The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1312: Aggrieved Zhou Qian

So at noon, when the two of them went out, the other women basically slept on the bed, and they almost fell apart by Li Zedao and couldn't get up.

"Where do you want to go?" Li Zedao looked at the little sister and asked with a smile.

"Senior Brother, then go and see Master." Miffy said, "I haven't been there for a long time."

Li Zedao felt sad, nodded and said: "Go to the real Phoenix to pack some good food first, as you said, he likes the food made by that private kitchen."

"Yeah." Miffy nodded, looked at Li Zedao, and whispered, "Senior Brother..."


"I went to the back seat to lie down and sleep for a while. I was tossed by you. Now my back is sore and tired." Miffy stretched out and said lazily.


At the moment, Li Zedao drove to Zhenfeng by car and packed a lot of good food. In addition, he found a place to buy candles, paper money, incense, and a bottle of expensive red wine. Then he drove towards Fengming Mountain. .

Fengming Mountain is still so desolate, plus the autumn wind is bleak, the grass is desolate, and occasionally there is a crow named twice, which adds a lot of horror, even though it is daylight, it still gives people a sense of caution. Feeling panicked.

After parking the car, the two got out of the car with a basket of delicious food and paper money, and then walked up the road toward the lush hills.

The two of them turned one after another into the path that was miserable and extremely narrow and difficult to navigate, climbed up, and finally came to the steep hillside, where the big rock already appeared in front of them.

Faced with this big rock again, Li Zedao's mood naturally changed again. Now he knows that his father was a puppet manipulated by Huang Wen from beginning to end, just a tool in his hand. When this tool loses its effect After that, it was thrown away.

What about yourself? Is it also a puppet? Did he end up like his father, did he die so badly? To die so worthless?

Li Zedao firmly shook his head, he didn't want to die, he couldn't die! He has so many women, he must be responsible for their future.

In addition, this world has a lot of darkness and dirt, and he needs to work hard to clean up and return the world to a bright world...Of course, such a great idea Li Zedao is actually just thinking about it occasionally.

"Although this is very rebellious, but I still want to say... You are indeed a self-righteous stupid!" Li Zedao looked at the big stone and muttered to herself, "You are sorry my mother, she still has fantasy until now. You are still alive, and one day there will be a reunion of our family... I will find a suitable time to persuade her to find a good man to remarry. You are not worthy of her to guard for you."

"Squad leader Li, if the master can hear you say such a rebellious remark, I am afraid that I will come alive." Miffy said with his little head resting on Li Zedao's shoulder.

"Then go ahead and see if he can really come alive." Li Zedao said.

"Senior Brother, you are so naive." Miffy's voice was choked up, and her eyes were a little red.

Then, there was a long silence, until the phone in Li Zedao's pocket rang.

Li Zedao took a look, but it was an unfamiliar phone number. After thinking about it, he picked it up, and then a slightly familiar voice came from a girl who couldn’t remember who it was. The voice was a little hurried, and she still brought it. Crying.

"Man, they won't let us go."

"Uh... are you?" Li Zedao asked with some confusion. The only information he got now was that this "handsome guy" was calling himself.

"Ah, you really hate it, how did you forget them? I'm Su Li, and you have seen the best friend of Qianqian's family." The girl's tone was already a little speechless, obviously, Li Zedao Forgot to make her very depressed.

Li Zedao already remembered who this girl was, Zhou Qian's best friend, a very righteous girl.

"Qianqian is right next to me, they also slapped Qianqian in a mouth..." Su Li said cryingly, "but also hit me, it's obviously that their dog bit someone first, I kicked it subconsciously. The dog kicked... they said they would lose money..."

Li Zedao's face suddenly became difficult to look: "Where are you? I'll go right away." Someone slapped Zhou Qian in the face? This is unbearable!

At the same time, Li Zedao also understood the reason why Zhou Qian was with Su Li, why Su Li came to make this call, such a weak girl, received such a slap, must be wronged to death and terrified, and Su Rena's sturdy and cheerful personality was there, and the panic in her heart was finally reduced.

And the other party allowed Su Li to call, just to ask her to call the adults over for so-called compensation, right?

Su Li said the location, a small park not far from their school.

After hanging up the phone, Li Zedao looked at Miffy and said, "Qianqian was slapped in the face and refused to leave."

Miffy was stunned, a murderous aura appeared on her small face: "Looking for death!"

The two hurriedly returned to the car. Li Zedao made a call to Zhou Qian's cell phone while driving forward quickly.

