The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1336: I am a doctor

After more than an hour, Bei Cai appeared in front of Li Zedao again. Of course, with a cold face, he didn't even look at Li Zedao, and occasionally glanced "accidentally", and it was no different from seeing a dead person.

Li Zedao leaned forward, looking at her with a smile, pointing to a large rock next to the fire on which there was a small area covered with his torn coat, and said, "Climb down and take off your pants."

Bei stared at Li Zedao with wide eyes, his long legs were already lifted, and he was about to give this guy a kick.

"Didn't you say that I can change the medicine for you." Li Zedao shook the herbal medicine in his hand, looking like he hated iron and steel. "Why are your minds so innocent? What are you thinking about? You think of me as Who is it? Am I the kind of person you think? I just want to change the medicine for your wound."

"...No need." Bei Leng said coldly.

"Hey!" Li Zedao sighed, "Why do you people always wear colored glasses to see people? Doctors are genderless. How many male doctors work in gynecology? When you fainted, I took off your pants. When I helped you take out the rock in your butt, I took one more look?"

Of course, he did not take another look, he looked at it several times.

Bei's face turned dark, his eyes filled with murderousness, and then coldly mocked: "Are you a doctor?"

"This...Of course, doctors are not my main profession, but at my current level, I am at least much better than the so-called Chinese medicine in those big hospitals." Li Zedao said, "Forget it, do it with you. If I insist on it, It seems that I really have some purpose. I just can’t bear to see you with wounds, and want your wounds to heal quickly. After all, it’s a car and an airplane again. At least I have to toss it back today. Yanjing, you can't stand or lie on your stomach all the way, right? Forget it, when I didn't say it."

Li Zedao looked indifferent, saying that it was you and not me that hurt the **** anyway, and then he would throw away the herbs in his hands.

"Wait." Bei gritted his teeth lightly and shouted.

"How?" Li Zedao asked.

Bei did not respond, but lay down on the rock. Of course, her lower body was pressed on the jacket Li Zedao had laid there. Such a move made her feel embarrassed, but it seemed...a bit inexplicable stimulation.

Then it was very difficult to say: "Stun me."

Li Zedao helplessly: "Just a few minutes, don't you need it? Besides...I haven't seen it before."

"You..." Bei raised his head, staring at Li Zedao angrily, as if he wanted to kick someone.

"Uh...I mean I haven't seen the ass." Li Zedao quickly explained, "I have a lot of women, you know, so I really face you as a doctor."

Bei thought for a while, yes, there are several beautiful wives hidden in his golden house, so maybe he really has no other purpose. After all, he already has so many beautiful women in the country, how could he still be against the outside Interested in other women? So I really just want to heal my wounds... This person has the problem of being nosy, right?

Suddenly I feel that this kind of thinking is demeaning myself, how could I be worse than his women? So Bei gave Li Zedao a fierce look, and Yinya gritted his teeth and said, "If you dare to take a look or... have extra moves, I will kill you!"

Then closed her eyes tightly, but the corners of her eyes were trembling gently, and the long **** eyelashes were also trembling gently. It is conceivable that her heart is not what she looks like on the surface. Calm, but fluctuated greatly.

After waiting for a long time with his eyes closed, Li Zedao didn't have any extra actions, so Bei was a little impatient. He opened his eyes and looked at Li Zedao who was still standing there and said angrily: "Don't you want to change the medicine?"

Li Zedao pointed to the leather pants she was wearing and said helplessly: "When you are sober, do you think I have the courage to help you take off your pants? You still can't be beaten to death by you? So, take it off by yourself. medicine."

His pounding medicine is to put the herbal leaves into his mouth and chew.

Bei looked at him like a dead person, then gritted his teeth again, as if he had made a lot of determination. Yes, gently took off his leather pants and underwear... this woman Not indifferent or violent at all, how gentle she is to herself.

Then, her full, round and elastic buttocks appeared again in front of Li Zedao. Of course, the simple bandaged wound looked so shocking.

Li Zedao watched secretly making a swallowing motion, then swallowed the concoction of the medicine chewed in his mouth very crisply, and almost vomited it out without restraint.

