The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1337: General Wolf

"Just to tell me about this?" Li Zedao smiled. Not only is this guy not stupid, but his mind is extremely meticulous and terrifying. How could he leave the lives of the Rothschilds? So Li Zedao knew very clearly that even if he didn't mention it, he would kill them.

"This matter... This is an incidental mention." Shang said with a smile.

Li Zedao was a little puzzled: "That..."

"My grandfather is the patriarch of this small village, and his old man wants to see you." Shang said.

"Uh..." Li Zedao was even more puzzled, "Your grandfather wants to see me? I met your grandfather before? Or you have sisters and sisters who can't get married, and then you mentioned me to your grandfather. Your grandfather was moved when he was a handsome guy, and planned to marry them to me?"

"..." Beijian, who was standing behind Li Zedao, began to be habitually shameless again, and almost passed by. If you don't kick him for such a cheap person, you will feel sorry for yourself.

"...I don't have a sister or sister." Shang was helpless and shrugged, "As for why his old man wants to see you, I don't know why, I just mentioned you to him, and then his old man asked me to hurry. Go down the mountain and welcome you up the mountain... I guess I want to thank you, after all, because of you, I and my villagers managed to escape the vortex."

Li Zedao looked wary: "Are you sure you don't have a sister or a younger sister?" This guy is so ugly, his elder sister or younger sister doesn't need to think that they are also pure and natural, so Li Zedao didn't want to provoke him.

"...No." The corners of Shang's mouth twitched hard.

"The wolf skin and bear paws you mentioned were moved into the cave by the villagers?"

"...Yes." The corners of Shang's mouth twitched even harder.

"Let's go." Li Zedao said happily, "You can't keep your grandpa waiting for a long time."

"..." Shang and Bei Qi stared at Li Zedao with that kind of extremely contemptuous eyes.

At the moment Li Zedao followed and walked in front of him while chatting, Bei was not far behind, showing extreme arrogance and indifferent, occasionally she would stop when she encountered small insects that she was interested in, and she was soaked in water from there. I took out a glass bottle and other equipment from the dried backpack to catch the insect, and Li Zedao would obediently stop and wait for her when he followed.

No way, they can't afford to provoke this woman.

I was bitten by a poisonous spider, so my hands and feet are stiff. The body shape of climbing mountains is indeed very like a robot. Of course, compared with this uncoordinated movement, the kind of pain that hits the heart from time to time. It's even more unbearable, but the toughness is there, so his performance is quite relaxed.

After all, he is the kind of man who can continue to perform professionally after his little **** is burned, so this kind of pain is really nothing to him.

Li Zedao didn’t bother to take two shots to help him relieve his pain. He was a stingy man. He didn’t forget that this guy asked him to have a super meal before, which made him deeply understand what is called ice and fire. Ah, so... you just hurt, anyway you can't die.

"As you said before, there are only 20 households in this village?" Li Zedao asked.

"To be precise, it is 21 households. If the population counts me, it is 64 people," Shang said.

"Then why is it called Wolf Village? Because there is a wolf mountain in front? Or because there are often wolves around? Or do you think your ancestors were wolves? If wolves are natural enemies to you, you should not be at the entrance of the village. A wolf's head is carved on a big stone, right?" Li Zedao has become a curious baby.

Shang shook his head and said, "This village is called Wolf Village, not because of Wolf Mountain, nor because there are wolves around, but because of my ancestor, General Wolf."

"General Wolf?" Li Zedao shook his head in a dazed tone. Is there such a general wolf in history?

He glanced up at Li Zedao, there was an indescribable respect between his words, and said: "Presumably you have never heard of this wolf general? But I think you must know Song Taizu, and know the allusion of "being a cup of wine to release military power". Right?"

Li Zedao raised his brows, Zhao Kuangyin again?

"My ancestor, General Wolf, was one of Zhao Kuangyin's supporters. The army he led was called the Wolf Army. In the end, General Wolf followed Zhao Kuangyin to fight in the South and North, and finally established the Song Dynasty."

The above said: “It’s just that what is waiting is not glory and wealth, but Zhao Kuangyin’s suspicion and the framing of his colleagues. Zhao Kuangyin has simply erased all the achievements of General Wolf, and even this person. He wanted to punish him. Afterwards, General Wolf led his tribe and several old men on the escape, experienced many times of chase and interception, and lived a life of displacement. Finally, with the help of a mysterious master wearing a wolf head mask, General Wolf led him. Man found the hidden cave, and finally managed to escape the pursuit of the chasing soldiers."

