The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1313: Unreasonable

"It hurts, right?" Li Zedao looked at the red palm print on her delicate and white face, and the fire in his heart suddenly popped out.

"You' doesn't hurt anymore." Zhou Qian said in a low voice embarrassed, and then... the slap print became even more red.

Li Zedao comforted a few more words, then looked back at the man sitting there looking at him with a sneer.

"Don't you want compensation? Let's talk about it." Li Zedao said.

"Heh!" The man sneered with a gold chain that was thicker than a dog chain around his neck, loosened the woman's waist, stood up and said, "Damn, I thought the adults would come, but he came. You are such a kid, you are that little bitch's concubine? Come on? Damn, is it useful to talk to you?"

"How much is useful, I brought the money here." Li Zedao said.

The man looked at him coldly and said: "My horse’s most beloved Chihuahua was kicked by that little bitch, and now he’s gone, and he has developed a relationship. Even if he finds it back, Maybe it won’t last long, and I won’t blame you, one hundred thousand yuan! Plus my woman got her foot in order to chase the dog. She has to see a doctor, right? Fifty thousand, so give fifteen Wan, that's it."

Li Zedao wanted to laugh when he heard it. It's one thing for this lion to speak loudly. The point is that dogs are more valuable than people!

"One hundred and fifty thousand..." Su Li's eyes widened suddenly, and she immediately went back to Xiang Yu, thinking that I didn't know that the market price of a purebred Chihuahua was around one thousand yuan. It’s definitely impossible to kick the dog into a serious injury like this. Don’t think that I don’t know that you have no broken foot at all...

Zhou Qian on the side gave her a hand and shook her head slightly, saying that Zedao's brother would take care of it. She was abducted several times before, and even the most recent time she was tied to the island country. Brother Zedao can do it. Save yourself, let alone such trivial matters.

Li Zedao saw it and stood up. He glanced at his long-legged woman with disdain, thinking that the legs are really weak and now he can stand in a cold pose wearing high heels that are at least ten centimeters or more visible?

"Look...are you too much?" Li Zedao said.

"Damn, do you mean that I am ruining you?" The man looked upset, "Damn, do I need to ruin people for hundreds of thousands? Do you think Laozi is short of 150,000?"

"Yes, do you think that our brother Xu is one hundred and fifty thousand?" The woman took the man's hand and looked at Li Zedao with a face of disdain and pride. Then she pointed at Su Li, "and this bitch, Damn, dare to kick my old lady's dog? You dare to draw my face later? Come over and let my old lady kick twice, otherwise it won't be a thing of 150,000."

Before Zhou Qian wanted to help the woman up, but she couldn't prevent her from getting a slap in the face of the photon. Su Li approached the theory and got a slap in the face of the photon. Because of her character, of course she had to return it, but she was given him After evading, the two of them pushed and shoved a few times, and soon the man with the dog chain showed up. So now, the woman sees how upset Su Li is and how upset she is, and she won't be relieved if she doesn't kick her a few feet. .

"Go, drag the **** to the old lady." The woman yelled at Su Li with her black nail polish fingers.

So the men will start.

Li Zedao blocked the other side's path and said, "It seems that you are not going to make sense."

The coquettish woman pointed at Li Ze and cursed: "What the **** are you talking about? Come on, hurry up and drag me that stinky bitch!"

The men looked back at the man with the golden dog chain, and the glamorous woman quickly took his arm to show pride, and the proud chest was pressed **** his arm.

"Then let Meimei speak badly and talk about compensation." The man said, and then pointed at Li Ze, "Boy, get out of the way if you are more sensible, or else one of my brothers will get a fist and your little white face will be destroyed."

"It seems that you are planning to bully others." Li Zedao said again, standing still.

"Damn, are you looking for death?" Brother Xu cursed, "I just don't make sense, what's wrong with Laozi just bullying others?"

Li Zedao looked at Brother Xu and smiled, showing a row of neat white teeth.

I don't know why, after the other party showed him such a smile, Brother Xu's body under the sun trembled inexplicably. You should know that he has not felt this way for a long time since he was mixed at this level.

This kid, who seems to be only 20 years old, smiled when he faced this situation, and he could still laugh at the fuck?

Is it neurotic or dependent?

Without waiting for him to think about it, dozens of mighty people suddenly came from all directions, and all of them were holding swing sticks with a murderous look.

When Brother Xu saw this, he was confused. Does this kid really depend on it?