Contacting Bei's murderous eyes, Li Zedao hurriedly pointed to his mouth, saying that he had to chew twice. The murderous look in Bei's eyes was pervasive but helpless, he couldn't put on his pants and then take the initiative to take it off again. ? You know, the act of just taking off her pants has exhausted most of her courage.

"Hurry up!" she shouted coldly, and then closed her eyes tightly.

Li Zedao knew that if he was a little bit upset, this woman would definitely think that she deliberately ate her tofu... Are you kidding me? Not! Well, Li Zedao is actually afraid that this woman's patience will be gone, and he will be dead by then!

At that moment, he hurried to the front, stretched his hand over, gently opened the simple dressing, and then carefully cleaned out most of the medicine **** that had been smeared on it.

I don't know if it is the pain or the embarrassment or the reasons for these emotions. Her body is trembling, and then the hips naturally follow.

"It's a sin, don't tremble like this? I'm a very normal man, OK? In addition... this kind of medicine is not good to drink." Li Zedao was very helpless, after a while, he couldn't help swallowing. Several times... medicine.

Fortunately, Li Zedao's resistance was extremely strong. He carefully, gently and quickly cleaned up the medicine residue from the wound, and then swallowed the mouthful of medicine in his mouth on the palm of his hand, pinched it slightly, and then gently applied it to the wound.

Bei's buttocks trembled violently, and then the legs that had been closed involuntarily separated slightly.

"Gudong!" This time Li Zedao simply swallowed the medicine remaining in his mouth.

She immediately bandaged her wound carefully, said it's okay, and then turned around to wash her hands. The effort of washing her hands really took a few breaths. Damn, this is really exciting.

After washing his hands, he got up and turned back. Bei had already got up from the rock and had already put on her leather pants.

"You are not allowed to talk about this matter to anyone." Bei said coldly, without looking at Li Zedao's eyes when he spoke.

Although she tried very hard to convince herself that he was a doctor, and that she was a patient, that was just treatment, but the point was that she was indeed a patient, but this guy... didn't look like a doctor, so she felt very wrong in her heart.

Last time I was dizzy and I didn't know if I didn't feel it. This time, I clearly felt his hot eyes and heard his saliva swallowing, which made her feel awkward but... proud? Bei wanted to deny that she had this kind of emotion, but that kind of emotion was very clear, which made her angry and embarrassed.

"What's the matter?" Li Zedao asked blankly.

"I was injured there." Li Zedao's eyes looked indistinguishable from the dead.

"Ah, are you hurt?"

Bei stared at Li Zedao for a long time, then nodded and said, "I am not injured."

Li Ze thought, you just forced me, I can't admit it.

What can I do if you threaten me to live in my villa with this? There is really no room this time.

Two hours later, the sky was already white. At this time, Li Zedao and the dense forest that they had passed through before they arrived at Wolf Village had basically subsided, but from a distance, you could see that the trees were washed down. Even if there are bears in this dense forest, they might drown. After all, bears can swim, but they are not good swimmers. They don’t swim long. Besides, the power of the water is real. It's too big.

"You can leave." Bei said, looking at Li Ze. Inexplicably, there was a trace of unspeakable reluctance. She was pretty sure that she actually didn't like this ghost place very much, so the real reason was...she simply cut off her own thoughts.

Li Zedao stretched and said, "It's great, I can finally go."

He said it was great... Bei wanted to hit someone.

The two cleaned up, and when they were about to leave this ghost place, the voice that seemed a little breathless already came over: "Li Zedao... Li Zedao... You haven't left yet, that's great."

Li Zedao looked back, but saw that he was running down the mountain and waved to himself.

As Bei said, after being bitten by your spider, the upper body did become uncoordinated and stiff. Now the downward posture is like a robot moving, and the speed is naturally reduced. No wonder, this One of the masters was out of breath at this time, with sweat on his face.

"What's the matter?" Li Zedao smiled and said when he came to the front, "I don't want to send me some souvenirs or something before I leave, right?"

Shang smiled and said, "There is nothing unusual about the local specialties here. They are nothing but wolf skin and bear paws. Every household has some of them. If you want, you can bring some back."

Li Zedao sighed: "It's all local tyrants, then prepare a car for me to take back."

It sounded like bandits entered the village to rob, so Shang changed the subject decisively: "I have killed those two people."

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