The call was finally connected, and Zhou Qian came over in a weak and aggrieved voice: "Brother Zedao..."

"Are you okay?" Li Zedao asked softly.

Zhou Qian whispered: "Um... it's okay, Brother Ze Dao..."

It turned out that at noon, Zhou Qian and Su Li left school together and went to a bookstore not far from the school to pick two reference books, and walked back through the park. It was still early in the afternoon for class, so I went in and planned to spend a while. Swing, look forward to love... These are the original words of Su Li.

Then there was a woman with heavy makeup and a small dog walking by. The dog didn’t know why she was so upset. She barked at Su Li and Zhou Qian who was passing by and tried to pounce on her. At the same time, the woman’s hand did not hold. , The dog just rushed towards the two.

Instinctively, Su Li was taken aback and passed.

"Wow..." The puppy wailed, his body tumbled in mid-air, and then fell to the ground. Then, perhaps because of the fright, he screamed and ran away. The woman couldn't call back no matter what.

Then, the woman tried to catch up, but the high heels on her feet were too high, an accidentally squeezed her foot, and she sat on the ground.

Seeing this, Zhou Qian hurried over to help her up. Who knows, the woman slapped her over.

Su Li was on fire, she wanted to reason with her, and then she was slapped by the woman.

Then a middle-aged man showed up with a few people, surrounded the two girls and asked them to pay for the purebred Chihuahua who didn’t know where they were going now, and he had to pay for the woman’s. Medical expenses, otherwise let them look good!

"Well, tell them that I will be there soon and we will pay." Li Zedao said softly.

"Well, Brother Zedao."

"Don't cry, I feel distressed." Li Ze said.

"Um...I didn't cry anymore." Zhou Qian whispered, "I...wait for you to come over."

"it is good."

Li Zedao drove very fast, so he drove to the park very quickly. Of course, the car couldn’t enter the park. After parking the car outside, the two got off and entered the park, and then headed towards Su Lisuo. The said position ran over.

From a distance, I saw Zhou Qian and Su Li standing there, surrounded by five men, and a man and a woman sitting on a stone chair beside them.

The man is tall, with a full face, and the gold chain on his neck is especially eye-catching; the woman's heavy makeup is very eye-catching, and the hip skirt that she wears is almost unable to block her buttocks.

At this moment, the man was holding the woman in his arms, and his pleasing smile was soothing.

"Squad leader Li, I won't go there, don't bother you to save the beauty." Miffy was relieved when Zhou Qian was okay, and looked at Li Zedao with ambiguous eyes, and said in a jealous tone of grievance. , "Hurry up, hate it, today you only belong to someone else."

Li Zedao squeezed her nose and said, "It will be over soon... Ma Dan, see if I will scare them to death!"

At the moment, Li Zedao didn't go over immediately, but took out his mobile phone and gave Brother Hao Bei a call first.

"Shao Li..." Brother Haobei's voice was respectful and disturbed. Naturally, respectfulness didn't need to be said. What was disturbing was that every time Li Shao called him, it seemed that nothing happened.

"Damn, what kind of **** are out there again? Do you believe I killed you?" Hao Bei swears in his heart!

"You bring people to Bailu Park now, the more people the better." Li Zedao said.

"Uh...Okay, Shao Li, I'll summon people to set off...Is about fifty enough?" Brother Hao Bei stunned and said quickly.

"Almost, it's enough, I can scare them to death." Li Zedao looked at the man and woman, his eyes full of evil spirits.

It can be said that these women are his inverse scales, but now someone has offended his inverse scales! Of course, Li Zedao is a reasonable person, so he will naturally talk about the truth first.

As soon as Li Zedao appeared, Zhou Qian, who had always been weak and shy, was not embarrassed to take the initiative and plunged directly into Li Zedao's arms.

"Brother Ze Dao..." She hummed, the original grievances and fears disappeared instantly.

Su Li looked at her with envy and jealousy. Why isn't there such a handsome guy who can let herself pounce? Xiao Bai in the class next door seems to be in love with herself, very sunny, but compared with Qianqian's brother Ze Dao... alas, Xiao Bai is not sunny and handsome, and even a little naive.

So, under the influence of Zhou Qian, Su Li has now decided to find a boy older than her to fall in love. After a while, he will ask the handsome guy Zedao if he has any buddies to introduce him. He is so handsome and so powerful. Her buddies must also be very handsome and powerful. After all, people gather in the same category. For example, Zhou Qian is very beautiful, so as her best friend, she is also very beautiful...

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