The five younger brothers who were ready to do it involuntarily retreated to him. While a little panicked, they kept turning to look at Brother Xu, waiting for him to get an idea. As for the dazzling woman who was still arrogant before, at this time His face turned pale with fright, and he hid behind Brother Xu.

"Brother Xu, can't leave." A man swallowed and said. No matter how hard your fist is, can it be stronger than the opponent's swing stick? Can you hit ten by yourself?

"Don't talk nonsense!" The dog-leash man tried very hard to calm himself down, took a cigarette and a lighter from his pocket, and lit one.

To be honest, he is not overwhelmed by dozens of people. The key is that the man who appeared there let him know that this somersault is fixed today.

Brother Haobei, this man was actually a small man in the underground world of Phoenix City, but he suddenly rose up about a year ago. Since then, he has been out of control, and has already swallowed many small forces. Now it is like the underground world of Phoenix City. At least, more than half of the entertainment venues in Phoenix are basically owned or owned by him.

What made him even more uneasy was that Brother Haobei stood in front of the kid respectfully, tried to show a smile on his face, and nodded and called: "Shao Li."

This behavior is no different from that of a dog seeing its owner!

Brother Xu has long heard people say that Brother Haobei has developed so rapidly because of a big figure standing behind him, and that big figure can help him get a lot of trouble.

That big man is the little white face in front of you?

Brother Xu felt that he should say something, he smiled and looked at Brother Haobei: "That... Brother Haobei... It's been a long time since I saw you... You see it all..."

Brother Haobei didn’t even look at him, and he didn’t even look at him. He stood there with his head nodded, like a most loyal dog. When the owner didn’t issue any instructions, there would be nothing. Actions.

Therefore, the smile on Brother Xu's face froze, looked at Li Zedao, and said cautiously, "Li...Li Shao?"

He just heard these two words from Brother Hao Bei.

"Afraid?" Li Zedao asked.

"...It's because I don't know Taishan, this thing... scared these two lovely girls, I am willing to sincerely apologize and compensate." Xu Ge's mouth moved and said carefully.

"Just now, I was actually very willing to talk to you. After all, it was not you who hit my woman in the face, but the woman behind you. At most I interrupted her hand, but...your mouth is not clean. Seeing me honestly, I want to bully, irrational..." Li Zedao's voice was not loud, and there was no yelling threat. He was talking to you very peacefully, but Brother Xu sounded creepy.

Because he understood what Li Zedao meant, Li Zedao was willing to talk about actually having an opportunity with him. If he can recognize his mistakes, he is reasonable, and he does not bully others, then this matter was interrupted by his horse's hands. After the mouth is sucked, it's all right.

Brother Xu was so wronged that he wanted to cry and wanted to scold his mother. In the previous situation, how could he be reasonable and not bully? How could you interrupt your own woman's hand?

The coquettish woman stood up again and pointed to Li Zedao sternly and said: "Do you think you are great now that there are more people? dare to move us, I tell you, Xu brother has more younger brothers, and you will definitely find Xu when you look back. Come, I advise you..."

Li Zedao looked at Brother Xu with sympathy: "Are your eyes too short-sighted without glasses? You have such a stupid thing."

"Hey, you..."

"Pop!" The woman just wanted to say something, Brother Xu turned around and slapped her face fiercely, and directly slapped back what she was about to say next.

Then, he turned his head, looked at Li Zedao, took a deep breath and said, "Shao Li, you..."

Li Zedao didn't look at him, and then looked at Brother Haobei's confession: "That woman, I want her to have both hands. As for this so-called Brother Xu, also break both of his hands... Oh, yes. , And knocked out their teeth, their mouths are too stinky."

Li Zedao didn't plan to do it himself and beat this kind of guy with no sense of accomplishment at all.

The woman covered her face, her expression changed drastically, and her body trembled violently. As for Brother Xu, her face was already violent.

He squirmed his throat and said, "Indeed, you have a lot of people now, and you have the upper hand, but... I advise you not to overdo it. Xu Dongqing is not easy to provoke. I'm really dead, Brother Hao Bei Your entertainment venues have to be closed at least half..."

Li Zedao turned around and asked one of Haobei's men for the swing stick he was holding, then looked back at Brother Xu and said, "Are you trying to say that there is someone behind you?"

Originally, he really didn't want to hit someone himself, but the other party is so cheap and shameless, you are really sorry for not hitting him.

"My cousin is a representative of the National People's Congress. He also knows a lot of people with faces in Phoenix..." When he mentioned his cousin, Brother Xu felt a little bit more confident, and he was also secretly wary of the opponent's hand. Suddenly the stick threw it over his head.

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