"The chasing soldiers who pursued them for many days had no results, only when the general wolf and the others had all fallen into the abyss, or when the wolf pack was eaten by the wolf and there was no bones left, so I went back. Go back to life." Shang continued, "After that, General Wolf led his tribe out of the hidden cave and went down the mountain, so there was the current wolf village, and the wolf head regiment on the big rock at the entrance of the village was actually the army's banner. Totem on the top."

"Of course, the reason why it is called Wolf Village is also to express gratitude to the mysterious man wearing a wolf head mask for his life-saving grace." Shang added.

"It turns out." Li Zedao nodded.

"Don't everyone in the village want to go out?" Li Zedao asked again.

He shook his head: "No, there are a few young people in the village who have gone out to wander around. As for the older generation, they never thought about leaving, especially my grandfather. He said he would die and would not leave the wolf village. "

"Then how did you follow Huang Wen?" Li Zedao asked curiously.

Shang smiled and said: "When I was about five years old, my grandfather took me over the mountain to the town, and exchanged some prey for some money to buy some necessities. At that time, I met Huang Wen and he looked at me. , Touched my head and said, my child, I see your bones are amazed. You are a martial arts prodigy, and you will surely become a master in the future..."

"... Then, he took out a copy of "Tathagata Palm" and wanted to sell it to you for ten dollars?" Li Zedao looked speechless, I don't read much, don't lie to me.

He laughed, didn't explain much about this matter, of course Huang Wen did say that when he met him, but it seems that Li Zedao didn't believe it.

I was chattering while walking, so I didn't think it was too slow. Two hours later, I took Li Zedao and walked north through a dense forest without saying a word and finally came to an extremely steep cliff.

"It's here, this is the entrance of the cave just below the cliff." Looking back at Li Zedao and Bei, he said with a breath.

His face was full of sweat, not only because his body was not coordinated at all, he was really tired from walking, but also because the pain caused by the wound was really unbearable, and it was because Li Ze talked too much. There are too many problems... The first time I felt that talking was a tiring thing.

Li Zedao nodded and sighed: "Sure enough, it's secretive enough. Most people can't find this place at all. Even if they find it, they don't dare to move forward. Even if they have the courage to move forward, no one can think that the entrance is there. Under the cliff?"

Shangxiao smiled and nodded: "It's true. Go ahead. I think my grandfather is already waiting at the entrance of the cave." As he said, he slowly approached the edge of the cliff.

"Can you?" Li Zedao asked. After this guy was bitten by the spider, he had walked such a long mountain road. Looking at him now, his physical strength was obviously overdrawn. Don't just fall into the abyss by accident.

"Yes, there is a protruding rock about two meters down, and the entrance of the cave is next to the rock, so it's not too dangerous, it's safe." The time to speak has already come to the edge of the cliff. Then he jumped, his body has fallen.

Li Zedao followed Bei looked, and stretched out his head to take a look, only to see that he was already standing on the protruding stone he said. Seeing that Li Zedao had an urge to swear, safe your sister, I saw that the so-called protruding stone only stretched forward for about half a meter, and then it was a bottomless abyss. If you are timid A little bit, there is no guts to go on at all, and it is the kind that can't go on.

It seems that the villagers in Wolf Village are very courageous, at least they dare to jump down, you know, ordinary people standing in this place may have fainted.

"Come down." He raised his head, grinned at Li Zedao, and then bent down and "disappeared" there.

Standing on it, Li Zedao craned his neck, and could probably see an arched hole more than one meter high and one meter wide. It seems that as long as you climb in through this hole, you can reach another brand new world.

Li Zedao looked back at Bei and said, "You don't have a fear of heights? And your ass..."

"Do you believe me to kill someone?" Bei said coldly, and even raised his foot

Li Zedao chuckled, "I'll go down first." As he said, he jumped on the protruding rock, and then he saw the hole more clearly.

The entrance of the cave is not high, only about one meter. Looking inside, you can vaguely see the steps that should be artificially cut out. At the same time, you can also vaguely hear a slight noise coming from the cave.

"Come down." Li Zedao said toward the north, then bent down and drilled in.

Bei immediately jumped on the rock, and then bent over to follow it.

As soon as I entered, there were steps going down at my feet. The steps I went down became wider, and looking at the traces, it should be half natural and half man-made, which is convenient for walking.

There are not many steps, only about ten steps. Li Zedao can't estimate it, and walked down about three or four meters. After walking this step, I already found myself in a huge cave.

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