look more alike after dyeing their hair and curling it up. This way, when in Las Vegas, it won’t be too much. Eye-catching.

"If that's the case, he doesn't have to go, right?" Li Ze pointed to the tall penguin's back and said, "Not only can this guy not help in the past, it may be bad, who knows if he is an undercover agent?"

Although Penguin did not turn around, he naturally knew that Li Zedao was talking about him. The handsome big face was convulsed and twisted at the moment, and he turned around and roared: "Li Zedao, what do you mean? Undercover, you are a traitor..."

"You are so eager to clarify for yourself, isn't it a guilty conscience?" Li Zedao asked with a smile.

"You..." The penguin was so angry that his body had turned into a volcanic crater, and something was about to spew out at any time. He suddenly rolled up his sleeves and was about to fight Li Zedao, pointing at Li Zedao, blushing and roaring, "I don't To clarify for myself, I don’t have any guilty conscience, and I don’t allow you to humiliate me like this..."

"Penguin, withdraw." Yanhuang drank.

"Yanhuang, look at him...I rely on it!" Penguin scolded, looking at Li Zedao as if he was looking at a dead person, and turned around again fiercely.

Yan Huang smiled bitterly: "Penguins can be trusted..."

"In fact, the most important thing is that I'm afraid I can't help but beat him." Li Zedao said sincerely. Faced with this kind of **** who always thinks about his own women's points, if you don't beat him, it's a cruel thing for yourself.


Penguin's body trembled extremely badly. He felt that he was so awesome that he could still bear it at this time. This kind of small intolerance and chaos is really admirable and worthy of the people to learn from.

This time Yanhuang also felt that Li Zedao was a little too much, and said helplessly: "For the snake's head, but also for the Antarctic, for the children in the Antarctic belly, and give me some face, don't make trouble with Mao Dun and emotions."

Li Zedao nodded and said: "He can go, but let's talk about it first. After arriving, he must listen to my arrangements."

"This is natural." Yanhuang said with a glance at the penguin, "Penguins are soldiers, and soldiers take obedience to orders as their bounden duty. He has this realization."

"Yanhuang, I don't agree." Penguin said loudly without looking back, "If this **** orders me to eat shit, am I really eating it?"

Li Zedao sneered: "Thank you for reminding."


"Penguin, take orders, Ze Dao won't be so unreasonable." Yan Huang drank.

Penguin snorted coldly and stopped speaking.

"In addition, his task is the snake head. After getting the snake head, he and the engineers and soldiers figure out a way to bring the snake head back. I and Alice can do the rest." Li Zedao said.

"No, Antarctica is my comrade-in-arms, I must do something for her." Penguin turned around, staring at Li Zedao fiercely.

Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders and said, "Well, go to Las Vegas by yourself. I won't go. You can bring the snake head back by yourself. Also remember to sneak into the Deakin Manor and take Mos Luciano. Kill it. After you kill Moss Luciano, Antarctica will be safe... Then, Antarctica and I will miss you."

To be honest, Li Zedao did not say that the penguin is a traitor or anything because he was disgusting. In fact, he really doubted whether this guy was also one of the traitors. When he was in the island country, Tom knew all his actions. That's because there is a big undercover agent called Antarctica by his side. This time the Antarctic is no longer there. Who knows if this penguin is an undercover agent watching him?

Li Zedao was frightened. He didn't believe anyone in the Shenlong organization, even the engineers, so he said that after the snake head got his hands, they didn't need to participate in the rest.

"You..." Penguin felt that something was flowing from the corner of his mouth. Is this guy cursing himself?

Yanhuang looked at Li Zedao and said, "Just as you said, they will **** the snake back immediately after it gets its head. As for the rest of the matter, they will not participate...You will be careful at that time."

Li Zedao nodded and said: "Yes."

After a while of silence, Yan Huang said: "As for the safety of your family, don't worry about it. After all, the Yang family, the Su family, and your mother, and Baili Changhe and Qin Yiping are not easy to provoke. Not to mention that these forces are now twisted together because of you, and I will also let people take care of them."

"Thank you." Li Zedao said, "how do I go the day after tomorrow?"

Yanhuang looked at the engineer, and the engineer said knowingly: "It is enough to fly over with a fake identity, and then the staff over there will come to pick us up, and then put on the dummy mask prepared by the dark team for us, and act on the spot. "

"Okay, you will pick me up at that time." Li Zedao said, and then looked at Yanhuang, "Then I will go first."

"Go." Yanhuang patted Li Zedao on the shoulder and nodded.

Penguin looked at Li Zedao's distant back, his eyes flashed with inexplicable gloom, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

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