The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1170: Actually i don't love you

"Damn, big idiot, really don't let the beautiful girl of this genius go?" Shadow pouted and stared at Li Ze with big eyes, his small face was full of dissatisfaction, then he chewed the gum in his mouth and spit out a bubble bubble.

Li Zedao shook his head, stretched out his hand and touched her head with a smile: "We need you at home, and your sisters all need you and need you to protect them."

"Damn, although you are right, but..." Shadow's mouth was pouted higher, and his small face was already full of aggrieved expressions, with an expression that was about to cry, "Big fool when you were not there, If this genius girl is in a bad mood, whose **** go?"

"..." Li Zedao almost choked to death by her words, and said silently, "You can smoke your own."

"Damn, get fucked, this genius girl wants to smoke you, so she smokes you!" Shadow bit her lip and said, "Fool, you are too cruel, do you know that this genius has been after smoking your ass? The beautiful girl can't stop it as if she is poisoned, and her heart will be empty if she doesn't take a few times a day, as if there is something missing."

"..." Li Zedao really didn't know whether to cry or laugh, or should he feel honored?

Shadow's big eyes glanced at Li Zedao very uncomfortably, then his head was buried deep in Li Zedao's arms, silent for a long time.

Li Zedao clearly felt that his chest was wet and hot. He sighed softly in his heart, patted her shoulder and said, "I promise, I will come back soon... If I can't beat me, won't I escape? ?"

The shadow urn said angrily: "Damn, big idiot, if you dare not come back, this genius and beautiful girl...huh, go to the street to find a dozen or two handsome guys back, and these sisters will each have one, and collectively give you a cuckold. child."

"Pop!" Li Zedao slapped her **** and scolded with a smile: "You dare."

Shadow raised his head, staring at Li Zedao with big eyes with teardrops, and said: "Big fool, if possible, bring Sister Antarctica back."

Li Zedao shook his head with a bitter smile and said softly: "I can't bring it back, you know, she doesn't love me."

The shadow was silent, her little face was buried deep in Li Zedao's arms again, her little hand hugged Li Zedao's waist tightly, and she said for a while: "Big fool, sister Shadow doesn't love you, she is stupid... Girls are very smart, sister Xiaoyu Mengchen, sister Heaven and they are also very smart."

"Yeah." Li Zedao smiled.

"Big fool, if you meet my sister Antarctica again, will you kill her?" Shadow asked.

"No." Li Zedao said affirmatively. There is nothing to hide. If there is a chance to face her again, even if she was the enemy at that time, she would not be able to kill herself.

The shadow sighed and said, "This genius and beautiful girl knows that you can't do it. You and your sister Antarctica are in love for a long time. Day... For a long time, how can you be able to do it?"

Li Zedao felt that when these words came out of Shadow's mouth, the feeling changed.

"Big fool, would you promise me one thing, OK?" Shadow said.

"Well, let's talk." Li Zedao nodded. He knew what Shadow wanted to promise her. It was nothing more than that when he met the Antarctic again, he would hide far away even if he couldn't get his hands, instead of being a man who was infatuated and passionate. Standing there and shouting that you want to kill me, you really want to kill me, you can do it...

Then he looked down at the shining knife in his chest with a stiff complexion, and then looked at the other person with an incredible expression indicating that you are really good. Then, he fell to the ground and vomited blood, his body twitched and his eyes were still wide... ...Don't look down!

Li Zedao felt that he was not so stupid.

"This genius girl is in a bad mood and unhappy right now, so will you let me whip enough tonight?"



Early the next morning, the engineers came to pick up Li Zedao and Alice. They would depart from Phoenix International Airport, arrive at Yanjing Airport first, and fly from Yanjing Airport to Las Vegas. The entire flight time is more than ten. Hours are extremely long.

Li Zedao looked at Yingying Yanyan standing in a row and said with a smile, "Ladies, wait for me at home."

No one has anything to say, just watching him quietly.

Li Zedao smiled, counting from the first Li Mengchen to the last He Xiaoyue, he hugged one by one, and then took Alice out of the courtyard and got into the car parked there, watching The engineer who drove said, "Let's go."

As for the penguin who was sitting in the passenger seat and pretending to sleep with his eyes closed, he simply ignored him.

"Okay, Shao Li." The engineer said, and then started the car and drove forward slowly. Before, he looked at the group of beautiful women in Yingying and Yanyan standing there through the car window. They were really envious, jealous, and hated. The kind of admiration that is less is like a continuous river.

When the car passed the first villa in this community, Li Zedao narrowed his eyes slightly, and then glanced at the villa standing there through the car window.

Inexplicably, he felt a sense of being peeped in his heart, and the eyes that peeped into him were hidden in this villa not far from his villa without knowing who lived in it.

At the same time, in a room on the second floor of this villa, a woman in a black pajamas stood quietly next to the huge French window with a cup of coffee in her hand, and then she put the coffee in Smell it, the coffee was very fragrant, but she did not take a sip after all.

Then, she turned her head, looked at the car that had gone away through the gap in the curtain, and sighed softly.

"I'm sorry." She said in a voice that only she could hear, "Actually... I don't love you. When I was with you, I imagined you as him."

After a moment of silence, she said again: "It's great, the child belongs to him."

Although I have only been pregnant for less than three months, it is not difficult to check out the baby in my stomach for a paternity test with current medical technology.

In the end, the child belonged to him, not Li Zedao's. He was even more happy. She was also very happy and felt very lucky. After all, even if he didn't care, he would still have lumps in his heart.


After more than three hours, Li Zedao and his group showed up at Yanjing International Airport in the same way as ordinary tourists, and then continued to take the flight to Las Vegas. The flight had to be transferred in Seattle before finally arriving in Las Vegas. The whole voyage is close to eighteen hours.

After the entire voyage, Li Zedao acted extremely relaxed. From time to time, he flirted with Alice, causing her to be shy, and even still in his ear, smiling charmingly and expressing dear, let's go to the bathroom.

I also teased a few words with the engineers, or got together to watch the Korean drama that they would never watch at all, which made the little girls keep screaming "Ou Ba Ou" in their eyes.

It’s just that when other people see such **** but touching and sincere love, they will basically squeeze a few tears out to express their sensibility, but it’s fine if the engineer doesn’t shed any teardrops, and the key mouth is dripping down... …Because the heroine in this Korean drama is so good-looking.

Seeing this, the flight attendant thought that the engineer was hungry and came over and asked if you need some food. The engineer looked up and saw that beautiful flight attendant, who is flowing faster...

As for the penguin, he simply regarded himself as a dumb, his eyes were almost closed along the way, and he didn't say a word.

During this period, Li Zedao also asked Alice to give himself a brief introduction to Las Vegas, the most famous city in the world.

Las Vegas, the largest city in the U.S. State of Vada, is famous for its huge tourism, shopping, and vacation industries centered on the gambling industry. Nine out of the ten largest resort hotels in the world are here, and they are world-renowned. One of the holy resorts, has the reputation of "World Entertainment Capital" and "Marriage Capital".

From a giant amusement park to a truly fleshy and vibrant city, Las Vegas has been reborn in 10 years, from a small village a hundred years ago to a giant tourist city.

Although this is a so-called gambling city, in fact, among the nearly 40 million tourists who come to Las Vegas every year, most people come to shop and enjoy food, and only a few come to gamble. In other words , This city is no longer synonymous with "gambling city". Here you can find food, art, entertainment, and all the elements of a diverse city.

"My dear, this is a city with heaven on one side and **** on the other. The extremes of heaven and **** go hand in hand and are inseparable." Alice said, "If you want to experience the feasting, luxurious fashion, and beauty of the United States, Just go to Las Vegas; if you are poor and still have a few words left, maybe you can go to Las Vegas to boast a salted fish and turn around; if you don’t know how to spend your money, go to Las Vegas Going here may give you a re-experience of the chicness of street bums. This is what people call paradise on earth and **** on earth, and it is a place where many people come and come again."

Li Zedao smiled and said: "This kind of city, you should have a good taste."

When the plane landed steadily at McCarran International Airport, it was already late at night in Las Vegas. Although the whole world seemed to be lit by the countless stars in the sky, the sky was still gray, as if being baptized by a small sandstorm.

It’s different from the dampness and coldness in Phoenix. It’s located on the edge of the Huada Desert in the U.S., and the humidity is extremely low. Before getting off the plane, Alice gently wiped off the moisturizer for Li Zedao so that he could feel comfortable after getting off the plane. a little.

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